Tests that blackboxed ranges are respected while stepping foo: 8:4 blackboxedBoo: 3:12 notBlackboxedFoo: 3:12 blackboxedFoo: 10:12 notBlackboxedBoo: 17:12 testFunction: 2:4 Try to set positions: [{"lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":0},{"lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":0}] Input positions array is not sorted or contains duplicate values. Try to set positions: [{"lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":1},{"lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":0}] Input positions array is not sorted or contains duplicate values. Try to set positions: [{"lineNumber":0,"columnNumber":-1}] Position missing 'column' or 'column' < 0. action: stepOut notBlackboxedFoo: 4:4 blackboxedFoo: 10:12 notBlackboxedBoo: 17:12 testFunction: 2:4 action: stepOut notBlackboxedBoo: 18:4 testFunction: 2:4 action: stepOut testFunction: 3:4 action: stepInto notBlackboxedBoo: 16:12 testFunction: 3:4 action: stepOver action: stepInto notBlackboxedFoo: 2:12 blackboxedFoo: 10:12 notBlackboxedBoo: 17:12 testFunction: 3:4 action: stepOver action: stepInto foo: 8:4 blackboxedBoo: 3:12 notBlackboxedFoo: 3:12 blackboxedFoo: 10:12 notBlackboxedBoo: 17:12 testFunction: 3:4 action: stepOver action: stepInto foo: 10:0 blackboxedBoo: 3:12 notBlackboxedFoo: 3:12 blackboxedFoo: 10:12 notBlackboxedBoo: 17:12 testFunction: 3:4