{ "author": { "name": "Isaac Z. Schlueter", "email": "i@izs.me", "url": "http://blog.izs.me/" }, "name": "npm-registry-client", "description": "Client for the npm registry", "version": "0.0.11", "repository": { "url": "git://github.com/isaacs/npm-registry-client" }, "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "test": "tap test/*.js" }, "dependencies": { "node-uuid": "~1.3.3", "request": "~2.9.202", "graceful-fs": "~1.1.8", "semver": "~1.0.14", "slide": "~1.1.3", "chownr": "0", "mkdirp": "~0.3.3", "rimraf": "~2.0.1", "retry": "0.6.0", "couch-login": "~0.1.6", "npmlog": "" }, "devDependencies": { "tap": "" }, "optionalDependencies": { "npmlog": "" }, "license": "BSD", "readme": "# npm-registry-client\n\nThe code that npm uses to talk to the registry.\n\nIt handles all the caching and HTTP calls.\n\n## Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar RegClient = require('npm-registry-client')\nvar client = new RegClient(options)\n\nclient.get(\"npm\", \"latest\", 1000, function (er, data, raw, res) {\n // error is an error if there was a problem.\n // data is the parsed data object\n // raw is the json string\n // res is the response from couch\n})\n```\n\n# Options\n\n* `registry` **Required** {String} URL to the registry\n* `cache` **Required** {String} Path to the cache folder\n* `alwaysAuth` {Boolean} Auth even for GET requests.\n* `auth` {String} A base64-encoded `username:password`\n* `email` {String} User's email address\n* `tag` {String} The default tag to use when publishing new packages.\n Default = `\"latest\"`\n* `ca` {String} Cerficate signing authority certificates to trust.\n* `strictSSL` {Boolean} Whether or not to be strict with SSL\n certificates. Default = `true`\n* `userAgent` {String} User agent header to send. Default =\n `\"node/{process.version}\"`\n* `log` {Object} The logger to use. Defaults to `require(\"npmlog\")` if\n that works, otherwise logs are disabled.\n* `retries` {Number} Number of times to retry on GET failures.\n Default=2\n* `retryFactor` {Number} `factor` setting for `node-retry`. Default=10\n* `retryMinTimeout` {Number} `minTimeout` setting for `node-retry`.\n Default=10000 (10 seconds)\n* `retryMaxTimeout` {Number} `maxTimeout` setting for `node-retry`.\n Default=60000 (60 seconds)\n\n# client.request(method, where, [what], [etag], [nofollow], cb)\n\n* `method` {String} HTTP method\n* `where` {String} Path to request on the server\n* `what` {Stream | Buffer | String | Object} The request body. Objects\n that are not Buffers or Streams are encoded as JSON.\n* `etag` {String} The cached ETag\n* `nofollow` {Boolean} Prevent following 302/301 responses\n* `cb` {Function}\n * `error` {Error | null}\n * `data` {Object} the parsed data object\n * `raw` {String} the json\n * `res` {Response Object} response from couch\n\nMake a request to the registry. All the other methods are wrappers\naround this. one.\n\n# client.adduser(username, password, email, cb)\n\n* `username` {String}\n* `password` {String}\n* `email` {String}\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nAdd a user account to the registry, or verify the credentials.\n\n# client.get(url, [timeout], [nofollow], [staleOk], cb)\n\n* `url` {String} The url path to fetch\n* `timeout` {Number} Number of seconds old that a cached copy must be\n before a new request will be made.\n* `nofollow` {Boolean} Do not follow 301/302 responses\n* `staleOk` {Boolean} If there's cached data available, then return that\n to the callback quickly, and update the cache the background.\n\nFetches data from the registry via a GET request, saving it in\nthe cache folder with the ETag.\n\n# client.publish(data, tarball, [readme], cb)\n\n* `data` {Object} Package data\n* `tarball` {String | Stream} Filename or stream of the package tarball\n* `readme` {String} Contents of the README markdown file\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nPublish a package to the registry.\n\nNote that this does not create the tarball from a folder. However, it\ncan accept a gzipped tar stream or a filename to a tarball.\n\n# client.star(package, starred, cb)\n\n* `package` {String} Name of the package to star\n* `starred` {Boolean} True to star the package, false to unstar it.\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nStar or unstar a package.\n\nNote that the user does not have to be the package owner to star or\nunstar a package, though other writes do require that the user be the\npackage owner.\n\n# client.tag(project, version, tag, cb)\n\n* `project` {String} Project name\n* `version` {String} Version to tag\n* `tag` {String} Tag name to apply\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nMark a version in the `dist-tags` hash, so that `pkg@tag`\nwill fetch the specified version.\n\n# client.unpublish(name, [ver], cb)\n\n* `name` {String} package name\n* `ver` {String} version to unpublish. Leave blank to unpublish all\n versions.\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nRemove a version of a package (or all versions) from the registry. When\nthe last version us unpublished, the entire document is removed from the\ndatabase.\n\n# client.upload(where, file, [etag], [nofollow], cb)\n\n* `where` {String} URL path to upload to\n* `file` {String | Stream} Either the filename or a readable stream\n* `etag` {String} Cache ETag\n* `nofollow` {Boolean} Do not follow 301/302 responses\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nUpload an attachment. Mostly used by `client.publish()`.\n", "_id": "npm-registry-client@0.0.11", "_from": "npm-registry-client@0" }