'use strict'; var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var repl = require('repl'); function getNoResultsFunction() { return common.mustCall((err, data) => { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepStrictEqual(data[0], []); }); } var works = [['inner.one'], 'inner.o']; const putIn = new common.ArrayStream(); var testMe = repl.start('', putIn); // Some errors are passed to the domain, but do not callback testMe._domain.on('error', function(err) { assert.ifError(err); }); // Tab Complete will not break in an object literal putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run([ 'var inner = {', 'one:1' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); testMe.complete('console.lo', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console.log'], 'console.lo']); })); // Tab Complete will return globally scoped variables putIn.run(['};']); testMe.complete('inner.o', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, works); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will not break in an ternary operator with () putIn.run([ 'var inner = ( true ', '?', '{one: 1} : ' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a simple local variable putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'var inner = {one:1};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, works); })); // When you close the function scope tab complete will not return the // locally scoped variable putIn.run(['};']); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a complex local variable putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, works); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a complex local variable even if the function // has parameters putIn.run([ 'var top = function(one, two) {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, works); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // Tab Complete will return a complex local variable even if the // scope is nested inside an immediately executed function putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', '(function test () {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, works); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // def has the params and { on a separate line putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test (', ' one, two) {', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // currently does not work, but should not break, not the { putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test ()', '{', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // currently does not work, but should not break putIn.run([ 'var top = function() {', 'r = function test (', ')', '{', 'var inner = {', ' one:1', '};' ]); testMe.complete('inner.o', getNoResultsFunction()); putIn.run(['.clear']); // make sure tab completion works on non-Objects putIn.run([ 'var str = "test";' ]); testMe.complete('str.len', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['str.length'], 'str.len']); })); putIn.run(['.clear']); // tab completion should not break on spaces var spaceTimeout = setTimeout(function() { throw new Error('timeout'); }, 1000); testMe.complete(' ', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [[], undefined]); clearTimeout(spaceTimeout); })); // tab completion should pick up the global "toString" object, and // any other properties up the "global" object's prototype chain testMe.complete('toSt', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['toString'], 'toSt']); })); // Tab complete provides built in libs for require() putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('require(\'', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(error, null); repl._builtinLibs.forEach(function(lib) { assert.notStrictEqual(data[0].indexOf(lib), -1, lib + ' not found'); }); })); testMe.complete('require(\'n', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(error, null); assert.strictEqual(data.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(data[1], 'n'); assert.notStrictEqual(data[0].indexOf('net'), -1); // It's possible to pick up non-core modules too data[0].forEach(function(completion) { if (completion) assert(/^n/.test(completion)); }); })); // Make sure tab completion works on context properties putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run([ 'var custom = "test";' ]); testMe.complete('cus', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['custom'], 'cus']); })); // Make sure tab completion doesn't crash REPL with half-baked proxy objects. // See: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/2119 putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run([ 'var proxy = new Proxy({}, {ownKeys: () => { throw new Error(); }});' ]); testMe.complete('proxy.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(error, null); })); // Make sure tab completion does not include integer members of an Array putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var ary = [1,2,3];']); testMe.complete('ary.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('ary.0'), -1); assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('ary.1'), -1); assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('ary.2'), -1); })); // Make sure tab completion does not include integer keys in an object putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var obj = {1:"a","1a":"b",a:"b"};']); testMe.complete('obj.', common.mustCall(function(error, data) { assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('obj.1'), -1); assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('obj.1a'), -1); assert.notStrictEqual(data[0].indexOf('obj.a'), -1); })); // Don't try to complete results of non-simple expressions putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['function a() {}']); testMe.complete('a().b.', getNoResultsFunction()); // Works when prefixed with spaces putIn.run(['.clear']); putIn.run(['var obj = {1:"a","1a":"b",a:"b"};']); testMe.complete(' obj.', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('obj.1'), -1); assert.strictEqual(data[0].indexOf('obj.1a'), -1); assert.notStrictEqual(data[0].indexOf('obj.a'), -1); })); // Works inside assignments putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('var log = console.lo', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console.log'], 'console.lo']); })); // tab completion for defined commands putIn.run(['.clear']); testMe.complete('.b', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['break'], 'b']); })); const testNonGlobal = repl.start({ input: putIn, output: putIn, useGlobal: false }); const builtins = [['Infinity', '', 'Int16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Int8Array'], 'I']; if (common.hasIntl) { builtins[0].push('Intl'); } testNonGlobal.complete('I', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, builtins); })); // To test custom completer function. // Sync mode. const customCompletions = 'aaa aa1 aa2 bbb bb1 bb2 bb3 ccc ddd eee'.split(' '); const testCustomCompleterSyncMode = repl.start({ prompt: '', input: putIn, output: putIn, completer: function completer(line) { const hits = customCompletions.filter((c) => { return c.indexOf(line) === 0; }); // Show all completions if none found. return [hits.length ? hits : customCompletions, line]; } }); // On empty line should output all the custom completions // without complete anything. testCustomCompleterSyncMode.complete('', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ customCompletions, '' ]); })); // On `a` should output `aaa aa1 aa2` and complete until `aa`. testCustomCompleterSyncMode.complete('a', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ 'aaa aa1 aa2'.split(' '), 'a' ]); })); // To test custom completer function. // Async mode. const testCustomCompleterAsyncMode = repl.start({ prompt: '', input: putIn, output: putIn, completer: function completer(line, callback) { const hits = customCompletions.filter((c) => { return c.indexOf(line) === 0; }); // Show all completions if none found. callback(null, [hits.length ? hits : customCompletions, line]); } }); // On empty line should output all the custom completions // without complete anything. testCustomCompleterAsyncMode.complete('', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ customCompletions, '' ]); })); // On `a` should output `aaa aa1 aa2` and complete until `aa`. testCustomCompleterAsyncMode.complete('a', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [ 'aaa aa1 aa2'.split(' '), 'a' ]); })); // tab completion in editor mode const editorStream = new common.ArrayStream(); const editor = repl.start({ stream: editorStream, terminal: true, useColors: false }); editorStream.run(['.clear']); editorStream.run(['.editor']); editor.completer('co', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['con'], 'co']); })); editorStream.run(['.clear']); editorStream.run(['.editor']); editor.completer('var log = console.l', common.mustCall((error, data) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(data, [['console.log'], 'console.l']); }));