'use strict' var util = require('util') var test = require('tap').test var requireInject = require('require-inject') var dezalgo = require('dezalgo') var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var path = require('path') test('gently/force', function (t) { t.plan(5) linkOk(t, 'gently=true, force=false, works', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: true, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: true}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkNotOk(t, 'gently=true, force=false, does not work', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: true, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: false}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkOk(t, 'gently=false, force=false, aok', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: false, abs: true, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: false}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkOk(t, 'gently=true, force=true, aok', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: true, force: true, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: false}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkOk(t, 'gently=false, force=true, aok', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: false, abs: true, force: true, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: false}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) }) test('abs, noabs', function (t) { t.plan(4) linkOk(t, 'abs', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: true, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: true}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkOk(t, 'relative', { // args from: 'wibble', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: false, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: true}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/bar/wibble': true}, symlink: {'wibble': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkOk(t, 'relative ..', { // args from: '../wibble/bark/blump', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: false, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: true}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/wibble/bark/blump': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/wibble/bark/blump': true}, symlink: {'../wibble/bark/blump': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) linkOk(t, 'relative .. deep', { // args from: 'zib/zap/../../../wibble/bark/blump', to: '/foo/bar/baz', gently: true, abs: false, force: false, // expect rm: {'/foo/bar/baz': {gently: true}}, mkdir: {'/foo/bar': true}, lstat: {'/foo/wibble/bark/blump': {isLink: false}}, stat: {'/foo/wibble/bark/blump': true}, symlink: {'../wibble/bark/blump': {'/foo/bar/baz': 'junction'}}, readlink: {} }) }) function linkOk (t, msg, opts) { testLink(opts, function (err) { t.ifError(err, msg) }) } function linkNotOk (t, msg, opts) { testLink(opts, function (err) { t.ok(err, msg) }) } function platformPath (unixPath) { if (unixPath[0] === '/') { return path.resolve(unixPath) } else { return path.join.apply(path, unixPath.split('/')) } } function platformerize (obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { var newKey = platformPath(key) if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') { platformerize(obj[key]) } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') { obj[key] = platformPath(obj[key]) } if (newKey !== key) { obj[newKey] = obj[key] delete obj[key] } }) } function testLink (opts, cb) { var mkdirpMock = dezalgo(function (dir, cb) { if (opts.mkdir[dir]) { cb() } else { cb(new Error('mkdirp failed: ' + util.inspect(dir))) } }) // sync version used by istanbul for test coverage // we shouldn't have to do this ;.; // require-inject and/or instanbul will need patching mkdirpMock.sync = mkdirp.sync // convert any paths in our opts into platform specific paths, for windows support. platformerize(opts) var link = requireInject('../../lib/utils/link.js', { '../../lib/npm.js': { config: { get: function (name) { if (name !== 'force') return new Error('unknown config key: ' + name) return opts.force } } }, '../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js': dezalgo(function (toRemove, gently, basedir, cb) { if (opts.rm[toRemove] && opts.rm[toRemove].gently === gently) { cb() } else { cb(new Error('Removing toRemove: ' + util.inspect(toRemove) + ' gently: ' + util.inspect(gently) + ' not allowed: ' + util.inspect(opts.rm))) } }), 'mkdirp': mkdirpMock, 'graceful-fs': { 'stat': dezalgo(function (file, cb) { if (opts.stat[file]) { cb(null, {}) } else { cb(new Error('stat failed for: ' + util.inspect(file))) } }), 'lstat': dezalgo(function (file, cb) { if (opts.lstat[file]) { var linkStat = opts.lstat[file] cb(null, { isSymbolicLink: function () { return linkStat.isLink } }) } else { cb(new Error('lstat failed for: ' + util.inspect(file))) } }), 'symlink': dezalgo(function (from, to, type, cb) { if (!cb) { cb = type type = null } if (opts.symlink[from] && opts.symlink[from][to] === type) { cb() } else { cb(new Error('symlink failed from: ' + util.inspect(from) + ' to: ' + util.inspect(to) + ' type: ' + util.inspect(type))) } }), 'readlink': function (file, cb) { if (opts.readlink[file]) { cb() } else { cb(new Error('readlink failed for: ' + util.inspect(file))) } } } }) link(opts.from, opts.to, opts.gently, opts.abs, cb) }