var tap = require("tap") var fs = require("fs") var path = require("path") var globals = Object.keys(global) var normalize = require("../lib/normalize") var warningMessages = require("../lib/warning_messages.json") var safeFormat = require("../lib/safe_format") var rpjPath = path.resolve(__dirname,"./fixtures/read-package-json.json") tap.test("normalize some package data", function(t) { var packageData = require(rpjPath) var warnings = [] normalize(packageData, function(warning) { warnings.push(warning) }) // there's no readme data in this particular object t.equal( warnings.length, 1, "There's exactly one warning.") fs.readFile(rpjPath, function(err, data) { if(err) throw err // Various changes have been made t.notEqual(packageData, JSON.parse(data), "Output is different from input.") t.end() }) }) tap.test("runs without passing warning function", function(t) { var packageData = require(rpjPath) fs.readFile(rpjPath, function(err, data) { if(err) throw err normalize(JSON.parse(data)) t.ok(true, "If you read this, this means I'm still alive.") t.end() }) }) tap.test("empty object", function(t) { var packageData = {} var expect = { name: '', version: '', readme: 'ERROR: No README data found!', _id: '@' } var warnings = [] function warn(m) { warnings.push(m) } normalize(packageData, warn) t.same(packageData, expect) t.same(warnings, [ warningMessages.missingDescription, warningMessages.missingRepository, warningMessages.missingReadme ]) t.end() }) tap.test("core module name", function(t) { var warnings = [] function warn(m) { warnings.push(m) } var a normalize(a={ name: "http", readme: "read yourself how about", homepage: 123, bugs: "what is this i don't even", repository: "Hello." }, warn) var expect = [ safeFormat(warningMessages.conflictingName, 'http'), warningMessages.nonEmailUrlBugsString, warningMessages.emptyNormalizedBugs, warningMessages.nonUrlHomepage ] t.same(warnings, expect) t.end() }) tap.test("urls required", function(t) { var warnings = [] function warn(w) { warnings.push(w) } normalize({ bugs: { url: "/1", email: "not an email address" } }, warn) var a normalize(a={ readme: "read yourself how about", homepage: 123, bugs: "what is this i don't even", repository: "Hello." }, warn) console.error(a) var expect = [ warningMessages.missingDescription, warningMessages.missingRepository, warningMessages.nonUrlBugsUrlField, warningMessages.nonEmailBugsEmailField, warningMessages.emptyNormalizedBugs, warningMessages.missingReadme, warningMessages.nonEmailUrlBugsString, warningMessages.emptyNormalizedBugs, warningMessages.nonUrlHomepage ] t.same(warnings, expect) t.end() }) tap.test("homepage field must start with a protocol.", function(t) { var warnings = [] function warn(w) { warnings.push(w) } var a normalize(a={ homepage: '' }, warn) console.error(a) var expect = [ warningMessages.missingDescription, warningMessages.missingRepository, warningMessages.missingReadme, warningMessages.missingProtocolHomepage ] t.same(warnings, expect) t.same(a.homepage, '') t.end() }) tap.test("gist bugs url", function(t) { var d = { repository: "" } normalize(d) t.same(d.repository, { type: 'git', url: 'git+ssh://' }) t.same(d.bugs, { url: '' }) t.end(); }); tap.test("singularize repositories", function(t) { var d = {repositories:[""]} normalize(d) t.same(d.repository, { type: 'git', url: 'git+ssh://' }) t.end() }); tap.test("treat visionmedia/express as github repo", function(t) { var d = {repository: {type: "git", url: "visionmedia/express"}} normalize(d) t.same(d.repository, { type: "git", url: "" }) t.end() }); tap.test("treat isaacs/node-graceful-fs as github repo", function(t) { var d = {repository: {type: "git", url: "isaacs/node-graceful-fs"}} normalize(d) t.same(d.repository, { type: "git", url: "" }) t.end() }); tap.test("homepage field will set to github url if repository is a github repo", function(t) { var a normalize(a={ repository: { type: "git", url: "" } }) t.same(a.homepage, '') t.end() }) tap.test("homepage field will set to github gist url if repository is a gist", function(t) { var a normalize(a={ repository: { type: "git", url: "" } }) t.same(a.homepage, '') t.end() }) tap.test("homepage field will set to github gist url if repository is a shorthand reference", function(t) { var a normalize(a={ repository: { type: "git", url: "sindresorhus/chalk" } }) t.same(a.homepage, '') t.end() }) tap.test("don't mangle github shortcuts in dependencies", function(t) { var d = {dependencies: {"node-graceful-fs": "isaacs/node-graceful-fs"}} normalize(d) t.same(d.dependencies, {"node-graceful-fs": "github:isaacs/node-graceful-fs" }) t.end() }); tap.test("deprecation warning for array in dependencies fields", function(t) { var a var warnings = [] function warn(w) { warnings.push(w) } normalize(a={ dependencies: [], devDependencies: [], optionalDependencies: [] }, warn) t.ok(~warnings.indexOf(safeFormat(warningMessages.deprecatedArrayDependencies, 'dependencies')), "deprecation warning") t.ok(~warnings.indexOf(safeFormat(warningMessages.deprecatedArrayDependencies, 'devDependencies')), "deprecation warning") t.ok(~warnings.indexOf(safeFormat(warningMessages.deprecatedArrayDependencies, 'optionalDependencies')), "deprecation warning") t.end() }) tap.test('no new globals', function(t) { t.same(Object.keys(global), globals) t.end() })