/** * `confirm` type prompt */ var _ = require("lodash"); var util = require("util"); var chalk = require("chalk"); var Base = require("./base"); var observe = require("../utils/events"); /** * Module exports */ module.exports = Prompt; /** * Constructor */ function Prompt() { Base.apply( this, arguments ); var rawDefault = true; _.extend( this.opt, { filter: function( input ) { var value = rawDefault; if ( input != null && input !== "" ) { value = /^y(es)?/i.test(input); } return value; }.bind(this) }); if ( _.isBoolean(this.opt.default) ) { rawDefault = this.opt.default; } this.opt.default = rawDefault ? "Y/n" : "y/N"; return this; } util.inherits( Prompt, Base ); /** * Start the Inquiry session * @param {Function} cb Callback when prompt is done * @return {this} */ Prompt.prototype._run = function( cb ) { this.done = cb; // Once user confirm (enter key) var events = observe(this.rl); events.keypress.takeUntil( events.line ).forEach( this.onKeypress.bind(this) ); events.line.take(1).forEach( this.onEnd.bind(this) ); // Init this.render(); return this; }; /** * Render the prompt to screen * @return {Prompt} self */ Prompt.prototype.render = function (answer) { var message = this.getQuestion(); if (typeof answer === "boolean") { message += chalk.cyan(answer ? "Yes" : "No"); } else { message += this.rl.line; } this.screen.render(message); return this; }; /** * When user press `enter` key */ Prompt.prototype.onEnd = function( input ) { this.status = "answered"; var output = this.opt.filter( input ); this.render( output ); this.screen.done(); this.done( input ); // send "input" because the master class will refilter }; /** * When user press a key */ Prompt.prototype.onKeypress = function() { this.render(); };