npm-team(1) -- Manage organization teams and team memberships ============================================================= ## SYNOPSIS npm team create npm team destroy npm team add npm team rm npm team ls | npm team edit ## DESCRIPTION Used to manage teams in organizations, and change team memberships. Does not handle permissions for packages. Teams must always be fully qualified with the organization/scope they belong to when operating on them, separated by a colon (`:`). That is, if you have a `developers` team on a `foo` organization, you must always refer to that team as `foo:developers` in these commands. * create / destroy: Create a new team, or destroy an existing one. * add / rm: Add a user to an existing team, or remove a user from a team they belong to. * ls: If performed on an organization name, will return a list of existing teams under that organization. If performed on a team, it will instead return a list of all users belonging to that particular team. ## DETAILS `npm team` always operates directly on the current registry, configurable from the command line using `--registry=`. In order to create teams and manage team membership, you must be a *team admin* under the given organization. Listing teams and team memberships may be done by any member of the organizations. Organization creation and management of team admins and *organization* members is done through the website, not the npm CLI. To use teams to manage permissions on packages belonging to your organization, use the `npm access` command to grant or revoke the appropriate permissions. ## SEE ALSO * npm-access(1) * npm-registry(7)