#define CARES_STATICLIB #include "ares.h" #include "async-wrap.h" #include "async-wrap-inl.h" #include "env.h" #include "env-inl.h" #include "node.h" #include "req-wrap.h" #include "req-wrap-inl.h" #include "tree.h" #include "util.h" #include "util-inl.h" #include "uv.h" #include #include #include #if defined(__ANDROID__) || \ defined(__MINGW32__) || \ defined(__OpenBSD__) || \ defined(_MSC_VER) # include #else # include #endif #if defined(__OpenBSD__) # define AI_V4MAPPED 0 #endif namespace node { namespace cares_wrap { using v8::Array; using v8::Context; using v8::EscapableHandleScope; using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo; using v8::FunctionTemplate; using v8::HandleScope; using v8::Integer; using v8::Local; using v8::Null; using v8::Object; using v8::String; using v8::Value; inline const char* ToErrorCodeString(int status) { switch (status) { #define V(code) case ARES_##code: return #code; V(EADDRGETNETWORKPARAMS) V(EBADFAMILY) V(EBADFLAGS) V(EBADHINTS) V(EBADNAME) V(EBADQUERY) V(EBADRESP) V(EBADSTR) V(ECANCELLED) V(ECONNREFUSED) V(EDESTRUCTION) V(EFILE) V(EFORMERR) V(ELOADIPHLPAPI) V(ENODATA) V(ENOMEM) V(ENONAME) V(ENOTFOUND) V(ENOTIMP) V(ENOTINITIALIZED) V(EOF) V(EREFUSED) V(ESERVFAIL) V(ETIMEOUT) #undef V } return "UNKNOWN_ARES_ERROR"; } class GetAddrInfoReqWrap : public ReqWrap { public: GetAddrInfoReqWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj); size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } }; GetAddrInfoReqWrap::GetAddrInfoReqWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : ReqWrap(env, req_wrap_obj, AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_GETADDRINFOREQWRAP) { Wrap(req_wrap_obj, this); } static void NewGetAddrInfoReqWrap(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { CHECK(args.IsConstructCall()); } class GetNameInfoReqWrap : public ReqWrap { public: GetNameInfoReqWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj); size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } }; GetNameInfoReqWrap::GetNameInfoReqWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : ReqWrap(env, req_wrap_obj, AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_GETNAMEINFOREQWRAP) { Wrap(req_wrap_obj, this); } static void NewGetNameInfoReqWrap(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { CHECK(args.IsConstructCall()); } static void NewQueryReqWrap(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { CHECK(args.IsConstructCall()); } static int cmp_ares_tasks(const node_ares_task* a, const node_ares_task* b) { if (a->sock < b->sock) return -1; if (a->sock > b->sock) return 1; return 0; } RB_GENERATE_STATIC(node_ares_task_list, node_ares_task, node, cmp_ares_tasks) /* This is called once per second by loop->timer. It is used to constantly */ /* call back into c-ares for possibly processing timeouts. */ static void ares_timeout(uv_timer_t* handle) { Environment* env = Environment::from_cares_timer_handle(handle); CHECK_EQ(false, RB_EMPTY(env->cares_task_list())); ares_process_fd(env->cares_channel(), ARES_SOCKET_BAD, ARES_SOCKET_BAD); } static void ares_poll_cb(uv_poll_t* watcher, int status, int events) { node_ares_task* task = ContainerOf(&node_ares_task::poll_watcher, watcher); Environment* env = task->env; /* Reset the idle timer */ uv_timer_again(env->cares_timer_handle()); if (status < 0) { /* An error happened. Just pretend that the socket is both readable and */ /* writable. */ ares_process_fd(env->cares_channel(), task->sock, task->sock); return; } /* Process DNS responses */ ares_process_fd(env->cares_channel(), events & UV_READABLE ? task->sock : ARES_SOCKET_BAD, events & UV_WRITABLE ? task->sock : ARES_SOCKET_BAD); } static void ares_poll_close_cb(uv_handle_t* watcher) { node_ares_task* task = ContainerOf(&node_ares_task::poll_watcher, reinterpret_cast(watcher)); free(task); } /* Allocates and returns a new node_ares_task */ static node_ares_task* ares_task_create(Environment* env, ares_socket_t sock) { auto task = node::UncheckedMalloc(1); if (task == nullptr) { /* Out of memory. */ return nullptr; } task->env = env; task->sock = sock; if (uv_poll_init_socket(env->event_loop(), &task->poll_watcher, sock) < 0) { /* This should never happen. */ free(task); return nullptr; } return task; } /* Callback from ares when socket operation is started */ static void ares_sockstate_cb(void* data, ares_socket_t sock, int read, int write) { Environment* env = static_cast(data); node_ares_task* task; node_ares_task lookup_task; lookup_task.sock = sock; task = RB_FIND(node_ares_task_list, env->cares_task_list(), &lookup_task); if (read || write) { if (!task) { /* New socket */ /* If this is the first socket then start the timer. */ uv_timer_t* timer_handle = env->cares_timer_handle(); if (!uv_is_active(reinterpret_cast(timer_handle))) { CHECK(RB_EMPTY(env->cares_task_list())); uv_timer_start(timer_handle, ares_timeout, 1000, 1000); } task = ares_task_create(env, sock); if (task == nullptr) { /* This should never happen unless we're out of memory or something */ /* is seriously wrong. The socket won't be polled, but the query will */ /* eventually time out. */ return; } RB_INSERT(node_ares_task_list, env->cares_task_list(), task); } /* This should never fail. If it fails anyway, the query will eventually */ /* time out. */ uv_poll_start(&task->poll_watcher, (read ? UV_READABLE : 0) | (write ? UV_WRITABLE : 0), ares_poll_cb); } else { /* read == 0 and write == 0 this is c-ares's way of notifying us that */ /* the socket is now closed. We must free the data associated with */ /* socket. */ CHECK(task && "When an ares socket is closed we should have a handle for it"); RB_REMOVE(node_ares_task_list, env->cares_task_list(), task); uv_close(reinterpret_cast(&task->poll_watcher), ares_poll_close_cb); if (RB_EMPTY(env->cares_task_list())) { uv_timer_stop(env->cares_timer_handle()); } } } static Local HostentToAddresses(Environment* env, struct hostent* host) { EscapableHandleScope scope(env->isolate()); Local addresses = Array::New(env->isolate()); char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; for (uint32_t i = 0; host->h_addr_list[i] != nullptr; ++i) { uv_inet_ntop(host->h_addrtype, host->h_addr_list[i], ip, sizeof(ip)); Local address = OneByteString(env->isolate(), ip); addresses->Set(i, address); } return scope.Escape(addresses); } static Local HostentToNames(Environment* env, struct hostent* host) { EscapableHandleScope scope(env->isolate()); Local names = Array::New(env->isolate()); for (uint32_t i = 0; host->h_aliases[i] != nullptr; ++i) { Local address = OneByteString(env->isolate(), host->h_aliases[i]); names->Set(i, address); } return scope.Escape(names); } class QueryWrap : public AsyncWrap { public: QueryWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : AsyncWrap(env, req_wrap_obj, AsyncWrap::PROVIDER_QUERYWRAP) { if (env->in_domain()) req_wrap_obj->Set(env->domain_string(), env->domain_array()->Get(0)); } ~QueryWrap() override { CHECK_EQ(false, persistent().IsEmpty()); ClearWrap(object()); persistent().Reset(); } // Subclasses should implement the appropriate Send method. virtual int Send(const char* name) { UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } virtual int Send(const char* name, int family) { UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } protected: void* GetQueryArg() { return static_cast(this); } static void Callback(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, unsigned char* answer_buf, int answer_len) { QueryWrap* wrap = static_cast(arg); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { wrap->ParseError(status); } else { wrap->Parse(answer_buf, answer_len); } delete wrap; } static void Callback(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, struct hostent* host) { QueryWrap* wrap = static_cast(arg); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { wrap->ParseError(status); } else { wrap->Parse(host); } delete wrap; } void CallOnComplete(Local answer, Local extra = Local()) { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); Local argv[] = { Integer::New(env()->isolate(), 0), answer, extra }; const int argc = arraysize(argv) - extra.IsEmpty(); MakeCallback(env()->oncomplete_string(), argc, argv); } void ParseError(int status) { CHECK_NE(status, ARES_SUCCESS); HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); const char* code = ToErrorCodeString(status); Local arg = OneByteString(env()->isolate(), code); MakeCallback(env()->oncomplete_string(), 1, &arg); } // Subclasses should implement the appropriate Parse method. virtual void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) { UNREACHABLE(); } virtual void Parse(struct hostent* host) { UNREACHABLE(); } }; class QueryAWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QueryAWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_a, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); hostent* host; ares_addrttl addrttls[256]; int naddrttls = arraysize(addrttls); int status = ares_parse_a_reply(buf, len, &host, addrttls, &naddrttls); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local addresses = HostentToAddresses(env(), host); Local ttls = Array::New(env()->isolate(), naddrttls); auto context = env()->context(); for (int i = 0; i < naddrttls; i += 1) { auto value = Integer::New(env()->isolate(), addrttls[i].ttl); ttls->Set(context, i, value).FromJust(); } ares_free_hostent(host); CallOnComplete(addresses, ttls); } }; class QueryAaaaWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QueryAaaaWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_aaaa, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); hostent* host; ares_addr6ttl addrttls[256]; int naddrttls = arraysize(addrttls); int status = ares_parse_aaaa_reply(buf, len, &host, addrttls, &naddrttls); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local addresses = HostentToAddresses(env(), host); Local ttls = Array::New(env()->isolate(), naddrttls); auto context = env()->context(); for (int i = 0; i < naddrttls; i += 1) { auto value = Integer::New(env()->isolate(), addrttls[i].ttl); ttls->Set(context, i, value).FromJust(); } ares_free_hostent(host); CallOnComplete(addresses, ttls); } }; class QueryCnameWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QueryCnameWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_cname, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); struct hostent* host; int status = ares_parse_a_reply(buf, len, &host, nullptr, nullptr); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } // A cname lookup always returns a single record but we follow the // common API here. Local result = Array::New(env()->isolate(), 1); result->Set(0, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), host->h_name)); ares_free_hostent(host); this->CallOnComplete(result); } }; class QueryMxWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QueryMxWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_mx, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); struct ares_mx_reply* mx_start; int status = ares_parse_mx_reply(buf, len, &mx_start); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local mx_records = Array::New(env()->isolate()); Local exchange_symbol = env()->exchange_string(); Local priority_symbol = env()->priority_string(); ares_mx_reply* current = mx_start; for (uint32_t i = 0; current != nullptr; ++i, current = current->next) { Local mx_record = Object::New(env()->isolate()); mx_record->Set(exchange_symbol, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->host)); mx_record->Set(priority_symbol, Integer::New(env()->isolate(), current->priority)); mx_records->Set(i, mx_record); } ares_free_data(mx_start); this->CallOnComplete(mx_records); } }; class QueryNsWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QueryNsWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_ns, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); struct hostent* host; int status = ares_parse_ns_reply(buf, len, &host); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local names = HostentToNames(env(), host); ares_free_hostent(host); this->CallOnComplete(names); } }; class QueryTxtWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QueryTxtWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_txt, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); struct ares_txt_ext* txt_out; int status = ares_parse_txt_reply_ext(buf, len, &txt_out); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local txt_records = Array::New(env()->isolate()); Local txt_chunk; struct ares_txt_ext* current = txt_out; uint32_t i = 0; for (uint32_t j = 0; current != nullptr; current = current->next) { Local txt = OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->txt); // New record found - write out the current chunk if (current->record_start) { if (!txt_chunk.IsEmpty()) txt_records->Set(i++, txt_chunk); txt_chunk = Array::New(env()->isolate()); j = 0; } txt_chunk->Set(j++, txt); } // Push last chunk if it isn't empty if (!txt_chunk.IsEmpty()) txt_records->Set(i, txt_chunk); ares_free_data(txt_out); this->CallOnComplete(txt_records); } }; class QuerySrvWrap: public QueryWrap { public: explicit QuerySrvWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_srv, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); struct ares_srv_reply* srv_start; int status = ares_parse_srv_reply(buf, len, &srv_start); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local srv_records = Array::New(env()->isolate()); Local name_symbol = env()->name_string(); Local port_symbol = env()->port_string(); Local priority_symbol = env()->priority_string(); Local weight_symbol = env()->weight_string(); ares_srv_reply* current = srv_start; for (uint32_t i = 0; current != nullptr; ++i, current = current->next) { Local srv_record = Object::New(env()->isolate()); srv_record->Set(name_symbol, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->host)); srv_record->Set(port_symbol, Integer::New(env()->isolate(), current->port)); srv_record->Set(priority_symbol, Integer::New(env()->isolate(), current->priority)); srv_record->Set(weight_symbol, Integer::New(env()->isolate(), current->weight)); srv_records->Set(i, srv_record); } ares_free_data(srv_start); this->CallOnComplete(srv_records); } }; class QueryPtrWrap: public QueryWrap { public: explicit QueryPtrWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_ptr, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); struct hostent* host; int status = ares_parse_ptr_reply(buf, len, NULL, 0, AF_INET, &host); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local aliases = Array::New(env()->isolate()); for (uint32_t i = 0; host->h_aliases[i] != NULL; i++) { aliases->Set(i, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), host->h_aliases[i])); } ares_free_hostent(host); this->CallOnComplete(aliases); } }; class QueryNaptrWrap: public QueryWrap { public: explicit QueryNaptrWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_naptr, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); ares_naptr_reply* naptr_start; int status = ares_parse_naptr_reply(buf, len, &naptr_start); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local naptr_records = Array::New(env()->isolate()); Local flags_symbol = env()->flags_string(); Local service_symbol = env()->service_string(); Local regexp_symbol = env()->regexp_string(); Local replacement_symbol = env()->replacement_string(); Local order_symbol = env()->order_string(); Local preference_symbol = env()->preference_string(); ares_naptr_reply* current = naptr_start; for (uint32_t i = 0; current != nullptr; ++i, current = current->next) { Local naptr_record = Object::New(env()->isolate()); naptr_record->Set(flags_symbol, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->flags)); naptr_record->Set(service_symbol, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->service)); naptr_record->Set(regexp_symbol, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->regexp)); naptr_record->Set(replacement_symbol, OneByteString(env()->isolate(), current->replacement)); naptr_record->Set(order_symbol, Integer::New(env()->isolate(), current->order)); naptr_record->Set(preference_symbol, Integer::New(env()->isolate(), current->preference)); naptr_records->Set(i, naptr_record); } ares_free_data(naptr_start); this->CallOnComplete(naptr_records); } }; class QuerySoaWrap: public QueryWrap { public: QuerySoaWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { ares_query(env()->cares_channel(), name, ns_c_in, ns_t_soa, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(unsigned char* buf, int len) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); ares_soa_reply* soa_out; int status = ares_parse_soa_reply(buf, len, &soa_out); if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) { ParseError(status); return; } Local soa_record = Object::New(env()->isolate()); soa_record->Set(env()->nsname_string(), OneByteString(env()->isolate(), soa_out->nsname)); soa_record->Set(env()->hostmaster_string(), OneByteString(env()->isolate(), soa_out->hostmaster)); soa_record->Set(env()->serial_string(), Integer::New(env()->isolate(), soa_out->serial)); soa_record->Set(env()->refresh_string(), Integer::New(env()->isolate(), soa_out->refresh)); soa_record->Set(env()->retry_string(), Integer::New(env()->isolate(), soa_out->retry)); soa_record->Set(env()->expire_string(), Integer::New(env()->isolate(), soa_out->expire)); soa_record->Set(env()->minttl_string(), Integer::New(env()->isolate(), soa_out->minttl)); ares_free_data(soa_out); this->CallOnComplete(soa_record); } }; class GetHostByAddrWrap: public QueryWrap { public: explicit GetHostByAddrWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name) override { int length, family; char address_buffer[sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET, name, &address_buffer) == 0) { length = sizeof(struct in_addr); family = AF_INET; } else if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET6, name, &address_buffer) == 0) { length = sizeof(struct in6_addr); family = AF_INET6; } else { return UV_EINVAL; // So errnoException() reports a proper error. } ares_gethostbyaddr(env()->cares_channel(), address_buffer, length, family, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } size_t self_size() const override { return sizeof(*this); } protected: void Parse(struct hostent* host) override { HandleScope handle_scope(env()->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env()->context()); this->CallOnComplete(HostentToNames(env(), host)); } }; class GetHostByNameWrap: public QueryWrap { public: explicit GetHostByNameWrap(Environment* env, Local req_wrap_obj) : QueryWrap(env, req_wrap_obj) { } int Send(const char* name, int family) override { ares_gethostbyname(env()->cares_channel(), name, family, Callback, GetQueryArg()); return 0; } protected: void Parse(struct hostent* host) override { HandleScope scope(env()->isolate()); Local addresses = HostentToAddresses(env(), host); Local family = Integer::New(env()->isolate(), host->h_addrtype); this->CallOnComplete(addresses, family); } }; template static void Query(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); CHECK_EQ(false, args.IsConstructCall()); CHECK(args[0]->IsObject()); CHECK(args[1]->IsString()); Local req_wrap_obj = args[0].As(); Local string = args[1].As(); Wrap* wrap = new Wrap(env, req_wrap_obj); node::Utf8Value name(env->isolate(), string); int err = wrap->Send(*name); if (err) delete wrap; args.GetReturnValue().Set(err); } void AfterGetAddrInfo(uv_getaddrinfo_t* req, int status, struct addrinfo* res) { GetAddrInfoReqWrap* req_wrap = static_cast(req->data); Environment* env = req_wrap->env(); HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env->context()); Local argv[] = { Integer::New(env->isolate(), status), Null(env->isolate()) }; if (status == 0) { // Success struct addrinfo *address; int n = 0; // Create the response array. Local results = Array::New(env->isolate()); char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; const char *addr; // Iterate over the IPv4 responses again this time creating javascript // strings for each IP and filling the results array. address = res; while (address) { CHECK_EQ(address->ai_socktype, SOCK_STREAM); // Ignore random ai_family types. if (address->ai_family == AF_INET) { // Juggle pointers addr = reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast( address->ai_addr)->sin_addr)); int err = uv_inet_ntop(address->ai_family, addr, ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); if (err) continue; // Create JavaScript string Local s = OneByteString(env->isolate(), ip); results->Set(n, s); n++; } // Increment address = address->ai_next; } // Iterate over the IPv6 responses putting them in the array. address = res; while (address) { CHECK_EQ(address->ai_socktype, SOCK_STREAM); // Ignore random ai_family types. if (address->ai_family == AF_INET6) { // Juggle pointers addr = reinterpret_cast(&(reinterpret_cast( address->ai_addr)->sin6_addr)); int err = uv_inet_ntop(address->ai_family, addr, ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); if (err) continue; // Create JavaScript string Local s = OneByteString(env->isolate(), ip); results->Set(n, s); n++; } // Increment address = address->ai_next; } // No responses were found to return if (n == 0) { argv[0] = Integer::New(env->isolate(), UV_EAI_NODATA); } argv[1] = results; } uv_freeaddrinfo(res); // Make the callback into JavaScript req_wrap->MakeCallback(env->oncomplete_string(), arraysize(argv), argv); delete req_wrap; } void AfterGetNameInfo(uv_getnameinfo_t* req, int status, const char* hostname, const char* service) { GetNameInfoReqWrap* req_wrap = static_cast(req->data); Environment* env = req_wrap->env(); HandleScope handle_scope(env->isolate()); Context::Scope context_scope(env->context()); Local argv[] = { Integer::New(env->isolate(), status), Null(env->isolate()), Null(env->isolate()) }; if (status == 0) { // Success Local js_hostname = OneByteString(env->isolate(), hostname); Local js_service = OneByteString(env->isolate(), service); argv[1] = js_hostname; argv[2] = js_service; } // Make the callback into JavaScript req_wrap->MakeCallback(env->oncomplete_string(), arraysize(argv), argv); delete req_wrap; } static void IsIP(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { node::Utf8Value ip(args.GetIsolate(), args[0]); char address_buffer[sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; int rc = 0; if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET, *ip, &address_buffer) == 0) rc = 4; else if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET6, *ip, &address_buffer) == 0) rc = 6; args.GetReturnValue().Set(rc); } static void IsIPv4(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { node::Utf8Value ip(args.GetIsolate(), args[0]); char address_buffer[sizeof(struct in_addr)]; if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET, *ip, &address_buffer) == 0) { args.GetReturnValue().Set(true); } else { args.GetReturnValue().Set(false); } } static void IsIPv6(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { node::Utf8Value ip(args.GetIsolate(), args[0]); char address_buffer[sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; if (uv_inet_pton(AF_INET6, *ip, &address_buffer) == 0) { args.GetReturnValue().Set(true); } else { args.GetReturnValue().Set(false); } } static void GetAddrInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); CHECK(args[0]->IsObject()); CHECK(args[1]->IsString()); CHECK(args[2]->IsInt32()); Local req_wrap_obj = args[0].As(); node::Utf8Value hostname(env->isolate(), args[1]); int32_t flags = (args[3]->IsInt32()) ? args[3]->Int32Value() : 0; int family; switch (args[2]->Int32Value()) { case 0: family = AF_UNSPEC; break; case 4: family = AF_INET; break; case 6: family = AF_INET6; break; default: CHECK(0 && "bad address family"); } GetAddrInfoReqWrap* req_wrap = new GetAddrInfoReqWrap(env, req_wrap_obj); struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = family; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = flags; int err = uv_getaddrinfo(env->event_loop(), req_wrap->req(), AfterGetAddrInfo, *hostname, nullptr, &hints); req_wrap->Dispatched(); if (err) delete req_wrap; args.GetReturnValue().Set(err); } static void GetNameInfo(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); CHECK(args[0]->IsObject()); CHECK(args[1]->IsString()); CHECK(args[2]->IsUint32()); Local req_wrap_obj = args[0].As(); node::Utf8Value ip(env->isolate(), args[1]); const unsigned port = args[2]->Uint32Value(); struct sockaddr_storage addr; CHECK(uv_ip4_addr(*ip, port, reinterpret_cast(&addr)) == 0 || uv_ip6_addr(*ip, port, reinterpret_cast(&addr)) == 0); GetNameInfoReqWrap* req_wrap = new GetNameInfoReqWrap(env, req_wrap_obj); int err = uv_getnameinfo(env->event_loop(), req_wrap->req(), AfterGetNameInfo, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, NI_NAMEREQD); req_wrap->Dispatched(); if (err) delete req_wrap; args.GetReturnValue().Set(err); } static void GetServers(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); Local server_array = Array::New(env->isolate()); ares_addr_node* servers; int r = ares_get_servers(env->cares_channel(), &servers); CHECK_EQ(r, ARES_SUCCESS); ares_addr_node* cur = servers; for (uint32_t i = 0; cur != nullptr; ++i, cur = cur->next) { char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; const void* caddr = static_cast(&cur->addr); int err = uv_inet_ntop(cur->family, caddr, ip, sizeof(ip)); CHECK_EQ(err, 0); Local addr = OneByteString(env->isolate(), ip); server_array->Set(i, addr); } ares_free_data(servers); args.GetReturnValue().Set(server_array); } static void SetServers(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); CHECK(args[0]->IsArray()); Local arr = Local::Cast(args[0]); uint32_t len = arr->Length(); if (len == 0) { int rv = ares_set_servers(env->cares_channel(), nullptr); return args.GetReturnValue().Set(rv); } ares_addr_node* servers = new ares_addr_node[len]; ares_addr_node* last = nullptr; int err; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { CHECK(arr->Get(i)->IsArray()); Local elm = Local::Cast(arr->Get(i)); CHECK(elm->Get(0)->Int32Value()); CHECK(elm->Get(1)->IsString()); int fam = elm->Get(0)->Int32Value(); node::Utf8Value ip(env->isolate(), elm->Get(1)); ares_addr_node* cur = &servers[i]; switch (fam) { case 4: cur->family = AF_INET; err = uv_inet_pton(AF_INET, *ip, &cur->addr); break; case 6: cur->family = AF_INET6; err = uv_inet_pton(AF_INET6, *ip, &cur->addr); break; default: CHECK(0 && "Bad address family."); } if (err) break; cur->next = nullptr; if (last != nullptr) last->next = cur; last = cur; } if (err == 0) err = ares_set_servers(env->cares_channel(), &servers[0]); else err = ARES_EBADSTR; delete[] servers; args.GetReturnValue().Set(err); } static void StrError(const FunctionCallbackInfo& args) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args); const char* errmsg = ares_strerror(args[0]->Int32Value()); args.GetReturnValue().Set(OneByteString(env->isolate(), errmsg)); } static void CaresTimerCloseCb(uv_handle_t* handle) { Environment* env = Environment::from_cares_timer_handle( reinterpret_cast(handle)); env->FinishHandleCleanup(handle); } static void CaresTimerClose(Environment* env, uv_handle_t* handle, void* arg) { uv_close(handle, CaresTimerCloseCb); } static void Initialize(Local target, Local unused, Local context) { Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(context); int r = ares_library_init(ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL); if (r != ARES_SUCCESS) return env->ThrowError(ToErrorCodeString(r)); struct ares_options options; memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.flags = ARES_FLAG_NOCHECKRESP; options.sock_state_cb = ares_sockstate_cb; options.sock_state_cb_data = env; /* We do the call to ares_init_option for caller. */ r = ares_init_options(env->cares_channel_ptr(), &options, ARES_OPT_FLAGS | ARES_OPT_SOCK_STATE_CB); if (r != ARES_SUCCESS) { ares_library_cleanup(); return env->ThrowError(ToErrorCodeString(r)); } /* Initialize the timeout timer. The timer won't be started until the */ /* first socket is opened. */ uv_timer_init(env->event_loop(), env->cares_timer_handle()); env->RegisterHandleCleanup( reinterpret_cast(env->cares_timer_handle()), CaresTimerClose, nullptr); env->SetMethod(target, "queryA", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryAaaa", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryCname", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryMx", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryNs", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryTxt", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "querySrv", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryPtr", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "queryNaptr", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "querySoa", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "getHostByAddr", Query); env->SetMethod(target, "getaddrinfo", GetAddrInfo); env->SetMethod(target, "getnameinfo", GetNameInfo); env->SetMethod(target, "isIP", IsIP); env->SetMethod(target, "isIPv4", IsIPv4); env->SetMethod(target, "isIPv6", IsIPv6); env->SetMethod(target, "strerror", StrError); env->SetMethod(target, "getServers", GetServers); env->SetMethod(target, "setServers", SetServers); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "AF_INET"), Integer::New(env->isolate(), AF_INET)); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "AF_INET6"), Integer::New(env->isolate(), AF_INET6)); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "AF_UNSPEC"), Integer::New(env->isolate(), AF_UNSPEC)); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "AI_ADDRCONFIG"), Integer::New(env->isolate(), AI_ADDRCONFIG)); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "AI_V4MAPPED"), Integer::New(env->isolate(), AI_V4MAPPED)); Local aiw = FunctionTemplate::New(env->isolate(), NewGetAddrInfoReqWrap); aiw->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); aiw->SetClassName( FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "GetAddrInfoReqWrap")); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "GetAddrInfoReqWrap"), aiw->GetFunction()); Local niw = FunctionTemplate::New(env->isolate(), NewGetNameInfoReqWrap); niw->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); niw->SetClassName( FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "GetNameInfoReqWrap")); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "GetNameInfoReqWrap"), niw->GetFunction()); Local qrw = FunctionTemplate::New(env->isolate(), NewQueryReqWrap); qrw->InstanceTemplate()->SetInternalFieldCount(1); qrw->SetClassName( FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "QueryReqWrap")); target->Set(FIXED_ONE_BYTE_STRING(env->isolate(), "QueryReqWrap"), qrw->GetFunction()); } } // namespace cares_wrap } // namespace node NODE_MODULE_CONTEXT_AWARE_BUILTIN(cares_wrap, node::cares_wrap::Initialize)