'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var http = require('http'); var test = 1; var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); if (test === 1) { // write should accept string res.write('string'); // write should accept buffer res.write(new Buffer('asdf')); // write should not accept an Array assert.throws(function() { res.write(['array']); }, TypeError, 'first argument must be a string or Buffer'); // end should not accept an Array assert.throws(function() { res.end(['moo']); }, TypeError, 'first argument must be a string or Buffer'); // end should accept string res.end('string'); } else if (test === 2) { // end should accept Buffer res.end(new Buffer('asdf')); } }); server.listen(common.PORT, function() { // just make a request, other tests handle responses http.get({port: common.PORT}, function(res) { res.resume(); // lazy serial test, because we can only call end once per request test += 1; // do it again to test .end(Buffer); http.get({port: common.PORT}, function(res) { res.resume(); server.close(); }); }); });