// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "test/cctest/interpreter/bytecode-expectations-printer.h" #include #include #include "include/libplatform/libplatform.h" #include "include/v8.h" #include "src/base/logging.h" #include "src/base/smart-pointers.h" #include "src/compiler.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecode-generator.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecodes.h" #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace interpreter { // static const char* const BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::kDefaultTopFunctionName = "__genbckexp_wrapper__"; v8::Local BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::V8StringFromUTF8( const char* data) const { return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate_, data, v8::NewStringType::kNormal) .ToLocalChecked(); } std::string BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::WrapCodeInFunction( const char* function_name, const std::string& function_body) const { std::ostringstream program_stream; program_stream << "function " << function_name << "() {" << function_body << "}\n" << function_name << "();"; return program_stream.str(); } v8::Local BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::Compile( const char* program) const { v8::Local source = V8StringFromUTF8(program); return v8::Script::Compile(isolate_->GetCurrentContext(), source) .ToLocalChecked(); } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::Run(v8::Local script) const { (void)script->Run(isolate_->GetCurrentContext()); } i::Handle BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::GetBytecodeArrayForGlobal( const char* global_name) const { const v8::Local& context = isolate_->GetCurrentContext(); v8::Local v8_global_name = V8StringFromUTF8(global_name); v8::Local function = v8::Local::Cast( context->Global()->Get(context, v8_global_name).ToLocalChecked()); i::Handle js_function = i::Handle::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*function)); i::Handle bytecodes = i::handle(js_function->shared()->bytecode_array(), i_isolate()); return bytecodes; } i::Handle BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::GetBytecodeArrayForScript( v8::Local script) const { i::Handle js_function = v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*script); return i::handle(js_function->shared()->bytecode_array(), i_isolate()); } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintEscapedString( std::ostream& stream, const std::string& string) const { for (char c : string) { switch (c) { case '"': stream << "\\\""; break; case '\\': stream << "\\\\"; break; default: stream << c; break; } } } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintBytecodeOperand( std::ostream& stream, const BytecodeArrayIterator& bytecode_iter, const Bytecode& bytecode, int op_index, int parameter_count) const { OperandType op_type = Bytecodes::GetOperandType(bytecode, op_index); OperandSize op_size = Bytecodes::GetOperandSize(bytecode, op_index); const char* size_tag; switch (op_size) { case OperandSize::kByte: size_tag = "8"; break; case OperandSize::kShort: size_tag = "16"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return; } if (Bytecodes::IsRegisterOperandType(op_type)) { Register register_value = bytecode_iter.GetRegisterOperand(op_index); stream << 'R'; if (op_size != OperandSize::kByte) stream << size_tag; if (register_value.is_new_target()) { stream << "(new_target)"; } else if (register_value.is_current_context()) { stream << "(context)"; } else if (register_value.is_function_closure()) { stream << "(closure)"; } else if (register_value.is_parameter()) { int parameter_index = register_value.ToParameterIndex(parameter_count); if (parameter_index == 0) { stream << "(this)"; } else { stream << "(arg" << (parameter_index - 1) << ')'; } } else { stream << '(' << register_value.index() << ')'; } } else { stream << 'U' << size_tag << '('; if (Bytecodes::IsImmediateOperandType(op_type)) { // We need a cast, otherwise the result is printed as char. stream << static_cast(bytecode_iter.GetImmediateOperand(op_index)); } else if (Bytecodes::IsRegisterCountOperandType(op_type)) { stream << bytecode_iter.GetRegisterCountOperand(op_index); } else if (Bytecodes::IsIndexOperandType(op_type)) { stream << bytecode_iter.GetIndexOperand(op_index); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } stream << ')'; } } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintBytecode( std::ostream& stream, const BytecodeArrayIterator& bytecode_iter, int parameter_count) const { Bytecode bytecode = bytecode_iter.current_bytecode(); stream << "B(" << Bytecodes::ToString(bytecode) << ')'; int operands_count = Bytecodes::NumberOfOperands(bytecode); for (int op_index = 0; op_index < operands_count; ++op_index) { stream << ", "; PrintBytecodeOperand(stream, bytecode_iter, bytecode, op_index, parameter_count); } } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintV8String(std::ostream& stream, i::String* string) const { stream << '"'; for (int i = 0, length = string->length(); i < length; ++i) { stream << i::AsEscapedUC16ForJSON(string->Get(i)); } stream << '"'; } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintConstant( std::ostream& stream, i::Handle constant) const { switch (const_pool_type_) { case ConstantPoolType::kString: CHECK(constant->IsString()); PrintV8String(stream, i::String::cast(*constant)); break; case ConstantPoolType::kNumber: if (constant->IsSmi()) { i::Smi::cast(*constant)->SmiPrint(stream); } else if (constant->IsHeapNumber()) { i::HeapNumber::cast(*constant)->HeapNumberPrint(stream); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } break; case ConstantPoolType::kMixed: if (constant->IsSmi()) { stream << "kInstanceTypeDontCare"; } else { stream << "InstanceType::" << i::HeapObject::cast(*constant)->map()->instance_type(); } break; case ConstantPoolType::kUnknown: default: UNREACHABLE(); return; } } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintFrameSize( std::ostream& stream, i::Handle bytecode_array) const { const int kPointerSize = sizeof(void*); int frame_size = bytecode_array->frame_size(); DCHECK_EQ(frame_size % kPointerSize, 0); stream << "frame size: " << frame_size / kPointerSize; if (frame_size > 0) stream << " # in multiples of sizeof(void*)"; stream << "\nparameter count: " << bytecode_array->parameter_count() << '\n'; } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintBytecodeSequence( std::ostream& stream, i::Handle bytecode_array) const { stream << "bytecodes: [\n"; BytecodeArrayIterator bytecode_iter(bytecode_array); for (; !bytecode_iter.done(); bytecode_iter.Advance()) { stream << " "; PrintBytecode(stream, bytecode_iter, bytecode_array->parameter_count()); stream << ",\n"; } stream << "]\n"; } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintConstantPool( std::ostream& stream, i::FixedArray* constant_pool) const { stream << "constant pool: [\n"; int num_constants = constant_pool->length(); if (num_constants > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_constants; ++i) { stream << " "; PrintConstant(stream, i::FixedArray::get(constant_pool, i, i_isolate())); stream << ",\n"; } } stream << "]\n"; } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintCodeSnippet( std::ostream& stream, const std::string& body) const { stream << "snippet: \"\n"; std::stringstream body_stream(body); std::string body_line; while (std::getline(body_stream, body_line)) { stream << " "; PrintEscapedString(stream, body_line); stream << '\n'; } stream << "\"\n"; } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintHandlers( std::ostream& stream, i::Handle bytecode_array) const { stream << "handlers: [\n"; HandlerTable* table = HandlerTable::cast(bytecode_array->handler_table()); for (int i = 0, num_entries = table->NumberOfRangeEntries(); i < num_entries; ++i) { stream << " [" << table->GetRangeStart(i) << ", " << table->GetRangeEnd(i) << ", " << table->GetRangeHandler(i) << "],\n"; } stream << "]\n"; } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintBytecodeArray( std::ostream& stream, i::Handle bytecode_array) const { PrintFrameSize(stream, bytecode_array); PrintBytecodeSequence(stream, bytecode_array); PrintConstantPool(stream, bytecode_array->constant_pool()); PrintHandlers(stream, bytecode_array); } void BytecodeExpectationsPrinter::PrintExpectation( std::ostream& stream, const std::string& snippet) const { std::string source_code = wrap_ ? WrapCodeInFunction(test_function_name_.c_str(), snippet) : snippet; v8::Local script = Compile(source_code.c_str()); if (execute_) Run(script); i::Handle bytecode_array = top_level_ ? GetBytecodeArrayForScript(script) : GetBytecodeArrayForGlobal(test_function_name_.c_str()); stream << "---\n"; PrintCodeSnippet(stream, snippet); PrintBytecodeArray(stream, bytecode_array); stream << '\n'; } } // namespace interpreter } // namespace internal } // namespace v8