'use strict'; // Verify that the HTTP server implementation handles multiple instances // of the same header as per RFC2616: joining the handful of fields by ', ' // that support it, and dropping duplicates for other fields. var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var http = require('http'); var srv = http.createServer(function(req, res) { assert.equal(req.headers.accept, 'abc, def, ghijklmnopqrst'); assert.equal(req.headers.host, 'foo'); assert.equal(req.headers['www-authenticate'], 'foo, bar, baz'); assert.equal(req.headers['proxy-authenticate'], 'foo, bar, baz'); assert.equal(req.headers['x-foo'], 'bingo'); assert.equal(req.headers['x-bar'], 'banjo, bango'); assert.equal(req.headers['sec-websocket-protocol'], 'chat, share'); assert.equal(req.headers['sec-websocket-extensions'], 'foo; 1, bar; 2, baz'); res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type' : 'text/plain'}); res.end('EOF'); srv.close(); }); srv.listen(common.PORT, function() { http.get({ host: 'localhost', port: common.PORT, path: '/', headers: [ ['accept', 'abc'], ['accept', 'def'], ['Accept', 'ghijklmnopqrst'], ['host', 'foo'], ['Host', 'bar'], ['hOst', 'baz'], ['www-authenticate', 'foo'], ['WWW-Authenticate', 'bar'], ['WWW-AUTHENTICATE', 'baz'], ['proxy-authenticate','foo'], ['Proxy-Authenticate','bar'], ['PROXY-AUTHENTICATE','baz'], ['x-foo', 'bingo'], ['x-bar', 'banjo'], ['x-bar', 'bango'], ['sec-websocket-protocol', 'chat'], ['sec-websocket-protocol', 'share'], ['sec-websocket-extensions', 'foo; 1'], ['sec-websocket-extensions', 'bar; 2'], ['sec-websocket-extensions', 'baz'] ] }); });