'use strict'; require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const cluster = require('cluster'); if (cluster.isMaster) { assert.strictEqual(process.execArgv.length, 0, 'run test with no args'); function checkExitCode(code, signal) { assert.strictEqual(code, 0); assert.strictEqual(signal, null); } console.log('forked worker should not have --debug-port'); cluster.fork().on('exit', checkExitCode); cluster.setupMaster({ execArgv: ['--debug-port=' + process.debugPort] }); console.log('forked worker should have --debug-port, with offset = 1'); cluster.fork({ portSet: process.debugPort + 1 }).on('exit', checkExitCode); console.log('forked worker should have --debug-port, with offset = 2'); cluster.fork({ portSet: process.debugPort + 2 }).on('exit', checkExitCode); } else { const hasDebugArg = process.execArgv.some(function(arg) { return /debug/.test(arg); }); assert.strictEqual(hasDebugArg, process.env.portSet !== undefined); assert.strictEqual(process.debugPort, +process.env.portSet || 5858); process.exit(); }