var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var net = require('net'); var tests_run = 0; function pingPongTest(port, host) { var N = 1000; var count = 0; var sentPongs = 0; var sent_final_ping = false; var server = net.createServer({ allowHalfOpen: true }, function(socket) { console.log('connection: ' + socket.remoteAddress); assert.equal(server, socket.server); assert.equal(1, server.connections); socket.setNoDelay(); socket.timeout = 0; socket.setEncoding('utf8'); socket.addListener('data', function(data) { // Since we never queue data (we're always waiting for the PING // before sending a pong) the writeQueueSize should always be less // than one message. assert.ok(0 <= socket.bufferSize && socket.bufferSize <= 4); console.log('server got: ' + data); assert.equal(true, socket.writable); assert.equal(true, socket.readable); assert.equal(true, count <= N); if (/PING/.exec(data)) { socket.write('PONG', function () { sentPongs++; console.error('sent PONG'); }); } }); socket.addListener('end', function() { assert.equal(true, socket.writable); // because allowHalfOpen assert.equal(false, socket.readable); socket.end(); }); socket.addListener('error', function(e) { throw e; }); socket.addListener('close', function() { console.log('server socket.endd'); assert.equal(false, socket.writable); assert.equal(false, socket.readable); socket.server.close(); }); }); server.listen(port, host, function() { console.log('server listening on ' + port + ' ' + host); var client = net.createConnection(port, host); client.setEncoding('ascii'); client.addListener('connect', function() { assert.equal(true, client.readable); assert.equal(true, client.writable); client.write('PING'); }); client.addListener('data', function(data) { console.log('client got: ' + data); assert.equal('PONG', data); count += 1; if (sent_final_ping) { assert.equal(false, client.writable); assert.equal(true, client.readable); return; } else { assert.equal(true, client.writable); assert.equal(true, client.readable); } if (count < N) { client.write('PING'); } else { sent_final_ping = true; client.write('PING'); client.end(); } }); client.addListener('close', function() { console.log('client.end'); assert.equal(N + 1, count); assert.equal(N + 1, sentPongs); assert.equal(true, sent_final_ping); tests_run += 1; }); client.addListener('error', function(e) { throw e; }); }); } /* All are run at once, so run on different ports */ pingPongTest(20989, 'localhost'); pingPongTest(20988); pingPongTest(20997, '::1'); pingPongTest('/tmp/pingpong.sock'); process.addListener('exit', function() { assert.equal(4, tests_run); console.log('done'); });