var fs = require('graceful-fs') var path = require('path') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var mr = require('npm-registry-mock') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var test = require('tap').test var common = require('../common-tap.js') var testdir = path.join(__dirname, path.basename(__filename, '.js')) var pkg = path.resolve(testdir, 'update-symlink') var cachedir = path.join(testdir, 'cache') var globaldir = path.join(testdir, 'global') var OPTS = { env: { 'npm_config_cache': cachedir, 'npm_config_prefix': globaldir, 'npm_config_registry': common.registry }, cwd: pkg } var jsonLocal = { name: 'my-local-package', description: 'fixture', version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { 'async': '*', 'underscore': '*' } } var server test('setup', function (t) { cleanup() mkdirp.sync(cachedir) mkdirp.sync(pkg) fs.writeFileSync( path.join(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(jsonLocal, null, 2) ) mr({ port: common.port }, thenInstallUnderscore) function thenInstallUnderscore (er, s) { server = s common.npm(['install', '-g', 'underscore@1.3.1'], OPTS, thenLink) } function thenLink (err, c, out) { t.ifError(err, 'global install did not error') common.npm(['link', 'underscore'], OPTS, thenInstallAsync) } function thenInstallAsync (err, c, out) { t.ifError(err, 'link did not error') common.npm(['install', 'async@0.2.9'], OPTS, thenVerify) } function thenVerify (err, c, out) { t.ifError(err, 'local install did not error') common.npm(['ls'], OPTS, function (err, c, out, stderr) { t.ifError(err) t.equal(c, 0) t.equal(stderr, '', 'got expected stderr') t.has(out, /async@0.2.9/, 'installed ok') t.has(out, /underscore@1.3.1/, 'creates local link ok') t.end() }) } }) test('when update is called linked packages should be excluded', function (t) { common.npm(['update', '--parseable'], OPTS, function (err, c, out, stderr) { if (err) throw err t.equal(c, 0) t.has(out, /^update\tasync\t0.2.10\t/m, 'updated ok') t.doesNotHave(stderr, /ERR!/, 'no errors in stderr') t.end() }) }) test('when install is called and the package already exists as a link, outputs a warning if the requested version is not the same as the linked one', function (t) { common.npm(['install', 'underscore', '--parseable'], OPTS, function (err, c, out, stderr) { if (err) throw err t.equal(c, 0) t.comment(out.trim()) t.comment(stderr.trim()) t.has(out, /^update-linked\tunderscore\t/m) t.has(stderr, /underscore/, 'warning output relating to linked package') t.doesNotHave(stderr, /ERR!/, 'no errors in stderr') t.end() }) }) test('when install is called and the package already exists as a link, does not warn if the requested version is same as the linked one', function (t) { common.npm(['install', 'underscore@1.3.1', '--parseable'], OPTS, function (err, c, out, stderr) { if (err) throw err t.equal(c, 0) t.comment(out.trim()) t.comment(stderr.trim()) t.has(out, /^update-linked\tunderscore\t/m) t.doesNotHave(stderr, /underscore/, 'no warning or error relating to linked package') t.doesNotHave(stderr, /ERR!/, 'no errors in stderr') t.end() }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { server.close() common.npm(['rm', 'underscore', 'async'], OPTS, function (err, code) { if (err) throw err t.equal(code, 0, 'cleanup in local ok') common.npm(['rm', '-g', 'underscore'], OPTS, function (err, code) { if (err) throw err t.equal(code, 0, 'cleanup in global ok') cleanup() t.end() }) }) }) function cleanup () { rimraf.sync(testdir) }