var tape = require('tape') var cosmic = require('./fixtures/cosmic') var validator = require('../') var validatorRequire = require('../require') tape('simple', function(t) { var schema = { required: true, type: 'object', properties: { hello: {type:'string', required:true} } } var validate = validator(schema) t.ok(validate({hello: 'world'}), 'should be valid') t.notOk(validate(), 'should be invalid') t.notOk(validate({}), 'should be invalid') t.end() }) tape('advanced', function(t) { var validate = validator(cosmic.schema) t.ok(validate(cosmic.valid), 'should be valid') t.notOk(validate(cosmic.invalid), 'should be invalid') t.end() }) tape('greedy/false', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { x: { type: 'number' } }, required: ['x', 'y'] }); t.notOk(validate({}), 'should be invalid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors.length, 2); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.x') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].message, 'is required') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[1].field, 'data.y') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[1].message, 'is required') t.notOk(validate({x: 'string'}), 'should be invalid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors.length, 1); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.y') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].message, 'is required') t.notOk(validate({x: 'string', y: 'value'}), 'should be invalid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors.length, 1); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.x') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].message, 'is the wrong type') t.end(); }); tape('greedy/true', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { x: { type: 'number' } }, required: ['x', 'y'] }, { greedy: true }); t.notOk(validate({}), 'should be invalid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors.length, 2); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.x') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].message, 'is required') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[1].field, 'data.y') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[1].message, 'is required') t.notOk(validate({x: 'string'}), 'should be invalid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors.length, 2); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.y') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].message, 'is required') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[1].field, 'data.x') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[1].message, 'is the wrong type') t.notOk(validate({x: 'string', y: 'value'}), 'should be invalid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors.length, 1); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.x') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].message, 'is the wrong type') t.ok(validate({x: 1, y: 'value'}), 'should be invalid') t.end(); }); tape('additional props', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', additionalProperties: false }, { verbose: true }) t.ok(validate({})) t.notOk(validate({foo:'bar'})) t.ok(validate.errors[0].value === '', 'should output the property not allowed in verbose mode') t.end() }) tape('array', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'array', required: true, items: { type: 'string' } }) t.notOk(validate({}), 'wrong type') t.notOk(validate(), 'is required') t.ok(validate(['test'])) t.end() }) tape('nested array', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { list: { type: 'array', required: true, items: { type: 'string' } } } }) t.notOk(validate({}), 'is required') t.ok(validate({list:['test']})) t.notOk(validate({list:[1]})) t.end() }) tape('enum', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'number', required: true, enum: [42] } } }) t.notOk(validate({}), 'is required') t.ok(validate({foo:42})) t.notOk(validate({foo:43})) t.end() }) tape('minimum/maximum', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'number', minimum: 0, maximum: 0 } } }) t.notOk(validate({foo:-42})) t.ok(validate({foo:0})) t.notOk(validate({foo:42})) t.end() }) tape('exclusiveMinimum/exclusiveMaximum', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'number', minimum: 10, maximum: 20, exclusiveMinimum: true, exclusiveMaximum: true } } }) t.notOk(validate({foo:10})) t.ok(validate({foo:11})) t.notOk(validate({foo:20})) t.ok(validate({foo:19})) t.end() }) tape('custom format', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'string', format: 'as' } } }, {formats: {as:/^a+$/}}) t.notOk(validate({foo:''}), 'not as') t.notOk(validate({foo:'b'}), 'not as') t.notOk(validate({foo:'aaab'}), 'not as') t.ok(validate({foo:'a'}), 'as') t.ok(validate({foo:'aaaaaa'}), 'as') t.end() }) tape('custom format function', function(t) { var validate = validator({ type: 'object', properties: { foo: { type: 'string', format: 'as' } } }, {formats: {as:function(s) { return /^a+$/.test(s) } }}) t.notOk(validate({foo:''}), 'not as') t.notOk(validate({foo:'b'}), 'not as') t.notOk(validate({foo:'aaab'}), 'not as') t.ok(validate({foo:'a'}), 'as') t.ok(validate({foo:'aaaaaa'}), 'as') t.end() }) tape('do not mutate schema', function(t) { var sch = { items: [ {} ], additionalItems: { type: 'integer' } } var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sch)) validator(sch) t.same(sch, copy, 'did not mutate') t.end() }) tape('#toJSON()', function(t) { var schema = { required: true, type: 'object', properties: { hello: {type:'string', required:true} } } var validate = validator(schema) t.deepEqual(validate.toJSON(), schema, 'should return original schema') t.end() }) tape('external schemas', function(t) { var ext = {type: 'string'} var schema = { required: true, $ref: '#ext' } var validate = validator(schema, {schemas: {ext:ext}}) t.ok(validate('hello string'), 'is a string') t.notOk(validate(42), 'not a string') t.end() }) tape('top-level external schema', function(t) { var defs = { "string": { type: "string" }, "sex": { type: "string", enum: ["male", "female", "other"] } } var schema = { type: "object", properties: { "name": { $ref: "definitions.json#/string" }, "sex": { $ref: "definitions.json#/sex" } }, required: ["name", "sex"] } var validate = validator(schema, { schemas: { "definitions.json": defs } }) t.ok(validate({name:"alice", sex:"female"}), 'is an object') t.notOk(validate({name:"alice", sex: "bob"}), 'recognizes external schema') t.notOk(validate({name:2, sex: "female"}), 'recognizes external schema') t.end() }) tape('nested required array decl', function(t) { var schema = { properties: { x: { type: 'object', properties: { y: { type: 'object', properties: { z: { type: 'string' } }, required: ['z'] } } } }, required: ['x'] } var validate = validator(schema) t.ok(validate({x: {}}), 'should be valid') t.notOk(validate({}), 'should not be valid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, 'data.x', 'should output the missing field') t.end() }) tape('verbose mode', function(t) { var schema = { required: true, type: 'object', properties: { hello: { required: true, type: 'string' } } }; var validate = validator(schema, {verbose: true}) t.ok(validate({hello: 'string'}), 'should be valid') t.notOk(validate({hello: 100}), 'should not be valid') t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].value, 100, 'error object should contain the invalid value') t.end() }) tape('additional props in verbose mode', function(t) { var schema = { type: 'object', required: true, additionalProperties: false, properties: { foo: { type: 'string' }, 'hello world': { type: 'object', required: true, additionalProperties: false, properties: { foo: { type: 'string' } } } } }; var validate = validator(schema, {verbose: true}) validate({'hello world': {bar: 'string'}}); t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].value, 'data["hello world"].bar', 'should output the path to the additional prop in the error') t.end() }) tape(' is an integer', function(t) { var schema = {type: 'integer'} var validate = validator(schema) t.ok(validate(, 'is integer') t.end() }) tape('field shows item index in arrays', function(t) { var schema = { type: 'array', items: { type: 'array', items: { properties: { foo: { type: 'string', required: true } } } } } var validate = validator(schema) validate([ [ { foo: 'test' }, { foo: 'test' } ], [ { foo: 'test' }, { baz: 'test' } ] ]) t.strictEqual(validate.errors[0].field, '', 'should output the field with specific index of failing item in the error') t.end() })