<!doctype html> <html> <head> <style> html { background:#202050; font-family:CentSchbook Mono BT, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, monofont, monospace; } body { background:#ddd; width:600px; border:10px solid #fff; margin:2em auto; padding:2em } h1 { font-size:200px; line-height:1; font-family:"gubblebum-blocky", monospace; color:#f00; text-align:center; padding:0; margin:0 auto; text-indent:-999em; height:202px; width:519px; background:url(npm.png) center; } h2 { color:#202050; font-size:100%; } p, ul, ol { margin:1em 0 0; padding:0 } li { list-style-position:inside } a { color:#f00; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } code { background:#fff ; outline: 1px solid #ccc; padding:0 2px; } @font-face { font-family:monofont; src: url(http://foohack.com/tpl/fonts/Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Mono/VeraMono.ttf) format("truetype"); } @font-face { font-family:monofont; font-style:italic; src: url(http://foohack.com/tpl/fonts/Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Mono/VeraMoIt.ttf) format("truetype"); } @font-face { font-family:monofont; font-weight:bold; src: url(http://foohack.com/tpl/fonts/Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Mono/VeraMoBd.ttf) format("truetype"); } @font-face { font-family:monofont; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; src: url(http://foohack.com/tpl/fonts/Bitstream-Vera-Sans-Mono/VeraMoBI.ttf) format("truetype"); } </style> <title>npm - JavaScript Package Manager</title> </head> <h1>npm</h1> <p>npm is a package manager for <a href="http://nodejs.org/">node</a>. You can use it to install and publish your node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff.</p> <h2>Easy Zero Line Install</h2> <p><a href="http://nodejs.org/#download">Install Node.js</a> <br> (npm comes with it.)</p> <p>Because a one-line install is one too many.</p> <h2>Fancy Install</h2> <ol> <li><a href="https://github.com/npm/npm">Get the code.</a> <li>Do what <a href="https://npmjs.org/doc/README.html">the README</a> says to do. </ol> <p>There's a pretty thorough install script at <a href="https://npmjs.org/install.sh">https://npmjs.org/install.sh</a></p> <p>For maximum security, make sure to thorougly inspect every program that you run on your computer!</p> <h2>Other Cool Stuff</h2> <ul> <li><a href="https://npmjs.org/doc/README.html">README</a> <li><a href="doc/">Help Documentation</a> <li><a href="doc/faq.html">FAQ</a> <li><a href="https://www.npmjs.com/">Search for Packages</a> <li><a href="https://groups.google.com/group/npm-">Mailing List</a> <li><a href="https://github.com/npm/npm/issues">Bugs</a> </ul> </body> </html>