'use strict'; const util = require('util'); const net = require('net'); const TTY = process.binding('tty_wrap').TTY; const isTTY = process.binding('tty_wrap').isTTY; const inherits = util.inherits; const errnoException = util._errnoException; exports.isatty = function(fd) { return isTTY(fd); }; function ReadStream(fd, options) { if (!(this instanceof ReadStream)) return new ReadStream(fd, options); // pauseOnCreate to avoid reading from the sytem buffer options = util._extend({ highWaterMark: 0, readable: true, writable: false, handle: new TTY(fd, true), pauseOnCreate: true }, options); net.Socket.call(this, options); this.isRaw = false; this.isTTY = true; // Let the stream resume automatically when 'data' event handlers // are added, even though it was paused on creation this._readableState.flowing = null; } inherits(ReadStream, net.Socket); exports.ReadStream = ReadStream; ReadStream.prototype.setRawMode = function(flag) { flag = !!flag; this._handle.setRawMode(flag); this.isRaw = flag; }; function WriteStream(fd) { if (!(this instanceof WriteStream)) return new WriteStream(fd); net.Socket.call(this, { handle: new TTY(fd, false), readable: false, writable: true }); var winSize = []; var err = this._handle.getWindowSize(winSize); if (!err) { this.columns = winSize[0]; this.rows = winSize[1]; } } inherits(WriteStream, net.Socket); exports.WriteStream = WriteStream; WriteStream.prototype.isTTY = true; WriteStream.prototype._refreshSize = function() { var oldCols = this.columns; var oldRows = this.rows; var winSize = []; var err = this._handle.getWindowSize(winSize); if (err) { this.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'getWindowSize')); return; } var newCols = winSize[0]; var newRows = winSize[1]; if (oldCols !== newCols || oldRows !== newRows) { this.columns = newCols; this.rows = newRows; this.emit('resize'); } }; // backwards-compat WriteStream.prototype.cursorTo = function(x, y) { require('readline').cursorTo(this, x, y); }; WriteStream.prototype.moveCursor = function(dx, dy) { require('readline').moveCursor(this, dx, dy); }; WriteStream.prototype.clearLine = function(dir) { require('readline').clearLine(this, dir); }; WriteStream.prototype.clearScreenDown = function() { require('readline').clearScreenDown(this); }; WriteStream.prototype.getWindowSize = function() { return [this.columns, this.rows]; };