# -*- Autoconf -*- # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.59) AC_INIT([node], [0.3.0-pre], [ryan@joyent.com]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/node.cc]) config_file=config.mak.autogen config_append=config.mak.append config_in=config.mak.in echo "# ${config_append}. Generated by configure." > "${config_append}" #dnl Search for pkg-config #AC_PATH_PROG(PKG_CONFIG, pkg-config) # TODO support options # --efence Build with -lefence for debugging [Default: False] # --without-snapshot Build without snapshotting V8 libraries. You might want to set this for cross-compiling. # [Default: False] # --without-ssl Build without SSL # --shared-v8 Link to a shared V8 DLL instead of static linking # --shared-v8-includes=SHARED_V8_INCLUDES # Directory containing V8 header files # --shared-v8-libpath=SHARED_V8_LIBPATH # A directory to search for the shared V8 DLL # --shared-v8-libname=SHARED_V8_LIBNAME # Alternative lib name to link to (default: 'v8') # --shared-cares Link to a shared C-Ares DLL instead of static linking # --shared-cares-includes=SHARED_CARES_INCLUDES # Directory containing C-Ares header files # --shared-cares-libpath=SHARED_CARES_LIBPATH # A directory to search for the shared C-Ares DLL # --shared-libev Link to a shared libev DLL instead of static linking # --shared-libev-includes=SHARED_LIBEV_INCLUDES # Directory containing libev header files # --shared-libev-libpath=SHARED_LIBEV_LIBPATH # A directory to search for the shared libev DLL AC_CHECK_PROGS(TAR, [gtar tar]) AC_CHECK_TOOLS(AR, [gar ar], :) # TODO: OpenSSL AC_SUBST([HAVE_OPENSSL],[1]) m4_include([deps/libev/libev.m4]) m4_include([deps/libeio/libeio.m4]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([build/deps/libev/config.h:deps/libev/config.h.in]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([build/deps/libeio/config.h:deps/libeio/config.h.in]) AC_CONFIG_FILES(["${config_file}":"${config_in}"]) mkdir -p build/debug/src build/release/src mkdir -p build/debug/deps/libev build/release/deps/libev mkdir -p build/debug/deps/libeio build/release/deps/libeio mkdir -p build/debug/deps/c-ares build/release/deps/c-ares mkdir -p build/debug/deps/http_parser build/release/deps/http_parser mkdir -p build/debug/deps/v8 build/release/deps/v8 mkdir -p build/debug/lib/pkgconfig build/release/lib/pkgconfig ## Output files AC_OUTPUT ## Cleanup rm -f "${config_append}"