.TH "NPM\-CONFIG" "1" "March 2015" "" "" .SH "NAME" \fBnpm-config\fR \- Manage the npm configuration files .SH SYNOPSIS .P .RS 2 .nf npm config set [\-\-global] npm config get npm config delete npm config list npm config edit npm c [set|get|delete|list] npm get npm set [\-\-global] .fi .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .P npm gets its config settings from the command line, environment variables, \fBnpmrc\fR files, and in some cases, the \fBpackage\.json\fR file\. .P See npm help 5 npmrc for more information about the npmrc files\. .P See npm help 7 \fBnpm\-config\fR for a more thorough discussion of the mechanisms involved\. .P The \fBnpm config\fR command can be used to update and edit the contents of the user and global npmrc files\. .SH Sub\-commands .P Config supports the following sub\-commands: .SS set .P .RS 2 .nf npm config set key value .fi .RE .P Sets the config key to the value\. .P If value is omitted, then it sets it to "true"\. .SS get .P .RS 2 .nf npm config get key .fi .RE .P Echo the config value to stdout\. .SS list .P .RS 2 .nf npm config list .fi .RE .P Show all the config settings\. .SS delete .P .RS 2 .nf npm config delete key .fi .RE .P Deletes the key from all configuration files\. .SS edit .P .RS 2 .nf npm config edit .fi .RE .P Opens the config file in an editor\. Use the \fB\-\-global\fR flag to edit the global config\. .SH SEE ALSO .RS 0 .IP \(bu 2 npm help 5 folders .IP \(bu 2 npm help 7 config .IP \(bu 2 npm help 5 package\.json .IP \(bu 2 npm help 5 npmrc .IP \(bu 2 npm help npm .RE