'use strict'; // test-cluster-worker-kill.js // verifies that, when a child process is killed (we use SIGKILL) // - the parent receives the proper events in the proper order, no duplicates // - the exitCode and signalCode are correct in the 'exit' event // - the worker.exitedAfterDisconnect flag, and worker.state are correct // - the worker process actually goes away const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const cluster = require('cluster'); if (cluster.isWorker) { const http = require('http'); const server = http.Server(() => { }); server.once('listening', common.mustCall(() => { })); server.listen(common.PORT, ''); } else if (cluster.isMaster) { const KILL_SIGNAL = 'SIGKILL', expected_results = { cluster_emitDisconnect: [1, "the cluster did not emit 'disconnect'"], cluster_emitExit: [1, "the cluster did not emit 'exit'"], cluster_exitCode: [null, 'the cluster exited w/ incorrect exitCode'], cluster_signalCode: [KILL_SIGNAL, 'the cluster exited w/ incorrect signalCode'], worker_emitDisconnect: [1, "the worker did not emit 'disconnect'"], worker_emitExit: [1, "the worker did not emit 'exit'"], worker_state: ['disconnected', 'the worker state is incorrect'], worker_exitedAfter: [false, 'the .exitedAfterDisconnect flag is incorrect'], worker_died: [true, 'the worker is still running'], worker_exitCode: [null, 'the worker exited w/ incorrect exitCode'], worker_signalCode: [KILL_SIGNAL, 'the worker exited w/ incorrect signalCode'] }, results = { cluster_emitDisconnect: 0, cluster_emitExit: 0, worker_emitDisconnect: 0, worker_emitExit: 0 }; // start worker const worker = cluster.fork(); // when the worker is up and running, kill it worker.once('listening', common.mustCall(() => { worker.process.kill(KILL_SIGNAL); })); // Check cluster events cluster.on('disconnect', common.mustCall(() => { results.cluster_emitDisconnect += 1; })); cluster.on('exit', common.mustCall((worker) => { results.cluster_exitCode = worker.process.exitCode; results.cluster_signalCode = worker.process.signalCode; results.cluster_emitExit += 1; })); // Check worker events and properties worker.on('disconnect', common.mustCall(() => { results.worker_emitDisconnect += 1; results.worker_exitedAfter = worker.exitedAfterDisconnect; results.worker_state = worker.state; })); // Check that the worker died worker.once('exit', common.mustCall((exitCode, signalCode) => { results.worker_exitCode = exitCode; results.worker_signalCode = signalCode; results.worker_emitExit += 1; results.worker_died = !common.isAlive(worker.process.pid); })); process.on('exit', () => { checkResults(expected_results, results); }); } // some helper functions ... function checkResults(expected_results, results) { for (const k in expected_results) { const actual = results[k]; const expected = expected_results[k]; assert.strictEqual(actual, expected && expected.length ? expected[0] : expected, (expected[1] || '') + ` [expected: ${expected[0]} / actual: ${actual}]`); } }