'use strict'; // test uncompressing invalid input require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'), zlib = require('zlib'); var nonStringInputs = [1, true, {a: 1}, ['a']]; console.error('Doing the non-strings'); nonStringInputs.forEach(function(input) { // zlib.gunzip should not throw an error when called with bad input. assert.doesNotThrow(function() { zlib.gunzip(input, function(err, buffer) { // zlib.gunzip should pass the error to the callback. assert.ok(err); }); }); }); console.error('Doing the unzips'); // zlib.Unzip classes need to get valid data, or else they'll throw. var unzips = [ zlib.Unzip(), zlib.Gunzip(), zlib.Inflate(), zlib.InflateRaw() ]; var hadError = []; unzips.forEach(function(uz, i) { console.error('Error for ' + uz.constructor.name); uz.on('error', function(er) { console.error('Error event', er); hadError[i] = true; }); uz.on('end', function(er) { throw new Error('end event should not be emitted ' + uz.constructor.name); }); // this will trigger error event uz.write('this is not valid compressed data.'); }); process.on('exit', function() { assert.deepEqual(hadError, [true, true, true, true], 'expect 4 errors'); });