'use strict'; const common = require('../../common'); const binding = require('./build/Release/binding'); const assert = require('assert'); const skipMessage = 'intensive toString tests due to memory confinements'; if (!common.enoughTestMem) { common.skip(skipMessage); return; } // v8 fails silently if string length > v8::String::kMaxLength // v8::String::kMaxLength defined in v8.h const kStringMaxLength = process.binding('buffer').kStringMaxLength; try { var buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(kStringMaxLength * 2 + 2); } catch (e) { // If the exception is not due to memory confinement then rethrow it. if (e.message !== 'Array buffer allocation failed') throw (e); common.skip(skipMessage); return; } // Ensure we have enough memory available for future allocations to succeed. if (!binding.ensureAllocation(2 * kStringMaxLength)) { common.skip(skipMessage); return; } assert.throws(function() { buf.toString('utf16le'); }, /"toString\(\)" failed/);