'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const doesNotExist = path.join(common.tmpDir, '__this_should_not_exist'); const readOnlyFile = path.join(common.tmpDir, 'read_only_file'); const readWriteFile = path.join(common.tmpDir, 'read_write_file'); const createFileWithPerms = function(file, mode) { fs.writeFileSync(file, ''); fs.chmodSync(file, mode); }; common.refreshTmpDir(); createFileWithPerms(readOnlyFile, 0o444); createFileWithPerms(readWriteFile, 0o666); /* * On non-Windows supported platforms, fs.access(readOnlyFile, W_OK, ...) * always succeeds if node runs as the super user, which is sometimes the * case for tests running on our continuous testing platform agents. * * In this case, this test tries to change its process user id to a * non-superuser user so that the test that checks for write access to a * read-only file can be more meaningful. * * The change of user id is done after creating the fixtures files for the same * reason: the test may be run as the superuser within a directory in which * only the superuser can create files, and thus it may need superuser * priviledges to create them. * * There's not really any point in resetting the process' user id to 0 after * changing it to 'nobody', since in the case that the test runs without * superuser privilege, it is not possible to change its process user id to * superuser. * * It can prevent the test from removing files created before the change of user * id, but that's fine. In this case, it is the responsibility of the * continuous integration platform to take care of that. */ let hasWriteAccessForReadonlyFile = false; if (!common.isWindows && process.getuid() === 0) { hasWriteAccessForReadonlyFile = true; try { process.setuid('nobody'); hasWriteAccessForReadonlyFile = false; } catch (err) { } } assert.strictEqual(typeof fs.F_OK, 'number'); assert.strictEqual(typeof fs.R_OK, 'number'); assert.strictEqual(typeof fs.W_OK, 'number'); assert.strictEqual(typeof fs.X_OK, 'number'); fs.access(__filename, common.mustCall((err) => { assert.ifError(err); })); fs.access(__filename, fs.R_OK, common.mustCall((err) => { assert.ifError(err); })); fs.access(doesNotExist, common.mustCall((err) => { assert.notStrictEqual(err, null, 'error should exist'); assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ENOENT'); assert.strictEqual(err.path, doesNotExist); })); fs.access(readOnlyFile, fs.F_OK | fs.R_OK, common.mustCall((err) => { assert.ifError(err); })); fs.access(readOnlyFile, fs.W_OK, common.mustCall((err) => { if (hasWriteAccessForReadonlyFile) { assert.ifError(err); } else { assert.notStrictEqual(err, null, 'error should exist'); assert.strictEqual(err.path, readOnlyFile); } })); assert.throws(() => { fs.access(100, fs.F_OK, common.mustNotCall()); }, /^TypeError: path must be a string or Buffer$/); assert.throws(() => { fs.access(__filename, fs.F_OK); }, /^TypeError: "callback" argument must be a function$/); assert.throws(() => { fs.access(__filename, fs.F_OK, {}); }, /^TypeError: "callback" argument must be a function$/); assert.doesNotThrow(() => { fs.accessSync(__filename); }); assert.doesNotThrow(() => { const mode = fs.F_OK | fs.R_OK | fs.W_OK; fs.accessSync(readWriteFile, mode); }); assert.throws( () => { fs.accessSync(doesNotExist); }, (err) => { assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ENOENT'); assert.strictEqual(err.path, doesNotExist); assert.strictEqual( err.message, `ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '${doesNotExist}'` ); assert.strictEqual(err.constructor, Error); return true; } );