core vgcore.* v8*.log .waf* tags .lock-wscript *.pyc doc/api.xml tmp/ test/tmp*/ iojs iojs_g node node_g *.swp .benchmark_reports /.project /.cproject icu_config.gypi /out # various stuff that VC++ produces/uses Debug/ !**/node_modules/debug/ Release/ !doc/blog/** *.sln !nodemsi.sln *.suo *.vcproj *.vcxproj !custom_actions.vcxproj *.vcxproj.user *.vcxproj.filters UpgradeLog*.XML _UpgradeReport_Files/ ipch/ *.sdf *.opensdf / /config.gypi /config_fips.gypi *-nodegyp* /gyp-mac-tool /dist-osx /npm.wxs /tools/msvs/npm.wixobj /tools/osx-pkg.pmdoc/index.xml /test/addons/doc-*/ deps/v8-* deps/icu deps/icu*.zip deps/icu*.tgz deps/icu-tmp ./node_modules android-toolchain/ .svn/ # generated by gyp on Windows deps/openssl/openssl.props deps/openssl/openssl.targets deps/openssl/openssl.xml # generated by gyp on android /* /* deps/openssl/ deps/zlib/ # not needed and causes issues for distro packagers deps/npm/node_modules/.bin/ # build/release artifacts /*.tar.* /SHASUMS*.txt* # test artifacts tools/faketime icu_config.gypi test.tap # Xcode workspaces and project folders *.xcodeproj *.xcworkspace