// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --ignition --side-effect-free-debug-evaluate Debug = debug.Debug var exception = null; let a = 1; var object = { property : 2, get getter() { return 3; } }; var string1 = { toString() { return "x"; } }; var string2 = { toString() { print("x"); return "x"; } }; var array = [4, 5]; var error = new Error(); function set_a() { a = 2; } function get_a() { return a; } function listener(event, exec_state, event_data, data) { if (event != Debug.DebugEvent.Break) return; try { function success(expectation, source) { assertEquals(expectation, exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(source).value()); } function fail(source) { assertThrows(() => exec_state.frame(0).evaluate(source), EvalError); } // Simple test. success(3, "1 + 2"); // Dymanic load. success(array, "array"); // Context load. success(1, "a"); // Global and named property load. success(2, "object.property"); // Load via read-only getter. success(3, "object.getter"); // Implicit call to read-only toString. success("xy", "string1 + 'y'"); // Keyed property load. success(5, "array[1]"); // Call to read-only function. success(1, "get_a()"); // Call to read-only function within try-catch. success(1, "try { get_a() } catch (e) {}"); // Call to C++ built-in. success(Math.sin(2), "Math.sin(2)"); // Call to whitelisted get accessors. success(3, "'abc'.length"); success(2, "array.length"); // Test that non-read-only code fails. fail("exception = 1"); // Test that calling a non-read-only function fails. fail("set_a()"); // Test that implicit call to a non-read-only function fails. fail("string2 + 'y'"); // Test that try-catch does not catch the EvalError. fail("try { set_a() } catch (e) {}"); // Test that call to set accessor fails. fail("array.length = 4"); // Test that call to non-whitelisted get accessor fails. fail("error.stack"); } catch (e) { exception = e; print(e, e.stack); }; }; // Add the debug event listener. Debug.setListener(listener); function f() { debugger; }; f(); assertNull(exception); assertEquals(1, a);