/** * @fileoverview Common utils for AST. * @author Gyandeep Singh */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const esutils = require("esutils"); const lodash = require("lodash"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const anyFunctionPattern = /^(?:Function(?:Declaration|Expression)|ArrowFunctionExpression)$/; const anyLoopPattern = /^(?:DoWhile|For|ForIn|ForOf|While)Statement$/; const arrayOrTypedArrayPattern = /Array$/; const arrayMethodPattern = /^(?:every|filter|find|findIndex|forEach|map|some)$/; const bindOrCallOrApplyPattern = /^(?:bind|call|apply)$/; const breakableTypePattern = /^(?:(?:Do)?While|For(?:In|Of)?|Switch)Statement$/; const thisTagPattern = /^[\s*]*@this/m; /** * Checks reference if is non initializer and writable. * @param {Reference} reference - A reference to check. * @param {int} index - The index of the reference in the references. * @param {Reference[]} references - The array that the reference belongs to. * @returns {boolean} Success/Failure * @private */ function isModifyingReference(reference, index, references) { const identifier = reference.identifier; /* * Destructuring assignments can have multiple default value, so * possibly there are multiple writeable references for the same * identifier. */ const modifyingDifferentIdentifier = index === 0 || references[index - 1].identifier !== identifier; return (identifier && reference.init === false && reference.isWrite() && modifyingDifferentIdentifier ); } /** * Checks whether the given string starts with uppercase or not. * * @param {string} s - The string to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the string starts with uppercase. */ function startsWithUpperCase(s) { return s[0] !== s[0].toLocaleLowerCase(); } /** * Checks whether or not a node is a constructor. * @param {ASTNode} node - A function node to check. * @returns {boolean} Wehether or not a node is a constructor. */ function isES5Constructor(node) { return (node.id && startsWithUpperCase(node.id.name)); } /** * Finds a function node from ancestors of a node. * @param {ASTNode} node - A start node to find. * @returns {Node|null} A found function node. */ function getUpperFunction(node) { while (node) { if (anyFunctionPattern.test(node.type)) { return node; } node = node.parent; } return null; } /** * Checks whether a given node is a function node or not. * The following types are function nodes: * * - ArrowFunctionExpression * - FunctionDeclaration * - FunctionExpression * * @param {ASTNode|null} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is a function node. */ function isFunction(node) { return Boolean(node && anyFunctionPattern.test(node.type)); } /** * Checks whether a given node is a loop node or not. * The following types are loop nodes: * * - DoWhileStatement * - ForInStatement * - ForOfStatement * - ForStatement * - WhileStatement * * @param {ASTNode|null} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is a loop node. */ function isLoop(node) { return Boolean(node && anyLoopPattern.test(node.type)); } /** * Checks whether the given node is in a loop or not. * * @param {ASTNode} node - The node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is in a loop. */ function isInLoop(node) { while (node && !isFunction(node)) { if (isLoop(node)) { return true; } node = node.parent; } return false; } /** * Checks whether or not a node is `null` or `undefined`. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the node is a `null` or `undefined`. * @public */ function isNullOrUndefined(node) { return ( (node.type === "Literal" && node.value === null) || (node.type === "Identifier" && node.name === "undefined") || (node.type === "UnaryExpression" && node.operator === "void") ); } /** * Checks whether or not a node is callee. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the node is callee. */ function isCallee(node) { return node.parent.type === "CallExpression" && node.parent.callee === node; } /** * Checks whether or not a node is `Reclect.apply`. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the node is a `Reclect.apply`. */ function isReflectApply(node) { return ( node.type === "MemberExpression" && node.object.type === "Identifier" && node.object.name === "Reflect" && node.property.type === "Identifier" && node.property.name === "apply" && node.computed === false ); } /** * Checks whether or not a node is `Array.from`. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the node is a `Array.from`. */ function isArrayFromMethod(node) { return ( node.type === "MemberExpression" && node.object.type === "Identifier" && arrayOrTypedArrayPattern.test(node.object.name) && node.property.type === "Identifier" && node.property.name === "from" && node.computed === false ); } /** * Checks whether or not a node is a method which has `thisArg`. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the node is a method which has `thisArg`. */ function isMethodWhichHasThisArg(node) { while (node) { if (node.type === "Identifier") { return arrayMethodPattern.test(node.name); } if (node.type === "MemberExpression" && !node.computed) { node = node.property; continue; } break; } return false; } /** * Checks whether or not a node has a `@this` tag in its comments. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode - A SourceCode instance to get comments. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the node has a `@this` tag in its comments. */ function hasJSDocThisTag(node, sourceCode) { const jsdocComment = sourceCode.getJSDocComment(node); if (jsdocComment && thisTagPattern.test(jsdocComment.value)) { return true; } // Checks `@this` in its leading comments for callbacks, // because callbacks don't have its JSDoc comment. // e.g. // sinon.test(/* @this sinon.Sandbox */function() { this.spy(); }); return sourceCode.getComments(node).leading.some(comment => thisTagPattern.test(comment.value)); } /** * Determines if a node is surrounded by parentheses. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint source code object * @param {ASTNode} node The node to be checked. * @returns {boolean} True if the node is parenthesised. * @private */ function isParenthesised(sourceCode, node) { const previousToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node), nextToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node); return Boolean(previousToken && nextToken) && previousToken.value === "(" && previousToken.range[1] <= node.range[0] && nextToken.value === ")" && nextToken.range[0] >= node.range[1]; } /** * Gets the `=>` token of the given arrow function node. * * @param {ASTNode} node - The arrow function node to get. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode - The source code object to get tokens. * @returns {Token} `=>` token. */ function getArrowToken(node, sourceCode) { let token = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.body); while (token.value !== "=>") { token = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(token); } return token; } /** * Gets the `(` token of the given function node. * * @param {ASTNode} node - The function node to get. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode - The source code object to get tokens. * @returns {Token} `(` token. */ function getOpeningParenOfParams(node, sourceCode) { let token = node.id ? sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.id) : sourceCode.getFirstToken(node); while (token.value !== "(") { token = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(token); } return token; } const lineIndexCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Gets the range index for the first character in each of the lines of `sourceCode`. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode A sourceCode object * @returns {number[]} The indices of the first characters in the each of the lines of the code */ function getLineIndices(sourceCode) { if (!lineIndexCache.has(sourceCode)) { const lineIndices = (sourceCode.text.match(/[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]*(\r\n|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029)/g) || []) .reduce((indices, line) => indices.concat(indices[indices.length - 1] + line.length), [0]); // Store the sourceCode object in a WeakMap to avoid iterating over all of the lines every time a sourceCode object is passed in. lineIndexCache.set(sourceCode, lineIndices); } return lineIndexCache.get(sourceCode); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { /** * Determines whether two adjacent tokens are on the same line. * @param {Object} left - The left token object. * @param {Object} right - The right token object. * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the tokens are on the same line. * @public */ isTokenOnSameLine(left, right) { return left.loc.end.line === right.loc.start.line; }, isNullOrUndefined, isCallee, isES5Constructor, getUpperFunction, isFunction, isLoop, isInLoop, isArrayFromMethod, isParenthesised, /** * Checks whether or not a given node is a string literal. * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is a string literal. */ isStringLiteral(node) { return ( (node.type === "Literal" && typeof node.value === "string") || node.type === "TemplateLiteral" ); }, /** * Checks whether a given node is a breakable statement or not. * The node is breakable if the node is one of the following type: * * - DoWhileStatement * - ForInStatement * - ForOfStatement * - ForStatement * - SwitchStatement * - WhileStatement * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is breakable. */ isBreakableStatement(node) { return breakableTypePattern.test(node.type); }, /** * Gets the label if the parent node of a given node is a LabeledStatement. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to get. * @returns {string|null} The label or `null`. */ getLabel(node) { if (node.parent.type === "LabeledStatement") { return node.parent.label.name; } return null; }, /** * Gets references which are non initializer and writable. * @param {Reference[]} references - An array of references. * @returns {Reference[]} An array of only references which are non initializer and writable. * @public */ getModifyingReferences(references) { return references.filter(isModifyingReference); }, /** * Validate that a string passed in is surrounded by the specified character * @param {string} val The text to check. * @param {string} character The character to see if it's surrounded by. * @returns {boolean} True if the text is surrounded by the character, false if not. * @private */ isSurroundedBy(val, character) { return val[0] === character && val[val.length - 1] === character; }, /** * Returns whether the provided node is an ESLint directive comment or not * @param {LineComment|BlockComment} node The node to be checked * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is an ESLint directive comment */ isDirectiveComment(node) { const comment = node.value.trim(); return ( node.type === "Line" && comment.indexOf("eslint-") === 0 || node.type === "Block" && ( comment.indexOf("global ") === 0 || comment.indexOf("eslint ") === 0 || comment.indexOf("eslint-") === 0 ) ); }, /** * Gets the trailing statement of a given node. * * if (code) * consequent; * * When taking this `IfStatement`, returns `consequent;` statement. * * @param {ASTNode} A node to get. * @returns {ASTNode|null} The trailing statement's node. */ getTrailingStatement: esutils.ast.trailingStatement, /** * Finds the variable by a given name in a given scope and its upper scopes. * * @param {escope.Scope} initScope - A scope to start find. * @param {string} name - A variable name to find. * @returns {escope.Variable|null} A found variable or `null`. */ getVariableByName(initScope, name) { let scope = initScope; while (scope) { const variable = scope.set.get(name); if (variable) { return variable; } scope = scope.upper; } return null; }, /** * Checks whether or not a given function node is the default `this` binding. * * First, this checks the node: * * - The function name does not start with uppercase (it's a constructor). * - The function does not have a JSDoc comment that has a @this tag. * * Next, this checks the location of the node. * If the location is below, this judges `this` is valid. * * - The location is not on an object literal. * - The location is not assigned to a variable which starts with an uppercase letter. * - The location is not on an ES2015 class. * - Its `bind`/`call`/`apply` method is not called directly. * - The function is not a callback of array methods (such as `.forEach()`) if `thisArg` is given. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A function node to check. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode - A SourceCode instance to get comments. * @returns {boolean} The function node is the default `this` binding. */ isDefaultThisBinding(node, sourceCode) { if (isES5Constructor(node) || hasJSDocThisTag(node, sourceCode)) { return false; } const isAnonymous = node.id === null; while (node) { const parent = node.parent; switch (parent.type) { /* * Looks up the destination. * e.g., obj.foo = nativeFoo || function foo() { ... }; */ case "LogicalExpression": case "ConditionalExpression": node = parent; break; // If the upper function is IIFE, checks the destination of the return value. // e.g. // obj.foo = (function() { // // setup... // return function foo() { ... }; // })(); case "ReturnStatement": { const func = getUpperFunction(parent); if (func === null || !isCallee(func)) { return true; } node = func.parent; break; } // e.g. // var obj = { foo() { ... } }; // var obj = { foo: function() { ... } }; // class A { constructor() { ... } } // class A { foo() { ... } } // class A { get foo() { ... } } // class A { set foo() { ... } } // class A { static foo() { ... } } case "Property": case "MethodDefinition": return parent.value !== node; // e.g. // obj.foo = function foo() { ... }; // Foo = function() { ... }; // [obj.foo = function foo() { ... }] = a; // [Foo = function() { ... }] = a; case "AssignmentExpression": case "AssignmentPattern": if (parent.right === node) { if (parent.left.type === "MemberExpression") { return false; } if (isAnonymous && parent.left.type === "Identifier" && startsWithUpperCase(parent.left.name) ) { return false; } } return true; // e.g. // var Foo = function() { ... }; case "VariableDeclarator": return !( isAnonymous && parent.init === node && parent.id.type === "Identifier" && startsWithUpperCase(parent.id.name) ); // e.g. // var foo = function foo() { ... }.bind(obj); // (function foo() { ... }).call(obj); // (function foo() { ... }).apply(obj, []); case "MemberExpression": return ( parent.object !== node || parent.property.type !== "Identifier" || !bindOrCallOrApplyPattern.test(parent.property.name) || !isCallee(parent) || parent.parent.arguments.length === 0 || isNullOrUndefined(parent.parent.arguments[0]) ); // e.g. // Reflect.apply(function() {}, obj, []); // Array.from([], function() {}, obj); // list.forEach(function() {}, obj); case "CallExpression": if (isReflectApply(parent.callee)) { return ( parent.arguments.length !== 3 || parent.arguments[0] !== node || isNullOrUndefined(parent.arguments[1]) ); } if (isArrayFromMethod(parent.callee)) { return ( parent.arguments.length !== 3 || parent.arguments[1] !== node || isNullOrUndefined(parent.arguments[2]) ); } if (isMethodWhichHasThisArg(parent.callee)) { return ( parent.arguments.length !== 2 || parent.arguments[0] !== node || isNullOrUndefined(parent.arguments[1]) ); } return true; // Otherwise `this` is default. default: return true; } } /* istanbul ignore next */ return true; }, /** * Get the precedence level based on the node type * @param {ASTNode} node node to evaluate * @returns {int} precedence level * @private */ getPrecedence(node) { switch (node.type) { case "SequenceExpression": return 0; case "AssignmentExpression": case "ArrowFunctionExpression": case "YieldExpression": return 1; case "ConditionalExpression": return 3; case "LogicalExpression": switch (node.operator) { case "||": return 4; case "&&": return 5; // no default } /* falls through */ case "BinaryExpression": switch (node.operator) { case "|": return 6; case "^": return 7; case "&": return 8; case "==": case "!=": case "===": case "!==": return 9; case "<": case "<=": case ">": case ">=": case "in": case "instanceof": return 10; case "<<": case ">>": case ">>>": return 11; case "+": case "-": return 12; case "*": case "/": case "%": return 13; // no default } /* falls through */ case "UnaryExpression": case "AwaitExpression": return 14; case "UpdateExpression": return 15; case "CallExpression": // IIFE is allowed to have parens in any position (#655) if (node.callee.type === "FunctionExpression") { return -1; } return 16; case "NewExpression": return 17; // no default } return 18; }, /** * Checks whether the given node is an empty block node or not. * * @param {ASTNode|null} node - The node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is an empty block. */ isEmptyBlock(node) { return Boolean(node && node.type === "BlockStatement" && node.body.length === 0); }, /** * Checks whether the given node is an empty function node or not. * * @param {ASTNode|null} node - The node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is an empty function. */ isEmptyFunction(node) { return isFunction(node) && module.exports.isEmptyBlock(node.body); }, /** * Gets the property name of a given node. * The node can be a MemberExpression, a Property, or a MethodDefinition. * * If the name is dynamic, this returns `null`. * * For examples: * * a.b // => "b" * a["b"] // => "b" * a['b'] // => "b" * a[`b`] // => "b" * a[100] // => "100" * a[b] // => null * a["a" + "b"] // => null * a[tag`b`] // => null * a[`${b}`] // => null * * let a = {b: 1} // => "b" * let a = {["b"]: 1} // => "b" * let a = {['b']: 1} // => "b" * let a = {[`b`]: 1} // => "b" * let a = {[100]: 1} // => "100" * let a = {[b]: 1} // => null * let a = {["a" + "b"]: 1} // => null * let a = {[tag`b`]: 1} // => null * let a = {[`${b}`]: 1} // => null * * @param {ASTNode} node - The node to get. * @returns {string|null} The property name if static. Otherwise, null. */ getStaticPropertyName(node) { let prop; switch (node && node.type) { case "Property": case "MethodDefinition": prop = node.key; break; case "MemberExpression": prop = node.property; break; // no default } switch (prop && prop.type) { case "Literal": return String(prop.value); case "TemplateLiteral": if (prop.expressions.length === 0 && prop.quasis.length === 1) { return prop.quasis[0].value.cooked; } break; case "Identifier": if (!node.computed) { return prop.name; } break; // no default } return null; }, /** * Get directives from directive prologue of a Program or Function node. * @param {ASTNode} node - The node to check. * @returns {ASTNode[]} The directives found in the directive prologue. */ getDirectivePrologue(node) { const directives = []; // Directive prologues only occur at the top of files or functions. if ( node.type === "Program" || node.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || node.type === "FunctionExpression" || // Do not check arrow functions with implicit return. // `() => "use strict";` returns the string `"use strict"`. (node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && node.body.type === "BlockStatement") ) { const statements = node.type === "Program" ? node.body : node.body.body; for (const statement of statements) { if ( statement.type === "ExpressionStatement" && statement.expression.type === "Literal" ) { directives.push(statement); } else { break; } } } return directives; }, /** * Determines whether this node is a decimal integer literal. If a node is a decimal integer literal, a dot added after the node will be parsed as a decimal point, rather than a property-access dot. * @param {ASTNode} node - The node to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if this node is a decimal integer. * @example * * 5 // true * 5. // false * 5.0 // false * 05 // false * 0x5 // false * 0b101 // false * 0o5 // false * 5e0 // false * '5' // false */ isDecimalInteger(node) { return node.type === "Literal" && typeof node.value === "number" && /^(0|[1-9]\d*)$/.test(node.raw); }, /** * Gets the name and kind of the given function node. * * - `function foo() {}` .................... `function 'foo'` * - `(function foo() {})` .................. `function 'foo'` * - `(function() {})` ...................... `function` * - `function* foo() {}` ................... `generator function 'foo'` * - `(function* foo() {})` ................. `generator function 'foo'` * - `(function*() {})` ..................... `generator function` * - `() => {}` ............................. `arrow function` * - `async () => {}` ....................... `async arrow function` * - `({ foo: function foo() {} })` ......... `method 'foo'` * - `({ foo: function() {} })` ............. `method 'foo'` * - `({ ['foo']: function() {} })` ......... `method 'foo'` * - `({ [foo]: function() {} })` ........... `method` * - `({ foo() {} })` ....................... `method 'foo'` * - `({ foo: function* foo() {} })` ........ `generator method 'foo'` * - `({ foo: function*() {} })` ............ `generator method 'foo'` * - `({ ['foo']: function*() {} })` ........ `generator method 'foo'` * - `({ [foo]: function*() {} })` .......... `generator method` * - `({ *foo() {} })` ...................... `generator method 'foo'` * - `({ foo: async function foo() {} })` ... `async method 'foo'` * - `({ foo: async function() {} })` ....... `async method 'foo'` * - `({ ['foo']: async function() {} })` ... `async method 'foo'` * - `({ [foo]: async function() {} })` ..... `async method` * - `({ async foo() {} })` ................. `async method 'foo'` * - `({ get foo() {} })` ................... `getter 'foo'` * - `({ set foo(a) {} })` .................. `setter 'foo'` * - `class A { constructor() {} }` ......... `constructor` * - `class A { foo() {} }` ................. `method 'foo'` * - `class A { *foo() {} }` ................ `generator method 'foo'` * - `class A { async foo() {} }` ........... `async method 'foo'` * - `class A { ['foo']() {} }` ............. `method 'foo'` * - `class A { *['foo']() {} }` ............ `generator method 'foo'` * - `class A { async ['foo']() {} }` ....... `async method 'foo'` * - `class A { [foo]() {} }` ............... `method` * - `class A { *[foo]() {} }` .............. `generator method` * - `class A { async [foo]() {} }` ......... `async method` * - `class A { get foo() {} }` ............. `getter 'foo'` * - `class A { set foo(a) {} }` ............ `setter 'foo'` * - `class A { static foo() {} }` .......... `static method 'foo'` * - `class A { static *foo() {} }` ......... `static generator method 'foo'` * - `class A { static async foo() {} }` .... `static async method 'foo'` * - `class A { static get foo() {} }` ...... `static getter 'foo'` * - `class A { static set foo(a) {} }` ..... `static setter 'foo'` * * @param {ASTNode} node - The function node to get. * @returns {string} The name and kind of the function node. */ getFunctionNameWithKind(node) { const parent = node.parent; const tokens = []; if (parent.type === "MethodDefinition" && parent.static) { tokens.push("static"); } if (node.async) { tokens.push("async"); } if (node.generator) { tokens.push("generator"); } if (node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression") { tokens.push("arrow", "function"); } else if (parent.type === "Property" || parent.type === "MethodDefinition") { if (parent.kind === "constructor") { return "constructor"; } else if (parent.kind === "get") { tokens.push("getter"); } else if (parent.kind === "set") { tokens.push("setter"); } else { tokens.push("method"); } } else { tokens.push("function"); } if (node.id) { tokens.push(`'${node.id.name}'`); } else { const name = module.exports.getStaticPropertyName(parent); if (name) { tokens.push(`'${name}'`); } } return tokens.join(" "); }, /** * Gets the location of the given function node for reporting. * * - `function foo() {}` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `(function foo() {})` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `(function() {})` * ^^^^^^^^ * - `function* foo() {}` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `(function* foo() {})` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `(function*() {})` * ^^^^^^^^^ * - `() => {}` * ^^ * - `async () => {}` * ^^ * - `({ foo: function foo() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ foo: function() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ ['foo']: function() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ [foo]: function() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ foo() {} })` * ^^^ * - `({ foo: function* foo() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ foo: function*() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ ['foo']: function*() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ [foo]: function*() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ *foo() {} })` * ^^^^ * - `({ foo: async function foo() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ foo: async function() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ ['foo']: async function() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ [foo]: async function() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ async foo() {} })` * ^^^^^^^^^ * - `({ get foo() {} })` * ^^^^^^^ * - `({ set foo(a) {} })` * ^^^^^^^ * - `class A { constructor() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { foo() {} }` * ^^^ * - `class A { *foo() {} }` * ^^^^ * - `class A { async foo() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { ['foo']() {} }` * ^^^^^^^ * - `class A { *['foo']() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { async ['foo']() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { [foo]() {} }` * ^^^^^ * - `class A { *[foo]() {} }` * ^^^^^^ * - `class A { async [foo]() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { get foo() {} }` * ^^^^^^^ * - `class A { set foo(a) {} }` * ^^^^^^^ * - `class A { static foo() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { static *foo() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { static async foo() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { static get foo() {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * - `class A { static set foo(a) {} }` * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * * @param {ASTNode} node - The function node to get. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode - The source code object to get tokens. * @returns {string} The location of the function node for reporting. */ getFunctionHeadLoc(node, sourceCode) { const parent = node.parent; let start = null; let end = null; if (node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression") { const arrowToken = getArrowToken(node, sourceCode); start = arrowToken.loc.start; end = arrowToken.loc.end; } else if (parent.type === "Property" || parent.type === "MethodDefinition") { start = parent.loc.start; end = getOpeningParenOfParams(node, sourceCode).loc.start; } else { start = node.loc.start; end = getOpeningParenOfParams(node, sourceCode).loc.start; } return { start: Object.assign({}, start), end: Object.assign({}, end), }; }, /* * Converts a range index into a (line, column) pair. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode A SourceCode object * @param {number} rangeIndex The range index of a character in a file * @returns {Object} A {line, column} location object with a 0-indexed column */ getLocationFromRangeIndex(sourceCode, rangeIndex) { const lineIndices = getLineIndices(sourceCode); /* * lineIndices is a sorted list of indices of the first character of each line. * To figure out which line rangeIndex is on, determine the last index at which rangeIndex could * be inserted into lineIndices to keep the list sorted. */ const lineNumber = lodash.sortedLastIndex(lineIndices, rangeIndex); return { line: lineNumber, column: rangeIndex - lineIndices[lineNumber - 1] }; }, /** * Converts a (line, column) pair into a range index. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode A SourceCode object * @param {Object} loc A line/column location * @param {number} loc.line The line number of the location (1-indexed) * @param {number} loc.column The column number of the location (0-indexed) * @returns {number} The range index of the location in the file. */ getRangeIndexFromLocation(sourceCode, loc) { return getLineIndices(sourceCode)[loc.line - 1] + loc.column; }, /** * Gets the parenthesized text of a node. This is similar to sourceCode.getText(node), but it also includes any parentheses * surrounding the node. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The source code object * @param {ASTNode} node An expression node * @returns {string} The text representing the node, with all surrounding parentheses included */ getParenthesisedText(sourceCode, node) { let leftToken = sourceCode.getFirstToken(node); let rightToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node); while ( sourceCode.getTokenBefore(leftToken) && sourceCode.getTokenBefore(leftToken).type === "Punctuator" && sourceCode.getTokenBefore(leftToken).value === "(" && sourceCode.getTokenAfter(rightToken) && sourceCode.getTokenAfter(rightToken).type === "Punctuator" && sourceCode.getTokenAfter(rightToken).value === ")" ) { leftToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(leftToken); rightToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(rightToken); } return sourceCode.getText().slice(leftToken.range[0], rightToken.range[1]); } };