#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy, 2007 (ita) # Gustavo Carneiro (gjc), 2007 "Python support" import os, sys import TaskGen, Utils, Utils, Runner, Options, Build from Logs import debug, warn, info from TaskGen import extension, taskgen, before, after, feature from Configure import conf EXT_PY = ['.py'] FRAG_2 = ''' #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void Py_Initialize(void); void Py_Finalize(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif int main() { Py_Initialize(); Py_Finalize(); return 0; } ''' @before('apply_incpaths', 'apply_lib_vars', 'apply_type_vars') @feature('pyext') @before('apply_bundle') def init_pyext(self): self.default_install_path = '${PYTHONDIR}' self.uselib = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'uselib', '')) if not 'PYEXT' in self.uselib: self.uselib.append('PYEXT') self.env['MACBUNDLE'] = True @before('apply_link', 'apply_lib_vars', 'apply_type_vars') @after('apply_bundle') @feature('pyext') def pyext_shlib_ext(self): # override shlib_PATTERN set by the osx module self.env['shlib_PATTERN'] = self.env['pyext_PATTERN'] @before('apply_incpaths', 'apply_lib_vars', 'apply_type_vars') @feature('pyembed') def init_pyembed(self): self.uselib = self.to_list(getattr(self, 'uselib', '')) if not 'PYEMBED' in self.uselib: self.uselib.append('PYEMBED') @extension(EXT_PY) def process_py(self, node): if not (self.bld.is_install and self.install_path): return def inst_py(ctx): install_pyfile(self, node) self.bld.add_post_fun(inst_py) def install_pyfile(self, node): path = self.bld.get_install_path(self.install_path + os.sep + node.name, self.env) self.bld.install_files(self.install_path, [node], self.env, self.chmod, postpone=False) if self.bld.is_install < 0: info("* removing byte compiled python files") for x in 'co': try: os.remove(path + x) except OSError: pass if self.bld.is_install > 0: if self.env['PYC'] or self.env['PYO']: info("* byte compiling %r" % path) if self.env['PYC']: program = (""" import sys, py_compile for pyfile in sys.argv[1:]: py_compile.compile(pyfile, pyfile + 'c') """) argv = [self.env['PYTHON'], '-c', program, path] ret = Utils.pproc.Popen(argv).wait() if ret: raise Utils.WafError('bytecode compilation failed %r' % path) if self.env['PYO']: program = (""" import sys, py_compile for pyfile in sys.argv[1:]: py_compile.compile(pyfile, pyfile + 'o') """) argv = [self.env['PYTHON'], self.env['PYFLAGS_OPT'], '-c', program, path] ret = Utils.pproc.Popen(argv).wait() if ret: raise Utils.WafError('bytecode compilation failed %r' % path) # COMPAT class py_taskgen(TaskGen.task_gen): def __init__(self, *k, **kw): TaskGen.task_gen.__init__(self, *k, **kw) @before('apply_core') @after('vars_target_cprogram', 'vars_target_cstaticlib') @feature('py') def init_py(self): self.default_install_path = '${PYTHONDIR}' def _get_python_variables(python_exe, variables, imports=['import sys']): """Run a python interpreter and print some variables""" program = list(imports) program.append('') for v in variables: program.append("print(repr(%s))" % v) os_env = dict(os.environ) try: del os_env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] # see comments in the OSX tool except KeyError: pass proc = Utils.pproc.Popen([python_exe, "-c", '\n'.join(program)], stdout=Utils.pproc.PIPE, env=os_env) output = proc.communicate()[0].split("\n") # do not touch, python3 if proc.returncode: if Options.options.verbose: warn("Python program to extract python configuration variables failed:\n%s" % '\n'.join(["line %03i: %s" % (lineno+1, line) for lineno, line in enumerate(program)])) raise RuntimeError return_values = [] for s in output: s = s.strip() if not s: continue if s == 'None': return_values.append(None) elif s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'": return_values.append(s[1:-1]) elif s[0].isdigit(): return_values.append(int(s)) else: break return return_values @conf def check_python_headers(conf): """Check for headers and libraries necessary to extend or embed python. On success the environment variables xxx_PYEXT and xxx_PYEMBED are added for uselib PYEXT: for compiling python extensions PYEMBED: for embedding a python interpreter""" if not conf.env['CC_NAME'] and not conf.env['CXX_NAME']: conf.fatal('load a compiler first (gcc, g++, ..)') if not conf.env['PYTHON_VERSION']: conf.check_python_version() env = conf.env python = env['PYTHON'] if not python: conf.fatal('could not find the python executable') ## On Mac OSX we need to use mac bundles for python plugins if Options.platform == 'darwin': conf.check_tool('osx') try: # Get some python configuration variables using distutils v = 'prefix SO SYSLIBS LDFLAGS SHLIBS LIBDIR LIBPL INCLUDEPY Py_ENABLE_SHARED MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'.split() (python_prefix, python_SO, python_SYSLIBS, python_LDFLAGS, python_SHLIBS, python_LIBDIR, python_LIBPL, INCLUDEPY, Py_ENABLE_SHARED, python_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) = \ _get_python_variables(python, ["get_config_var('%s')" % x for x in v], ['from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var']) except RuntimeError: conf.fatal("Python development headers not found (-v for details).") conf.log.write("""Configuration returned from %r: python_prefix = %r python_SO = %r python_SYSLIBS = %r python_LDFLAGS = %r python_SHLIBS = %r python_LIBDIR = %r python_LIBPL = %r INCLUDEPY = %r Py_ENABLE_SHARED = %r MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = %r """ % (python, python_prefix, python_SO, python_SYSLIBS, python_LDFLAGS, python_SHLIBS, python_LIBDIR, python_LIBPL, INCLUDEPY, Py_ENABLE_SHARED, python_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET)) if python_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: conf.env['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = python_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET conf.environ['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = python_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET env['pyext_PATTERN'] = '%s'+python_SO # Check for python libraries for embedding if python_SYSLIBS is not None: for lib in python_SYSLIBS.split(): if lib.startswith('-l'): lib = lib[2:] # strip '-l' env.append_value('LIB_PYEMBED', lib) if python_SHLIBS is not None: for lib in python_SHLIBS.split(): if lib.startswith('-l'): env.append_value('LIB_PYEMBED', lib[2:]) # strip '-l' else: env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_PYEMBED', lib) if Options.platform != 'darwin' and python_LDFLAGS: env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_PYEMBED', python_LDFLAGS.split()) result = False name = 'python' + env['PYTHON_VERSION'] if python_LIBDIR is not None: path = [python_LIBDIR] conf.log.write("\n\n# Trying LIBDIR: %r\n" % path) result = conf.check(lib=name, uselib='PYEMBED', libpath=path) if not result and python_LIBPL is not None: conf.log.write("\n\n# try again with -L$python_LIBPL (some systems don't install the python library in $prefix/lib)\n") path = [python_LIBPL] result = conf.check(lib=name, uselib='PYEMBED', libpath=path) if not result: conf.log.write("\n\n# try again with -L$prefix/libs, and pythonXY name rather than pythonX.Y (win32)\n") path = [os.path.join(python_prefix, "libs")] name = 'python' + env['PYTHON_VERSION'].replace('.', '') result = conf.check(lib=name, uselib='PYEMBED', libpath=path) if result: env['LIBPATH_PYEMBED'] = path env.append_value('LIB_PYEMBED', name) else: conf.log.write("\n\n### LIB NOT FOUND\n") # under certain conditions, python extensions must link to # python libraries, not just python embedding programs. if (sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform.startswith('os2') or sys.platform == 'darwin' or Py_ENABLE_SHARED): env['LIBPATH_PYEXT'] = env['LIBPATH_PYEMBED'] env['LIB_PYEXT'] = env['LIB_PYEMBED'] # We check that pythonX.Y-config exists, and if it exists we # use it to get only the includes, else fall back to distutils. python_config = conf.find_program( 'python%s-config' % ('.'.join(env['PYTHON_VERSION'].split('.')[:2])), var='PYTHON_CONFIG') if not python_config: python_config = conf.find_program( 'python-config-%s' % ('.'.join(env['PYTHON_VERSION'].split('.')[:2])), var='PYTHON_CONFIG') includes = [] if python_config: for incstr in Utils.cmd_output("%s %s --includes" % (python, python_config)).strip().split(): # strip the -I or /I if (incstr.startswith('-I') or incstr.startswith('/I')): incstr = incstr[2:] # append include path, unless already given if incstr not in includes: includes.append(incstr) conf.log.write("Include path for Python extensions " "(found via python-config --includes): %r\n" % (includes,)) env['CPPPATH_PYEXT'] = includes env['CPPPATH_PYEMBED'] = includes else: conf.log.write("Include path for Python extensions " "(found via distutils module): %r\n" % (INCLUDEPY,)) env['CPPPATH_PYEXT'] = [INCLUDEPY] env['CPPPATH_PYEMBED'] = [INCLUDEPY] # Code using the Python API needs to be compiled with -fno-strict-aliasing if env['CC_NAME'] == 'gcc': env.append_value('CCFLAGS_PYEMBED', '-fno-strict-aliasing') env.append_value('CCFLAGS_PYEXT', '-fno-strict-aliasing') if env['CXX_NAME'] == 'gcc': env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_PYEMBED', '-fno-strict-aliasing') env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_PYEXT', '-fno-strict-aliasing') # See if it compiles conf.check(header_name='Python.h', define_name='HAVE_PYTHON_H', uselib='PYEMBED', fragment=FRAG_2, errmsg='Could not find the python development headers', mandatory=1) @conf def check_python_version(conf, minver=None): """ Check if the python interpreter is found matching a given minimum version. minver should be a tuple, eg. to check for python >= 2.4.2 pass (2,4,2) as minver. If successful, PYTHON_VERSION is defined as 'MAJOR.MINOR' (eg. '2.4') of the actual python version found, and PYTHONDIR is defined, pointing to the site-packages directory appropriate for this python version, where modules/packages/extensions should be installed. """ assert minver is None or isinstance(minver, tuple) python = conf.env['PYTHON'] if not python: conf.fatal('could not find the python executable') # Get python version string cmd = [python, "-c", "import sys\nfor x in sys.version_info: print(str(x))"] debug('python: Running python command %r' % cmd) proc = Utils.pproc.Popen(cmd, stdout=Utils.pproc.PIPE) lines = proc.communicate()[0].split() assert len(lines) == 5, "found %i lines, expected 5: %r" % (len(lines), lines) pyver_tuple = (int(lines[0]), int(lines[1]), int(lines[2]), lines[3], int(lines[4])) # compare python version with the minimum required result = (minver is None) or (pyver_tuple >= minver) if result: # define useful environment variables pyver = '.'.join([str(x) for x in pyver_tuple[:2]]) conf.env['PYTHON_VERSION'] = pyver if 'PYTHONDIR' in conf.environ: pydir = conf.environ['PYTHONDIR'] else: if sys.platform == 'win32': (python_LIBDEST, pydir) = \ _get_python_variables(python, ["get_config_var('LIBDEST')", "get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, prefix=%r)" % conf.env['PREFIX']], ['from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var, get_python_lib']) else: python_LIBDEST = None (pydir,) = \ _get_python_variables(python, ["get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, prefix=%r)" % conf.env['PREFIX']], ['from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var, get_python_lib']) if python_LIBDEST is None: if conf.env['LIBDIR']: python_LIBDEST = os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], "python" + pyver) else: python_LIBDEST = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], "lib", "python" + pyver) if hasattr(conf, 'define'): # conf.define is added by the C tool, so may not exist conf.define('PYTHONDIR', pydir) conf.env['PYTHONDIR'] = pydir # Feedback pyver_full = '.'.join(map(str, pyver_tuple[:3])) if minver is None: conf.check_message_custom('Python version', '', pyver_full) else: minver_str = '.'.join(map(str, minver)) conf.check_message('Python version', ">= %s" % minver_str, result, option=pyver_full) if not result: conf.fatal('The python version is too old (%r)' % pyver_full) @conf def check_python_module(conf, module_name): """ Check if the selected python interpreter can import the given python module. """ result = not Utils.pproc.Popen([conf.env['PYTHON'], "-c", "import %s" % module_name], stderr=Utils.pproc.PIPE, stdout=Utils.pproc.PIPE).wait() conf.check_message('Python module', module_name, result) if not result: conf.fatal('Could not find the python module %r' % module_name) def detect(conf): if not conf.env.PYTHON: conf.env.PYTHON = sys.executable python = conf.find_program('python', var='PYTHON') if not python: conf.fatal('Could not find the path of the python executable') v = conf.env v['PYCMD'] = '"import sys, py_compile;py_compile.compile(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])"' v['PYFLAGS'] = '' v['PYFLAGS_OPT'] = '-O' v['PYC'] = getattr(Options.options, 'pyc', 1) v['PYO'] = getattr(Options.options, 'pyo', 1) def set_options(opt): opt.add_option('--nopyc', action='store_false', default=1, help = 'Do not install bytecode compiled .pyc files (configuration) [Default:install]', dest = 'pyc') opt.add_option('--nopyo', action='store_false', default=1, help='Do not install optimised compiled .pyo files (configuration) [Default:install]', dest='pyo')