'use strict'; // Test that a Linux specific quirk in the handle passing protocol is handled // correctly. See https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/5330 for details. const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const net = require('net'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; if (process.argv[2] === 'worker') worker(); else master(); function master() { // spawn() can only create one IPC channel so we use stdin/stdout as an // ad-hoc command channel. const proc = spawn(process.execPath, [__filename, 'worker'], { stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc'] }); let handle = null; proc.on('exit', () => { handle.close(); }); proc.stdout.on('data', common.mustCall((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data.toString(), 'ok\r\n'); net.createServer(common.mustNotCall()).listen(0, function() { handle = this._handle; proc.send('one'); proc.send('two', handle); proc.send('three'); proc.stdin.write('ok\r\n'); }); })); proc.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); } function worker() { process._channel.readStop(); // Make messages batch up. process.stdout.ref(); process.stdout.write('ok\r\n'); process.stdin.once('data', common.mustCall((data) => { assert.strictEqual(data.toString(), 'ok\r\n'); process._channel.readStart(); })); let n = 0; process.on('message', common.mustCall((msg, handle) => { n += 1; if (n === 1) { assert.strictEqual(msg, 'one'); assert.strictEqual(handle, undefined); } else if (n === 2) { assert.strictEqual(msg, 'two'); assert.ok(handle !== null && typeof handle === 'object'); handle.close(); } else if (n === 3) { assert.strictEqual(msg, 'three'); assert.strictEqual(handle, undefined); process.exit(); } }, 3)); }