var common = require("../common-tap.js") var test = require("tap").test var npm = require("../../") var osenv = require("osenv") var path = require("path") var fs = require("fs") var rimraf = require("rimraf") var mkdirp = require("mkdirp") var which = require("which") var spawn = require("child_process").spawn var pkg = path.resolve(__dirname, "version-shrinkwrap") var cache = path.resolve(pkg, "cache") test("npm version updates shrinkwrap - no git", function (t) { setup() npm.load({ cache: pkg + "/cache", registry: common.registry }, function () { npm.commands.version(["patch"], function(err) { if (err) return"Error perform version patch") var shrinkwrap = require(path.resolve(pkg, "npm-shrinkwrap.json")) t.equal(shrinkwrap.version, "0.0.1", "got expected version") t.end() }) }) }) test("npm version updates git works with no shrinkwrap", function (t) { setup() rimraf.sync(path.resolve(pkg, "npm-shrinkwrap.json")) var opts = { cache : cache, registry : common.registry } npm.load(opts, function () { npm.config.set("sign-git-tag", false) which("git", function (err, git) { if (err)"Git not installed, or which git command error") initRepo() function initRepo () { var init = spawn(git, ["init"]) init.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) init.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git init exited without issue") configName() }) } function configName () { var namer = spawn(git, ["config", "", "Phantom Faker"]) namer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) namer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git config exited without issue") configEmail() }) } function configEmail () { var emailer = spawn(git, ["config", "", "nope@not.real"]) emailer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) emailer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git config exited without issue") addAll() }) } function addAll () { var emailer = spawn(git, ["add", "package.json"]) emailer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) emailer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git add package.json exited without issue") commit() }) } function commit () { var emailer = spawn(git, ["commit", "-m", "test setup"]) emailer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) emailer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git commit -m 'test setup' exited without issue") version() }) } function version () { npm.commands.version(["patch"], checkCommit) } function checkCommit (er) { t.ifError(er, "version command ran without error") var shrinkwrap = require(path.resolve(pkg, "npm-shrinkwrap.json")) t.equal(shrinkwrap.version, "0.0.1", "got expected version") var shower = spawn(git, ["show", "HEAD", "--name-only"]) var out = "", eout = "" shower.stdout.on("data", function (d) { out += d.toString() }) shower.stderr.on("data", function (d) { eout += d.toString() }) shower.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git show HEAD exited without issue") t.notOk(err, "git show produced no error output") var lines = out.split("\n") t.notEqual(lines.indexOf("package.json"), -1, "package.json commited") t.equal(lines.indexOf("npm-shrinkwrap.json"), -1, "npm-shrinkwrap.json not present") t.end() }) } }) }) }) test("npm version updates shrinkwrap and updates git", function (t) { setup() var opts = { cache : cache, registry : common.registry } npm.load(opts, function () { npm.config.set("sign-git-tag", false) which("git", function (err, git) { t.ifError(err, "git found") initRepo() function initRepo () { var init = spawn(git, ["init"]) init.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) init.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git init exited without issue") configName() }) } function configName () { var namer = spawn(git, ["config", "", "Phantom Faker"]) namer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) namer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git config exited without issue") configEmail() }) } function configEmail () { var emailer = spawn(git, ["config", "", "nope@not.real"]) emailer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) emailer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git config exited without issue") addAll() }) } function addAll () { var emailer = spawn(git, ["add", "package.json", "npm-shrinkwrap.json"]) emailer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) emailer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git add package.json npm-shrinkwrap.json exited without issue") commit() }) } function commit () { var emailer = spawn(git, ["commit", "-m", "test setup"]) emailer.stdout.pipe(process.stdout) emailer.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git commit -m 'test setup' exited without issue") version() }) } function version () { npm.commands.version(["patch"], checkCommit) } function checkCommit (er) { t.ifError(er, "version command ran without error") var shrinkwrap = require(path.resolve(pkg, "npm-shrinkwrap.json")) t.equal(shrinkwrap.version, "0.0.1", "got expected version") var shower = spawn(git, ["show", "HEAD", "--name-only"]) var out = "", eout = "" shower.stdout.on("data", function (d) { out += d.toString() }) shower.stderr.on("data", function (d) { eout += d.toString() }) shower.on("exit", function (code) { t.notOk(code, "git show HEAD exited without issue") t.notOk(err, "git show produced no error output") var lines = out.split("\n") t.notEqual(lines.indexOf("package.json"), -1, "package.json commited") t.notEqual(lines.indexOf("npm-shrinkwrap.json"), -1, "npm-shrinkwrap.json commited") t.end() }) } }) }) }) test("cleanup", function(t) { // windows fix for locked files process.chdir(osenv.tmpdir()) rimraf.sync(pkg) t.end() }) function setup() { rimraf.sync(pkg) mkdirp.sync(pkg) mkdirp.sync(cache) var contents = { author: "Nathan Bowser && Faiq Raza", name: "version-with-shrinkwrap-test", version: "0.0.0", description: "Test for version with shrinkwrap update" } fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, "package.json"), JSON.stringify(contents), "utf8") fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(pkg, "npm-shrinkwrap.json"), JSON.stringify(contents), "utf8") process.chdir(pkg) }