#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. try: import hashlib md5er = hashlib.md5 except ImportError, e: import md5 md5er = md5.new import json import optparse import os from os.path import abspath, join, dirname, basename, exists import pickle import re import sys import subprocess import multiprocessing from subprocess import PIPE from testrunner.local import statusfile from testrunner.local import testsuite from testrunner.local import utils # Special LINT rules diverging from default and reason. # build/header_guard: Our guards have the form "V8_FOO_H_", not "SRC_FOO_H_". # build/include_what_you_use: Started giving false positives for variables # named "string" and "map" assuming that you needed to include STL headers. # TODO(bmeurer): Fix and re-enable readability/check LINT_RULES = """ -build/header_guard +build/include_alpha -build/include_what_you_use -build/namespaces -readability/check +readability/streams -runtime/references """.split() LINT_OUTPUT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^.+[:(]\d+[:)]|^Done processing') FLAGS_LINE = re.compile("//\s*Flags:.*--([A-z0-9-])+_[A-z0-9].*\n") def CppLintWorker(command): try: process = subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() out_lines = "" error_count = -1 while True: out_line = process.stderr.readline() if out_line == '' and process.poll() != None: if error_count == -1: print "Failed to process %s" % command.pop() return 1 break m = LINT_OUTPUT_PATTERN.match(out_line) if m: out_lines += out_line error_count += 1 sys.stdout.write(out_lines) return error_count except KeyboardInterrupt: process.kill() except: print('Error running cpplint.py. Please make sure you have depot_tools' + ' in your $PATH. Lint check skipped.') process.kill() class FileContentsCache(object): def __init__(self, sums_file_name): self.sums = {} self.sums_file_name = sums_file_name def Load(self): try: sums_file = None try: sums_file = open(self.sums_file_name, 'r') self.sums = pickle.load(sums_file) except: # Cannot parse pickle for any reason. Not much we can do about it. pass finally: if sums_file: sums_file.close() def Save(self): try: sums_file = open(self.sums_file_name, 'w') pickle.dump(self.sums, sums_file) except: # Failed to write pickle. Try to clean-up behind us. if sums_file: sums_file.close() try: os.unlink(self.sums_file_name) except: pass finally: sums_file.close() def FilterUnchangedFiles(self, files): changed_or_new = [] for file in files: try: handle = open(file, "r") file_sum = md5er(handle.read()).digest() if not file in self.sums or self.sums[file] != file_sum: changed_or_new.append(file) self.sums[file] = file_sum finally: handle.close() return changed_or_new def RemoveFile(self, file): if file in self.sums: self.sums.pop(file) class SourceFileProcessor(object): """ Utility class that can run through a directory structure, find all relevant files and invoke a custom check on the files. """ def Run(self, path): all_files = [] for file in self.GetPathsToSearch(): all_files += self.FindFilesIn(join(path, file)) if not self.ProcessFiles(all_files, path): return False return True def IgnoreDir(self, name): return (name.startswith('.') or name in ('buildtools', 'data', 'gmock', 'gtest', 'kraken', 'octane', 'sunspider')) def IgnoreFile(self, name): return name.startswith('.') def FindFilesIn(self, path): result = [] for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path): for ignored in [x for x in dirs if self.IgnoreDir(x)]: dirs.remove(ignored) for file in files: if not self.IgnoreFile(file) and self.IsRelevant(file): result.append(join(root, file)) return result class CppLintProcessor(SourceFileProcessor): """ Lint files to check that they follow the google code style. """ def IsRelevant(self, name): return name.endswith('.cc') or name.endswith('.h') def IgnoreDir(self, name): return (super(CppLintProcessor, self).IgnoreDir(name) or (name == 'third_party')) IGNORE_LINT = ['flag-definitions.h'] def IgnoreFile(self, name): return (super(CppLintProcessor, self).IgnoreFile(name) or (name in CppLintProcessor.IGNORE_LINT)) def GetPathsToSearch(self): return ['src', 'include', 'samples', join('test', 'cctest'), join('test', 'unittests')] def GetCpplintScript(self, prio_path): for path in [prio_path] + os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') cpplint = os.path.join(path, "cpplint.py") if os.path.isfile(cpplint): return cpplint return None def ProcessFiles(self, files, path): good_files_cache = FileContentsCache('.cpplint-cache') good_files_cache.Load() files = good_files_cache.FilterUnchangedFiles(files) if len(files) == 0: print 'No changes in files detected. Skipping cpplint check.' return True filters = ",".join([n for n in LINT_RULES]) command = [sys.executable, 'cpplint.py', '--filter', filters] cpplint = self.GetCpplintScript(join(path, "tools")) if cpplint is None: print('Could not find cpplint.py. Make sure ' 'depot_tools is installed and in the path.') sys.exit(1) command = [sys.executable, cpplint, '--filter', filters] commands = join([command + [file] for file in files]) count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(count) try: results = pool.map_async(CppLintWorker, commands).get(999999) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nCaught KeyboardInterrupt, terminating workers." sys.exit(1) for i in range(len(files)): if results[i] > 0: good_files_cache.RemoveFile(files[i]) total_errors = sum(results) print "Total errors found: %d" % total_errors good_files_cache.Save() return total_errors == 0 COPYRIGHT_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile( r'Copyright [\d-]*20[0-1][0-9] the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.') class SourceProcessor(SourceFileProcessor): """ Check that all files include a copyright notice and no trailing whitespaces. """ RELEVANT_EXTENSIONS = ['.js', '.cc', '.h', '.py', '.c', '.status', '.gyp', '.gypi'] # Overwriting the one in the parent class. def FindFilesIn(self, path): if os.path.exists(path+'/.git'): output = subprocess.Popen('git ls-files --full-name', stdout=PIPE, cwd=path, shell=True) result = [] for file in output.stdout.read().split(): for dir_part in os.path.dirname(file).replace(os.sep, '/').split('/'): if self.IgnoreDir(dir_part): break else: if (self.IsRelevant(file) and os.path.exists(file) and not self.IgnoreFile(file)): result.append(join(path, file)) if output.wait() == 0: return result return super(SourceProcessor, self).FindFilesIn(path) def IsRelevant(self, name): for ext in SourceProcessor.RELEVANT_EXTENSIONS: if name.endswith(ext): return True return False def GetPathsToSearch(self): return ['.'] def IgnoreDir(self, name): return (super(SourceProcessor, self).IgnoreDir(name) or name in ('third_party', 'gyp', 'out', 'obj', 'DerivedSources')) IGNORE_COPYRIGHTS = ['box2d.js', 'cpplint.py', 'copy.js', 'corrections.js', 'crypto.js', 'daemon.py', 'earley-boyer.js', 'fannkuch.js', 'fasta.js', 'jsmin.py', 'libraries.cc', 'libraries-empty.cc', 'lua_binarytrees.js', 'memops.js', 'poppler.js', 'primes.js', 'raytrace.js', 'regexp-pcre.js', 'sqlite.js', 'sqlite-change-heap.js', 'sqlite-pointer-masking.js', 'sqlite-safe-heap.js', 'gnuplot-4.6.3-emscripten.js', 'zlib.js'] IGNORE_TABS = IGNORE_COPYRIGHTS + ['unicode-test.js', 'html-comments.js'] def EndOfDeclaration(self, line): return line == "}" or line == "};" def StartOfDeclaration(self, line): return line.find("//") == 0 or \ line.find("/*") == 0 or \ line.find(") {") != -1 def ProcessContents(self, name, contents): result = True base = basename(name) if not base in SourceProcessor.IGNORE_TABS: if '\t' in contents: print "%s contains tabs" % name result = False if not base in SourceProcessor.IGNORE_COPYRIGHTS: if not COPYRIGHT_HEADER_PATTERN.search(contents): print "%s is missing a correct copyright header." % name result = False if ' \n' in contents or contents.endswith(' '): line = 0 lines = [] parts = contents.split(' \n') if not contents.endswith(' '): parts.pop() for part in parts: line += part.count('\n') + 1 lines.append(str(line)) linenumbers = ', '.join(lines) if len(lines) > 1: print "%s has trailing whitespaces in lines %s." % (name, linenumbers) else: print "%s has trailing whitespaces in line %s." % (name, linenumbers) result = False if not contents.endswith('\n') or contents.endswith('\n\n'): print "%s does not end with a single new line." % name result = False # Sanitize flags for fuzzer. if "mjsunit" in name: match = FLAGS_LINE.search(contents) if match: print "%s Flags should use '-' (not '_')" % name result = False return result def ProcessFiles(self, files, path): success = True violations = 0 for file in files: try: handle = open(file) contents = handle.read() if not self.ProcessContents(file, contents): success = False violations += 1 finally: handle.close() print "Total violating files: %s" % violations return success def CheckExternalReferenceRegistration(workspace): code = subprocess.call( [sys.executable, join(workspace, "tools", "external-reference-check.py")]) return code == 0 def _CheckStatusFileForDuplicateKeys(filepath): comma_space_bracket = re.compile(", *]") lines = [] with open(filepath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): # Skip all-comment lines. if line.lstrip().startswith("#"): continue # Strip away comments at the end of the line. comment_start = line.find("#") if comment_start != -1: line = line[:comment_start] line = line.strip() # Strip away trailing commas within the line. line = comma_space_bracket.sub("]", line) if len(line) > 0: lines.append(line) # Strip away trailing commas at line ends. Ugh. for i in range(len(lines) - 1): if (lines[i].endswith(",") and len(lines[i + 1]) > 0 and lines[i + 1][0] in ("}", "]")): lines[i] = lines[i][:-1] contents = "\n".join(lines) # JSON wants double-quotes. contents = contents.replace("'", '"') # Fill in keywords (like PASS, SKIP). for key in statusfile.KEYWORDS: contents = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % key, "\"%s\"" % key, contents) status = {"success": True} def check_pairs(pairs): keys = {} for key, value in pairs: if key in keys: print("%s: Error: duplicate key %s" % (filepath, key)) status["success"] = False keys[key] = True json.loads(contents, object_pairs_hook=check_pairs) return status["success"] def CheckStatusFiles(workspace): success = True suite_paths = utils.GetSuitePaths(join(workspace, "test")) for root in suite_paths: suite_path = join(workspace, "test", root) status_file_path = join(suite_path, root + ".status") suite = testsuite.TestSuite.LoadTestSuite(suite_path) if suite and exists(status_file_path): success &= statusfile.PresubmitCheck(status_file_path) success &= _CheckStatusFileForDuplicateKeys(status_file_path) return success def CheckAuthorizedAuthor(input_api, output_api): """For non-googler/chromites committers, verify the author's email address is in AUTHORS. """ # TODO(maruel): Add it to input_api? import fnmatch author = input_api.change.author_email if not author: input_api.logging.info('No author, skipping AUTHOR check') return [] authors_path = input_api.os_path.join( input_api.PresubmitLocalPath(), 'AUTHORS') valid_authors = ( input_api.re.match(r'[^#]+\s+\<(.+?)\>\s*$', line) for line in open(authors_path)) valid_authors = [item.group(1).lower() for item in valid_authors if item] if not any(fnmatch.fnmatch(author.lower(), valid) for valid in valid_authors): input_api.logging.info('Valid authors are %s', ', '.join(valid_authors)) return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning( ('%s is not in AUTHORS file. If you are a new contributor, please visit' '\n' 'http://www.chromium.org/developers/contributing-code and read the ' '"Legal" section\n' 'If you are a chromite, verify the contributor signed the CLA.') % author)] return [] def GetOptions(): result = optparse.OptionParser() result.add_option('--no-lint', help="Do not run cpplint", default=False, action="store_true") return result def Main(): workspace = abspath(join(dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..')) parser = GetOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() success = True print "Running C++ lint check..." if not options.no_lint: success &= CppLintProcessor().Run(workspace) print "Running copyright header, trailing whitespaces and " \ "two empty lines between declarations check..." success &= SourceProcessor().Run(workspace) success &= CheckExternalReferenceRegistration(workspace) success &= CheckStatusFiles(workspace) if success: return 0 else: return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(Main())