'use strict' var test = require('tap').test var requireInject = require('require-inject') var path = require('path') function error (code) { var er = new Error() er.code = code return er } function platformPath (unixPath) { if (unixPath[0] === '/') { return path.resolve(unixPath) } else { return path.join.apply(path, unixPath.split('/')) } } function makeObjUsePlatformPaths (obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { return platformPath(obj) } else if (obj == null || typeof obj !== 'object') { return obj } else { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { var newKey = platformPath(key) obj[key] = makeObjUsePlatformPaths(obj[key]) if (newKey !== key) { obj[newKey] = obj[key] delete obj[key] } }) } return obj } function makeArgsUsePlatformPaths (fn) { return function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) return fn.apply(null, makeObjUsePlatformPaths(args)) } } function pathIs (t, arg1, arg2, msg) { t.is(arg1, makeObjUsePlatformPaths(arg2), msg) } function pathIsDeeply (t, arg1, arg2, msg) { t.isDeeply(arg1, makeObjUsePlatformPaths(arg2), msg) } function mockWith (fixture) { makeObjUsePlatformPaths(fixture) return { '../../lib/npm.js': {}, 'graceful-fs': { lstat: function (path, cb) { path = platformPath(path) var entry = fixture[path] if (!entry) return cb(error('ENOENT')) cb(null, { isDirectory: function () { return entry.type === 'directory' }, isSymbolicLink: function () { return entry.type === 'symlink' }, isFile: function () { return entry.type === 'file' || entry.type === 'cmdshim' || entry.type === 'error' } }) }, readlink: function (path, cb) { path = platformPath(path) var entry = fixture[path] if (!entry) return cb(error('ENOENT')) if (entry.type !== 'symlink') return cb(error('EINVAL')) cb(null, entry.dest) } }, 'read-cmd-shim': function (path, cb) { path = platformPath(path) var entry = fixture[path] if (!entry) return cb(error('ENOENT')) if (entry.type === 'directory') return cb(error('EISDIR')) if (entry.type === 'error') return cb(error(entry.code)) if (entry.type !== 'cmdshim') return cb(error('ENOTASHIM')) cb(null, entry.dest) } } } test('readLinkOrShim', function (t) { t.plan(10) var mocks = mockWith({ '/path/to/directory': { type: 'directory' }, '/path/to/link': { type: 'symlink', dest: '../to/file' }, '/path/to/file': { type: 'file' }, '/path/to/cmdshim': { type: 'cmdshim', dest: '../to/file' }, '/path/to/invalid': { type: 'error', code: 'EINVAL' } }) var gentlyRm = requireInject('../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js', mocks) var readLinkOrShim = makeArgsUsePlatformPaths(gentlyRm._readLinkOrShim) readLinkOrShim('/path/to/nowhere', function (er, path) { t.is(er && er.code, 'ENOENT', 'missing files are errors') }) readLinkOrShim('/path/to/invalid', function (er, path) { t.is(er && er.code, 'EINVAL', 'other errors pass through too') }) readLinkOrShim('/path/to/directory', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading dirs isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, null, 'reading non links/cmdshims gives us null') }) readLinkOrShim('/path/to/file', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading non-cmdshim files isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, null, 'reading non links/cmdshims gives us null') }) readLinkOrShim('/path/to/link', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading links isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, '../to/file', 'reading links works') }) readLinkOrShim('/path/to/cmdshim', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading cmdshims isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, '../to/file', 'reading cmdshims works') }) t.done() }) test('resolveSymlink', function (t) { t.plan(9) var mocks = mockWith({ '/path/to/directory': { type: 'directory' }, '/path/to/link': { type: 'symlink', dest: '../to/file' }, '/path/to/file': { type: 'file' }, '/path/to/cmdshim': { type: 'cmdshim', dest: '../to/file' } }) var gentlyRm = requireInject('../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js', mocks) var resolveSymlink = makeArgsUsePlatformPaths(gentlyRm._resolveSymlink) resolveSymlink('/path/to/nowhere', function (er, path) { t.is(er && er.code, 'ENOENT', 'missing files are errors') }) // these aren't symlinks so we get back what we passed in resolveSymlink('/path/to/directory', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading dirs isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, '/path/to/directory', 'reading non links/cmdshims gives us path we passed in') }) resolveSymlink('/path/to/file', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading non-cmdshim files isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, '/path/to/file', 'reading non links/cmdshims gives us the path we passed in') }) // these are symlinks so the resolved version is platform specific resolveSymlink('/path/to/link', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading links isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, '/path/to/file', 'reading links works') }) resolveSymlink('/path/to/cmdshim', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading cmdshims isn't an error") pathIs(t, path, '/path/to/file', 'reading cmdshims works') }) t.done() }) test('readAllLinks', function (t) { t.plan(16) var mocks = mockWith({ '/path/to/directory': { type: 'directory' }, '/path/to/link': { type: 'symlink', dest: '../to/file' }, '/path/to/file': { type: 'file' }, '/path/to/cmdshim': { type: 'cmdshim', dest: '../to/file' }, '/path/to/linktolink': { type: 'symlink', dest: 'link' }, '/path/to/linktolink^2': { type: 'symlink', dest: 'linktolink' }, '/path/to/linktocmdshim': { type: 'symlink', dest: 'cmdshim' }, '/path/to/linktobad': { type: 'symlink', dest: '/does/not/exist' } }) var gentlyRm = requireInject('../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js', mocks) var readAllLinks = makeArgsUsePlatformPaths(gentlyRm._readAllLinks) readAllLinks('/path/to/nowhere', function (er, path) { t.is(er && er.code, 'ENOENT', 'missing files are errors') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/directory', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading dirs isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, path, ['/path/to/directory'], 'reading non links/cmdshims gives us path we passed in') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/file', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading non-cmdshim files isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, path, ['/path/to/file'], 'reading non links/cmdshims gives us the path we passed in') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/linktobad', function (er, path) { t.is(er && er.code, 'ENOENT', 'links to missing files are errors') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/link', function (er, results) { t.ifError(er, "reading links isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, results, ['/path/to/link', '/path/to/file'], 'reading links works') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/cmdshim', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading cmdshims isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, path, ['/path/to/cmdshim', '/path/to/file'], 'reading cmdshims works') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/linktolink', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading link to link isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, path, ['/path/to/linktolink', '/path/to/link', '/path/to/file'], 'reading link to link works') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/linktolink^2', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading link to link to link isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, path, ['/path/to/linktolink^2', '/path/to/linktolink', '/path/to/link', '/path/to/file'], 'reading link to link to link works') }) readAllLinks('/path/to/linktocmdshim', function (er, path) { t.ifError(er, "reading link to cmdshim isn't an error") pathIsDeeply(t, path, ['/path/to/linktocmdshim', '/path/to/cmdshim', '/path/to/file'], 'reading link to cmdshim works') }) t.done() }) test('areAnyInsideAny', function (t) { var gentlyRm = requireInject('../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js', mockWith({})) var areAnyInsideAny = makeArgsUsePlatformPaths(gentlyRm._areAnyInsideAny) var noneOneToOne = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc'], ['/xyz']) t.is(noneOneToOne, false, 'none inside: one to one') var noneOneToMany = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc'], ['/rst', '/uvw', '/xyz']) t.is(noneOneToMany, false, 'none inside: one to many') var noneManyToOne = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc', '/def', '/ghi'], ['/xyz']) t.is(noneManyToOne, false, 'none inside: many to one') var noneManyToMany = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc', '/def', '/ghi'], ['/rst', '/uvw', '/xyz']) t.is(noneManyToMany, false, 'none inside: many to many') var oneToOne = areAnyInsideAny(['/one/toOne'], ['/one']) pathIsDeeply(t, oneToOne, {target: '/one/toOne', path: '/one'}, 'first: one to one') var firstOneToMany = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def'], ['/abc', '/def', '/ghi']) pathIsDeeply(t, firstOneToMany, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'first: one to many') var secondOneToMany = areAnyInsideAny(['/def/ghi'], ['/abc', '/def', '/ghi']) pathIsDeeply(t, secondOneToMany, {target: '/def/ghi', path: '/def'}, 'second: one to many') var lastOneToMany = areAnyInsideAny(['/ghi/jkl'], ['/abc', '/def', '/ghi']) pathIsDeeply(t, lastOneToMany, {target: '/ghi/jkl', path: '/ghi'}, 'last: one to many') var firstManyToOne = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def', '/uvw/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/abc']) pathIsDeeply(t, firstManyToOne, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'first: many to one') var secondManyToOne = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def', '/uvw/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/uvw']) pathIsDeeply(t, secondManyToOne, {target: '/uvw/def', path: '/uvw'}, 'second: many to one') var lastManyToOne = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def', '/uvw/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, lastManyToOne, {target: '/xyz/def', path: '/xyz'}, 'last: many to one') var firstToFirst = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def', '/uvw/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/abc', '/uvw', '/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, firstToFirst, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'first to first: many to many') var firstToSecond = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def', '/uvw/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/nope', '/abc', '/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, firstToSecond, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'first to second: many to many') var firstToLast = areAnyInsideAny(['/abc/def', '/uvw/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/nope', '/nooo', '/abc']) pathIsDeeply(t, firstToLast, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'first to last: many to many') var secondToFirst = areAnyInsideAny(['/!!!', '/abc/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/abc', '/uvw', '/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, secondToFirst, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'second to first: many to many') var secondToSecond = areAnyInsideAny(['/!!!', '/abc/def', '/xyz/def'], ['/nope', '/abc', '/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, secondToSecond, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'second to second: many to many') var secondToLast = areAnyInsideAny(['/!!!', '/abc/def', '/uvw/def'], ['/nope', '/nooo', '/abc']) pathIsDeeply(t, secondToLast, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'second to last: many to many') var lastToFirst = areAnyInsideAny(['/!!!', '/???', '/abc/def'], ['/abc', '/uvw', '/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, lastToFirst, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'last to first: many to many') var lastToSecond = areAnyInsideAny(['/!!!', '/???', '/abc/def'], ['/nope', '/abc', '/xyz']) pathIsDeeply(t, lastToSecond, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'last to second: many to many') var lastToLast = areAnyInsideAny(['/!!!', '/???', '/abc/def'], ['/nope', '/nooo', '/abc']) pathIsDeeply(t, lastToLast, {target: '/abc/def', path: '/abc'}, 'last to last: many to many') t.done() }) test('isEverInside', function (t) { t.plan(15) var mocks = mockWith({ '/path/other/link': { type: 'symlink', dest: '../to/file' }, '/path/to/file': { type: 'file' }, '/path/to': { type: 'directory' }, '/linkpath': { type: 'symlink', dest: '../path/to' }, '/path/to/invalid': { type: 'error', code: 'EINVAL' } }) var gentlyRm = requireInject('../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js', mocks) var isEverInside = makeArgsUsePlatformPaths(gentlyRm._isEverInside) isEverInside('/path/to/file', ['/path/to', '/path/to/invalid'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) pathIsDeeply(t, inside, {target: '/path/to/file', path: '/path/to'}, 'bad paths are ignored if something matches') }) isEverInside('/path/to/invalid', ['/path/to/invalid'], function (er, inside) { t.is(er && er.code, 'EINVAL', 'errors bubble out') }) isEverInside('/path/to/file', ['/ten'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) t.is(inside, false, 'not inside') }) isEverInside('/path/to/nowhere', ['/ten'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) t.is(inside, false, 'missing target') }) isEverInside('/path/to/file', ['/path/to'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) pathIsDeeply(t, inside, {target: '/path/to/file', path: '/path/to'}, 'plain file in plain path') }) isEverInside('/path/other/link', ['/path/to'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) pathIsDeeply(t, inside, {target: '/path/to/file', path: '/path/to'}, 'link in plain path') }) isEverInside('/path/to/file', ['/linkpath'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) pathIsDeeply(t, inside, {target: '/path/to/file', path: '/path/to'}, 'plain file in link path') }) isEverInside('/path/other/link', ['/linkpath'], function (er, inside) { t.ifError(er) pathIsDeeply(t, inside, {target: '/path/to/file', path: '/path/to'}, 'link in link path') }) t.done() }) test('isSafeToRm', function (t) { var gentlyRm = requireInject('../../lib/utils/gently-rm.js', mockWith({})) var isSafeToRm = makeArgsUsePlatformPaths(gentlyRm._isSafeToRm) t.plan(12) function testIsSafeToRm (t, parent, target, shouldPath, shouldBase, msg) { isSafeToRm(parent, target, function (er, path, base) { t.ifError(er, msg + ' no error') pathIs(t, path, shouldPath, msg + ' path') pathIs(t, base, shouldBase, msg + ' base') }) } function testNotIsSafeToRm (t, parent, target, msg) { isSafeToRm(parent, target, function (er) { t.is(er && er.code, 'EEXIST', msg + ' error') }) } var unmanagedParent = {path: '/foo', managed: false} var managedParent = {path: '/foo', managed: true} var targetInParent = { path: '/foo/bar/baz', inParent: { target: '/foo/bar/baz', path: '/foo' } } var targetLinkInParent = { path: '/foo/bar/baz', inParent: { target: '/other/area/baz', path: '/other/area' } } var targetManagedLinkNotInParent = { path: '/foo/bar/baz', managed: true, inParent: false, symlink: '/foo/bar/bark' } var targetUnmanagedLink = { path: '/not/managed/baz', managed: false, inParent: false, symlink: '/not/managed/foo' } var targetUnmanagedFile = { path: '/not/managed/baz', managed: false, inParent: false, symlink: false } testNotIsSafeToRm(t, unmanagedParent, targetInParent, 'unmanaged parent') testIsSafeToRm(t, managedParent, targetInParent, '/foo/bar/baz', '/foo', 'path is in parent') testIsSafeToRm(t, managedParent, targetLinkInParent, '/foo/bar/baz', '/foo/bar', 'path links to parent') testIsSafeToRm(t, managedParent, targetManagedLinkNotInParent, undefined, undefined, 'managed but not owned by package') testNotIsSafeToRm(t, managedParent, targetUnmanagedLink, 'unmanaged link') testNotIsSafeToRm(t, managedParent, targetUnmanagedFile, 'unmanaged file') })