'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var vm = require('vm'); // Test 1: Timeout of 100ms executing endless loop assert.throws(function() { vm.runInThisContext('while(true) {}', { timeout: 100 }); }); // Test 2: Timeout must be >= 0ms assert.throws(function() { vm.runInThisContext('', { timeout: -1 }); }, RangeError); // Test 3: Timeout of 0ms assert.throws(function() { vm.runInThisContext('', { timeout: 0 }); }, RangeError); // Test 4: Timeout of 1000ms, script finishes first vm.runInThisContext('', { timeout: 1000 }); // Test 5: Nested vm timeouts, inner timeout propagates out assert.throws(function() { var context = { log: console.log, runInVM: function(timeout) { vm.runInNewContext('while(true) {}', context, { timeout: timeout }); } }; vm.runInNewContext('runInVM(10)', context, { timeout: 100 }); throw new Error('Test 5 failed'); }, /Script execution timed out./);