// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; let async_completed = 0; let async_expected = 0; const unlink = []; let skipSymlinks = false; const tmpDir = common.tmpDir; common.refreshTmpDir(); let root = '/'; let assertEqualPath = assert.strictEqual; if (common.isWindows) { // something like "C:\\" root = process.cwd().substr(0, 3); assertEqualPath = function(path_left, path_right, message) { assert .strictEqual(path_left.toLowerCase(), path_right.toLowerCase(), message); }; // On Windows, creating symlinks requires admin privileges. // We'll only try to run symlink test if we have enough privileges. try { exec('whoami /priv', function(err, o) { if (err || !o.includes('SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege')) { skipSymlinks = true; } runTest(); }); } catch (er) { // better safe than sorry skipSymlinks = true; process.nextTick(runTest); } } else { process.nextTick(runTest); } function tmp(p) { return path.join(tmpDir, p); } const targetsAbsDir = path.join(tmpDir, 'targets'); const tmpAbsDir = tmpDir; // Set up targetsAbsDir and expected subdirectories fs.mkdirSync(targetsAbsDir); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index')); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'one')); fs.mkdirSync(path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'two')); function asynctest(testBlock, args, callback, assertBlock) { async_expected++; testBlock.apply(testBlock, args.concat(function(err) { let ignoreError = false; if (assertBlock) { try { ignoreError = assertBlock.apply(assertBlock, arguments); } catch (e) { err = e; } } async_completed++; callback(ignoreError ? null : err); })); } // sub-tests: function test_simple_error_callback(cb) { fs.realpath('/this/path/does/not/exist', common.mustCall(function(err, s) { assert(err); assert(!s); cb(); })); } function test_simple_relative_symlink(callback) { console.log('test_simple_relative_symlink'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } const entry = `${tmpDir}/symlink`; const expected = `${tmpDir}/cycles/root.js`; [ [entry, `../${common.tmpDirName}/cycles/root.js`] ].forEach(function(t) { try { fs.unlinkSync(t[0]); } catch (e) {} console.log('fs.symlinkSync(%j, %j, %j)', t[1], t[0], 'file'); fs.symlinkSync(t[1], t[0], 'file'); unlink.push(t[0]); }); const result = fs.realpathSync(entry); assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); }); } function test_simple_absolute_symlink(callback) { console.log('test_simple_absolute_symlink'); // this one should still run, even if skipSymlinks is set, // because it uses a junction. const type = skipSymlinks ? 'junction' : 'dir'; console.log('using type=%s', type); const entry = `${tmpAbsDir}/symlink`; const expected = `${common.fixturesDir}/nested-index/one`; [ [entry, expected] ].forEach(function(t) { try { fs.unlinkSync(t[0]); } catch (e) {} console.error('fs.symlinkSync(%j, %j, %j)', t[1], t[0], type); fs.symlinkSync(t[1], t[0], type); unlink.push(t[0]); }); const result = fs.realpathSync(entry); assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); }); } function test_deep_relative_file_symlink(callback) { console.log('test_deep_relative_file_symlink'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } const expected = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'cycles', 'root.js'); const linkData1 = path .relative(path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'one'), expected); const linkPath1 = path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'one', 'symlink1.js'); try { fs.unlinkSync(linkPath1); } catch (e) {} fs.symlinkSync(linkData1, linkPath1, 'file'); const linkData2 = '../one/symlink1.js'; const entry = path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'two', 'symlink1-b.js'); try { fs.unlinkSync(entry); } catch (e) {} fs.symlinkSync(linkData2, entry, 'file'); unlink.push(linkPath1); unlink.push(entry); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(entry), path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); }); } function test_deep_relative_dir_symlink(callback) { console.log('test_deep_relative_dir_symlink'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } const expected = path.join(common.fixturesDir, 'cycles', 'folder'); const path1b = path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'one'); const linkPath1b = path.join(path1b, 'symlink1-dir'); const linkData1b = path.relative(path1b, expected); try { fs.unlinkSync(linkPath1b); } catch (e) {} fs.symlinkSync(linkData1b, linkPath1b, 'dir'); const linkData2b = '../one/symlink1-dir'; const entry = path.join(targetsAbsDir, 'nested-index', 'two', 'symlink12-dir'); try { fs.unlinkSync(entry); } catch (e) {} fs.symlinkSync(linkData2b, entry, 'dir'); unlink.push(linkPath1b); unlink.push(entry); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(entry), path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); }); } function test_cyclic_link_protection(callback) { console.log('test_cyclic_link_protection'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } const entry = path.join(tmpDir, '/cycles/realpath-3a'); [ [entry, '../cycles/realpath-3b'], [path.join(tmpDir, '/cycles/realpath-3b'), '../cycles/realpath-3c'], [path.join(tmpDir, '/cycles/realpath-3c'), '../cycles/realpath-3a'] ].forEach(function(t) { try { fs.unlinkSync(t[0]); } catch (e) {} fs.symlinkSync(t[1], t[0], 'dir'); unlink.push(t[0]); }); assert.throws(() => { fs.realpathSync(entry); }, common.expectsError({ code: 'ELOOP', type: Error })); asynctest( fs.realpath, [entry], callback, common.mustCall(function(err, result) { assert.strictEqual(err.path, entry); assert.strictEqual(result, undefined); return true; })); } function test_cyclic_link_overprotection(callback) { console.log('test_cyclic_link_overprotection'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } const cycles = `${tmpDir}/cycles`; const expected = fs.realpathSync(cycles); const folder = `${cycles}/folder`; const link = `${folder}/cycles`; let testPath = cycles; testPath += '/folder/cycles'.repeat(10); try { fs.unlinkSync(link); } catch (ex) {} fs.symlinkSync(cycles, link, 'dir'); unlink.push(link); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(testPath), path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [testPath], callback, function(er, res) { assertEqualPath(res, path.resolve(expected)); }); } function test_relative_input_cwd(callback) { console.log('test_relative_input_cwd'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } // we need to calculate the relative path to the tmp dir from cwd const entrydir = process.cwd(); const entry = path.relative(entrydir, path.join(`${tmpDir}/cycles/realpath-3a`)); const expected = `${tmpDir}/cycles/root.js`; [ [entry, '../cycles/realpath-3b'], [`${tmpDir}/cycles/realpath-3b`, '../cycles/realpath-3c'], [`${tmpDir}/cycles/realpath-3c`, 'root.js'] ].forEach(function(t) { const fn = t[0]; console.error('fn=%j', fn); try { fs.unlinkSync(fn); } catch (e) {} const b = path.basename(t[1]); const type = (b === 'root.js' ? 'file' : 'dir'); console.log('fs.symlinkSync(%j, %j, %j)', t[1], fn, type); fs.symlinkSync(t[1], fn, 'file'); unlink.push(fn); }); const origcwd = process.cwd(); process.chdir(entrydir); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(entry), path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { process.chdir(origcwd); assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); return true; }); } function test_deep_symlink_mix(callback) { console.log('test_deep_symlink_mix'); if (common.isWindows) { // This one is a mix of files and directories, and it's quite tricky // to get the file/dir links sorted out correctly. common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } /* /tmp/node-test-realpath-f1 -> $tmpDir/node-test-realpath-d1/foo /tmp/node-test-realpath-d1 -> $tmpDir/node-test-realpath-d2 /tmp/node-test-realpath-d2/foo -> $tmpDir/node-test-realpath-f2 /tmp/node-test-realpath-f2 -> $tmpDir/targets/nested-index/one/realpath-c $tmpDir/targets/nested-index/one/realpath-c -> $tmpDir/targets/nested-index/two/realpath-c $tmpDir/targets/nested-index/two/realpath-c -> $tmpDir/cycles/root.js $tmpDir/targets/cycles/root.js (hard) */ const entry = tmp('node-test-realpath-f1'); try { fs.unlinkSync(tmp('node-test-realpath-d2/foo')); } catch (e) {} try { fs.rmdirSync(tmp('node-test-realpath-d2')); } catch (e) {} fs.mkdirSync(tmp('node-test-realpath-d2'), 0o700); try { [ [entry, `${tmpDir}/node-test-realpath-d1/foo`], [tmp('node-test-realpath-d1'), `${tmpDir}/node-test-realpath-d2`], [tmp('node-test-realpath-d2/foo'), '../node-test-realpath-f2'], [tmp('node-test-realpath-f2'), `${targetsAbsDir}/nested-index/one/realpath-c`], [`${targetsAbsDir}/nested-index/one/realpath-c`, `${targetsAbsDir}/nested-index/two/realpath-c`], [`${targetsAbsDir}/nested-index/two/realpath-c`, `${tmpDir}/cycles/root.js`] ].forEach(function(t) { try { fs.unlinkSync(t[0]); } catch (e) {} fs.symlinkSync(t[1], t[0]); unlink.push(t[0]); }); } finally { unlink.push(tmp('node-test-realpath-d2')); } const expected = `${tmpAbsDir}/cycles/root.js`; assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(entry), path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); return true; }); } function test_non_symlinks(callback) { console.log('test_non_symlinks'); const entrydir = path.dirname(tmpAbsDir); const entry = `${tmpAbsDir.substr(entrydir.length + 1)}/cycles/root.js`; const expected = `${tmpAbsDir}/cycles/root.js`; const origcwd = process.cwd(); process.chdir(entrydir); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(entry), path.resolve(expected)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [entry], callback, function(err, result) { process.chdir(origcwd); assertEqualPath(result, path.resolve(expected)); return true; }); } const upone = path.join(process.cwd(), '..'); function test_escape_cwd(cb) { console.log('test_escape_cwd'); asynctest(fs.realpath, ['..'], cb, function(er, uponeActual) { assertEqualPath( upone, uponeActual, `realpath("..") expected: ${path.resolve(upone)} actual:${uponeActual}`); }); } const uponeActual = fs.realpathSync('..'); assertEqualPath( upone, uponeActual, `realpathSync("..") expected: ${path.resolve(upone)} actual:${uponeActual}`); // going up with .. multiple times // . // `-- a/ // |-- b/ // | `-- e -> .. // `-- d -> .. // realpath(a/b/e/d/a/b/e/d/a) ==> a function test_up_multiple(cb) { console.error('test_up_multiple'); if (skipSymlinks) { common.printSkipMessage('symlink test (no privs)'); return runNextTest(); } function cleanup() { ['a/b', 'a' ].forEach(function(folder) { try { fs.rmdirSync(tmp(folder)); } catch (ex) {} }); } function setup() { cleanup(); } setup(); fs.mkdirSync(tmp('a'), 0o755); fs.mkdirSync(tmp('a/b'), 0o755); fs.symlinkSync('..', tmp('a/d'), 'dir'); unlink.push(tmp('a/d')); fs.symlinkSync('..', tmp('a/b/e'), 'dir'); unlink.push(tmp('a/b/e')); const abedabed = tmp('abedabed'.split('').join('/')); const abedabed_real = tmp(''); const abedabeda = tmp('abedabeda'.split('').join('/')); const abedabeda_real = tmp('a'); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(abedabeda), abedabeda_real); assertEqualPath(fs.realpathSync(abedabed), abedabed_real); fs.realpath(abedabeda, function(er, real) { assert.ifError(er); assertEqualPath(abedabeda_real, real); fs.realpath(abedabed, function(er, real) { assert.ifError(er); assertEqualPath(abedabed_real, real); cb(); cleanup(); }); }); } // absolute symlinks with children. // . // `-- a/ // |-- b/ // | `-- c/ // | `-- x.txt // `-- link -> /tmp/node-test-realpath-abs-kids/a/b/ // realpath(root+'/a/link/c/x.txt') ==> root+'/a/b/c/x.txt' function test_abs_with_kids(cb) { console.log('test_abs_with_kids'); // this one should still run, even if skipSymlinks is set, // because it uses a junction. const type = skipSymlinks ? 'junction' : 'dir'; console.log('using type=%s', type); const root = `${tmpAbsDir}/node-test-realpath-abs-kids`; function cleanup() { ['/a/b/c/x.txt', '/a/link' ].forEach(function(file) { try { fs.unlinkSync(root + file); } catch (ex) {} }); ['/a/b/c', '/a/b', '/a', '' ].forEach(function(folder) { try { fs.rmdirSync(root + folder); } catch (ex) {} }); } function setup() { cleanup(); ['', '/a', '/a/b', '/a/b/c' ].forEach(function(folder) { console.log(`mkdir ${root}${folder}`); fs.mkdirSync(root + folder, 0o700); }); fs.writeFileSync(`${root}/a/b/c/x.txt`, 'foo'); fs.symlinkSync(`${root}/a/b`, `${root}/a/link`, type); } setup(); const linkPath = `${root}/a/link/c/x.txt`; const expectPath = `${root}/a/b/c/x.txt`; const actual = fs.realpathSync(linkPath); // console.log({link:linkPath,expect:expectPath,actual:actual},'sync'); assertEqualPath(actual, path.resolve(expectPath)); asynctest(fs.realpath, [linkPath], cb, function(er, actual) { // console.log({link:linkPath,expect:expectPath,actual:actual},'async'); assertEqualPath(actual, path.resolve(expectPath)); cleanup(); }); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const tests = [ test_simple_error_callback, test_simple_relative_symlink, test_simple_absolute_symlink, test_deep_relative_file_symlink, test_deep_relative_dir_symlink, test_cyclic_link_protection, test_cyclic_link_overprotection, test_relative_input_cwd, test_deep_symlink_mix, test_non_symlinks, test_escape_cwd, test_abs_with_kids, test_up_multiple ]; const numtests = tests.length; let testsRun = 0; function runNextTest(err) { assert.ifError(err); const test = tests.shift(); if (!test) { return console.log(`${numtests} subtests completed OK for fs.realpath`); } testsRun++; test(runNextTest); } assertEqualPath(root, fs.realpathSync('/')); fs.realpath('/', function(err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assertEqualPath(root, result); }); function runTest() { const tmpDirs = ['cycles', 'cycles/folder']; tmpDirs.forEach(function(t) { t = tmp(t); fs.mkdirSync(t, 0o700); }); fs.writeFileSync(tmp('cycles/root.js'), "console.error('roooot!');"); console.error('start tests'); runNextTest(); } process.on('exit', function() { assert.strictEqual(numtests, testsRun); assert.strictEqual(async_completed, async_expected); });