/** * @fileoverview Rule to disallow mixed binary operators. * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const astUtils = require("../ast-utils.js"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "**"]; const BITWISE_OPERATORS = ["&", "|", "^", "~", "<<", ">>", ">>>"]; const COMPARISON_OPERATORS = ["==", "!=", "===", "!==", ">", ">=", "<", "<="]; const LOGICAL_OPERATORS = ["&&", "||"]; const RELATIONAL_OPERATORS = ["in", "instanceof"]; const ALL_OPERATORS = [].concat( ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS, BITWISE_OPERATORS, COMPARISON_OPERATORS, LOGICAL_OPERATORS, RELATIONAL_OPERATORS ); const DEFAULT_GROUPS = [ ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS, BITWISE_OPERATORS, COMPARISON_OPERATORS, LOGICAL_OPERATORS, RELATIONAL_OPERATORS ]; const TARGET_NODE_TYPE = /^(?:Binary|Logical)Expression$/; /** * Normalizes options. * * @param {Object|undefined} options - A options object to normalize. * @returns {Object} Normalized option object. */ function normalizeOptions(options) { const hasGroups = (options && options.groups && options.groups.length > 0); const groups = hasGroups ? options.groups : DEFAULT_GROUPS; const allowSamePrecedence = (options && options.allowSamePrecedence) !== false; return { groups, allowSamePrecedence }; } /** * Checks whether any group which includes both given operator exists or not. * * @param {Array.} groups - A list of groups to check. * @param {string} left - An operator. * @param {string} right - Another operator. * @returns {boolean} `true` if such group existed. */ function includesBothInAGroup(groups, left, right) { return groups.some(group => group.indexOf(left) !== -1 && group.indexOf(right) !== -1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { meta: { docs: { description: "disallow mixed binary operators", category: "Stylistic Issues", recommended: false }, schema: [ { type: "object", properties: { groups: { type: "array", items: { type: "array", items: { enum: ALL_OPERATORS }, minItems: 2, uniqueItems: true }, uniqueItems: true }, allowSamePrecedence: { type: "boolean" } }, additionalProperties: false } ] }, create(context) { const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); const options = normalizeOptions(context.options[0]); /** * Checks whether a given node should be ignored by options or not. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. This is a BinaryExpression * node or a LogicalExpression node. This parent node is one of * them, too. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node should be ignored. */ function shouldIgnore(node) { const a = node; const b = node.parent; return ( !includesBothInAGroup(options.groups, a.operator, b.operator) || ( options.allowSamePrecedence && astUtils.getPrecedence(a) === astUtils.getPrecedence(b) ) ); } /** * Checks whether the operator of a given node is mixed with parent * node's operator or not. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. This is a BinaryExpression * node or a LogicalExpression node. This parent node is one of * them, too. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node was mixed. */ function isMixedWithParent(node) { return ( node.operator !== node.parent.operator && !astUtils.isParenthesised(sourceCode, node) ); } /** * Gets the operator token of a given node. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. This is a BinaryExpression * node or a LogicalExpression node. * @returns {Token} The operator token of the node. */ function getOperatorToken(node) { let token = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.left); while (token.value === ")") { token = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(token); } return token; } /** * Reports both the operator of a given node and the operator of the * parent node. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. This is a BinaryExpression * node or a LogicalExpression node. This parent node is one of * them, too. * @returns {void} */ function reportBothOperators(node) { const parent = node.parent; const left = (parent.left === node) ? node : parent; const right = (parent.left !== node) ? node : parent; const message = "Unexpected mix of '{{leftOperator}}' and '{{rightOperator}}'."; const data = { leftOperator: left.operator, rightOperator: right.operator }; context.report({ node: left, loc: getOperatorToken(left).loc.start, message, data }); context.report({ node: right, loc: getOperatorToken(right).loc.start, message, data }); } /** * Checks between the operator of this node and the operator of the * parent node. * * @param {ASTNode} node - A node to check. * @returns {void} */ function check(node) { if (TARGET_NODE_TYPE.test(node.parent.type) && isMixedWithParent(node) && !shouldIgnore(node) ) { reportBothOperators(node); } } return { BinaryExpression: check, LogicalExpression: check }; } };