var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var resolve = path.resolve var osenv = require('osenv') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var test = require('tap').test var npm = require('../../lib/npm') var common = require('../common-tap') var chain = require('slide').chain var mockPath = resolve(__dirname, 'install-shrinkwrapped') var parentPath = resolve(mockPath, 'parent') var parentNodeModulesPath = path.join(parentPath, 'node_modules') var outdatedNodeModulesPath = resolve(mockPath, 'node-modules-backup') var childPath = resolve(mockPath, 'child.git') var gitDaemon var gitDaemonPID var git var parentPackageJSON = JSON.stringify({ name: 'parent', version: '0.1.0' }) var childPackageJSON = JSON.stringify({ name: 'child', version: '0.1.0' }) test('setup', function (t) { setup(function (err, result) { t.ifError(err, 'git started up successfully') if (!err) { gitDaemon = result[result.length - 2] gitDaemonPID = result[result.length - 1] } t.end() }) }) test('shrinkwrapped git dependency got updated', function (t) { t.comment('test for') // Prepare the child package git repo with two commits prepareChildAndGetRefs(function (refs) { chain([ // Install & shrinkwrap child package's first commit [npm.commands.install, ['git://localhost:1234/child.git#' + refs[0]]], // Backup node_modules with the first commit [fs.rename, parentNodeModulesPath, outdatedNodeModulesPath], // Install & shrinkwrap child package's second commit [npm.commands.install, ['git://localhost:1234/child.git#' + refs[1]]], // Restore node_modules with the first commit [rimraf, parentNodeModulesPath], [fs.rename, outdatedNodeModulesPath, parentNodeModulesPath], // Update node_modules [npm.commands.install, []] ], function () { var childPackageJSON = require(path.join(parentNodeModulesPath, 'child', 'package.json')) t.equal( childPackageJSON._resolved, 'git://localhost:1234/child.git#' + refs[1], "Child package wasn't updated" ) t.end() }) }) }) test('clean', function (t) { gitDaemon.on('close', function () { cleanup() t.end() }) process.kill(gitDaemonPID) }) function setup (cb) { // Setup parent package mkdirp.sync(parentPath) fs.writeFileSync(resolve(parentPath, 'package.json'), parentPackageJSON) process.chdir(parentPath) // Setup child mkdirp.sync(childPath) fs.writeFileSync(resolve(childPath, 'package.json'), childPackageJSON) // Setup npm and then git npm.load({ registry: common.registry, loglevel: 'silent', save: true // Always install packages with --save }, function () { // It's important to initialize git after npm because it uses config initializeGit(cb) }) } function cleanup () { process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir()) rimraf.sync(mockPath) rimraf.sync(common['npm_config_cache']) } function prepareChildAndGetRefs (cb) { var opts = { cwd: childPath, env: { PATH: process.env.PATH } } chain([ [fs.writeFile, path.join(childPath, ''), ''], git.chainableExec(['add', ''], opts), git.chainableExec(['commit', '-m', 'Add README'], opts), git.chainableExec(['log', '--pretty=format:"%H"', '-2'], opts) ], function () { var gitLogStdout = arguments[arguments.length - 1] var refs = gitLogStdout[gitLogStdout.length - 1].split('\n').map(function (ref) { return ref.match(/^"(.+)"$/)[1] }).reverse() // Reverse refs order: last, first -> first, last cb(refs) }) } function initializeGit (cb) { git = require('../../lib/utils/git') common.makeGitRepo({ path: childPath, commands: [startGitDaemon] }, cb) } function startGitDaemon (cb) { var daemon = git.spawn( [ 'daemon', '--verbose', '--listen=localhost', '--export-all', '--base-path=' + mockPath, // Path to the dir that contains child.git '--reuseaddr', '--port=1234' ], { cwd: parentPath, env: process.env, stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe'] } ) daemon.stderr.on('data', function findChild (c) { var cpid = c.toString().match(/^\[(\d+)\]/) if (cpid[1]) { this.removeListener('data', findChild) cb(null, [daemon, cpid[1]]) } }) }