var fs = require('fs') var path = require('path') var test = require('tap').test var mkdirp = require('mkdirp') var rimraf = require('rimraf') var npm = require('../../') var common = require('../common-tap.js') var pkg = path.join(__dirname, 'publish-access-unscoped') // TODO: nock uses setImmediate, breaks 0.8: replace with mockRegistry if (!global.setImmediate) { global.setImmediate = function () { var args = [arguments[0], 0].concat([], 1)) setTimeout.apply(this, args) } } test('setup', function (t) { mkdirp(path.join(pkg, 'cache'), function () { var configuration = { cache: path.join(pkg, 'cache'), loglevel: 'silent', registry: common.registry } npm.load(configuration, next) }) function next (er) { t.ifError(er, 'npm loaded successfully') process.chdir(pkg) fs.writeFile( path.join(pkg, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify({ name: 'publish-access', version: '1.2.5' }), 'ascii', function (er) { t.ifError(er) t.pass('setup done') t.end() } ) } }) test('unscoped packages cannot be restricted', function (t) { npm.config.set('access', 'restricted') npm.commands.publish([], false, function (er) { t.ok(er, 'got an error back') t.equal(er.message, "Can't restrict access to unscoped packages.") t.end() }) }) test('cleanup', function (t) { process.chdir(__dirname) rimraf(pkg, function (er) { t.ifError(er) t.end() }) })