var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var silent = +process.env.NODE_BENCH_SILENT; exports.PORT = process.env.PORT || 12346; // If this is the main module, then run the benchmarks if (module === require.main) { var type = process.argv[2]; if (!type) { console.error('usage:\n ./node benchmark/common.js '); process.exit(1); } var fs = require('fs'); var dir = path.join(__dirname, type); var tests = fs.readdirSync(dir); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; runBenchmarks(); function runBenchmarks() { var test = tests.shift(); if (!test) return; if (test.match(/^[\._]/)) return process.nextTick(runBenchmarks); console.error(type + '/' + test); test = path.resolve(dir, test); var child = spawn(process.execPath, [ test ], { stdio: 'inherit' }); child.on('close', function(code) { if (code) process.exit(code); else { console.log(''); runBenchmarks(); } }); } } exports.createBenchmark = function(fn, options) { return new Benchmark(fn, options); }; function Benchmark(fn, options) { this.fn = fn; this.options = options; this.config = parseOpts(options); this._name = require.main.filename.split(/benchmark[\/\\]/).pop(); this._start = [0,0]; this._started = false; var self = this; process.nextTick(function() { self._run(); }); } // benchmark an http server. Benchmark.prototype.http = function(p, args, cb) { var self = this; var wrk = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'tools', 'wrk', 'wrk'); var regexp = /Requests\/sec:[ \t]+([0-9\.]+)/; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var url = '' + exports.PORT + p; args = args.concat(url); var out = ''; var child = spawn(wrk, args); child.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stdout.on('data', function(chunk) { out += chunk; }); child.on('close', function(code) { if (cb) cb(code); if (code) { console.error('wrk failed with ' + code); process.exit(code) } var m = out.match(regexp); var qps = m && +m[1]; if (!qps) { console.error('%j', out); console.error('wrk produced strange output'); process.exit(1); }; }); }; Benchmark.prototype._run = function() { if (this.config) return this.fn(this.config); // one more more options weren't set. // run with all combinations var main = require.main.filename; var settings = []; var queueLen = 1; var options = this.options; var queue = Object.keys(options).reduce(function(set, key) { var vals = options[key]; assert(Array.isArray(vals)); // match each item in the set with each item in the list var newSet = new Array(set.length * vals.length); var j = 0; set.forEach(function(s) { vals.forEach(function(val) { newSet[j++] = s.concat(key + '=' + val); }); }); return newSet; }, [[main]]); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var node = process.execPath; var i = 0; function run() { var argv = queue[i++]; if (!argv) return; var child = spawn(node, argv, { stdio: 'inherit' }); child.on('close', function(code, signal) { if (code) console.error('child process exited with code ' + code); else run(); }); } run(); }; function parseOpts(options) { // verify that there's an option provided for each of the options // if they're not *all* specified, then we return null. var keys = Object.keys(options); var num = keys.length; var conf = {}; for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++) { var m = process.argv[i].match(/^(.+)=(.+)$/); if (!m || !m[1] || !m[2] || !options[m[1]]) return null; else { conf[m[1]] = isFinite(m[2]) ? +m[2] : m[2] num--; } } // still go ahead and set whatever WAS set, if it was. if (num !== 0) { Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(k) { options[k] = [conf[k]]; }); } return num === 0 ? conf : null; }; Benchmark.prototype.start = function() { if (this._started) throw new Error('Called start more than once in a single benchmark'); this._started = true; this._start = process.hrtime(); }; Benchmark.prototype.end = function(operations) { var elapsed = process.hrtime(this._start); if (!this._started) throw new Error('called end without start'); if (typeof operations !== 'number') throw new Error('called end() without specifying operation count'); var time = elapsed[0] + elapsed[1]/1e9; var rate = operations/time;; }; = function(value) { var heading = this.getHeading(); if (!silent) console.log('%s: %s', heading, value.toPrecision(5)); process.exit(0); }; Benchmark.prototype.getHeading = function() { var conf = this.config; return this._name + ' ' + Object.keys(conf).map(function(key) { return key + '=' + conf[key]; }).join(' '); }