// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. var util = require('util'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var Stream = require('net').Stream; var InternalChildProcess = process.binding('child_process').ChildProcess; var constants; var spawn = exports.spawn = function(path, args /*, options, customFds */) { var child = new ChildProcess(); child.spawn.apply(child, arguments); return child; }; function setupChannel(target, fd) { target._channel = new Stream(fd); target._channel.writable = true; target._channel.readable = true; target._channel.resume(); target._channel.setEncoding('utf8'); var buffer = ''; target._channel.on('data', function(d) { buffer += d; var i; while ((i = buffer.indexOf('\n')) >= 0) { var json = buffer.slice(0, i); buffer = buffer.slice(i + 1); var m = JSON.parse(json); target.emit('message', m); } }); target.send = function(m) { target._channel.write(JSON.stringify(m) + '\n'); }; } exports.fork = function(modulePath, args, options) { if (!options) options = {}; options.wantChannel = true; if (!args) args = []; args.unshift(modulePath); // Unless they gave up customFds, just use the parent process if (!options.customFds) options.customFds = [0, 1, 2]; var child = spawn(process.execPath, args, options); setupChannel(child, child.fds[3]); child.on('exit', function() { child._channel.destroy(); }); return child; }; exports._forkChild = function(fd) { setupChannel(process, fd); }; exports.exec = function(command /*, options, callback */) { var _slice = Array.prototype.slice; var args = ['/bin/sh', ['-c', command]].concat(_slice.call(arguments, 1)); return exports.execFile.apply(this, args); }; // execFile('something.sh', { env: ENV }, function() { }) exports.execFile = function(file /* args, options, callback */) { var options = { encoding: 'utf8', timeout: 0, maxBuffer: 200 * 1024, killSignal: 'SIGTERM', setsid: false, cwd: null, env: null }; var args, optionArg, callback; // Parse the parameters. if (typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') { callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; } if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) { args = arguments[1]; if (typeof arguments[2] === 'object') optionArg = arguments[2]; } else { args = []; if (typeof arguments[1] === 'object') optionArg = arguments[1]; } // Merge optionArg into options if (optionArg) { var keys = Object.keys(options); for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) { var k = keys[i]; if (optionArg[k] !== undefined) options[k] = optionArg[k]; } } var child = spawn(file, args, {cwd: options.cwd, env: options.env}); var stdout = ''; var stderr = ''; var killed = false; var exited = false; var timeoutId; var err; function exithandler(code, signal) { if (exited) return; exited = true; if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = null; } if (!callback) return; if (err) { callback(err, stdout, stderr); } else if (code === 0 && signal === null) { callback(null, stdout, stderr); } else { var e = new Error('Command failed: ' + stderr); e.killed = child.killed || killed; e.code = code; e.signal = signal; callback(e, stdout, stderr); } } function kill() { killed = true; child.kill(options.killSignal); process.nextTick(function() { exithandler(null, options.killSignal); }); } if (options.timeout > 0) { timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { kill(); timeoutId = null; }, options.timeout); } child.stdout.setEncoding(options.encoding); child.stderr.setEncoding(options.encoding); child.stdout.addListener('data', function(chunk) { stdout += chunk; if (stdout.length > options.maxBuffer) { err = new Error('maxBuffer exceeded.'); kill(); } }); child.stderr.addListener('data', function(chunk) { stderr += chunk; if (stderr.length > options.maxBuffer) { err = new Error('maxBuffer exceeded.'); kill(); } }); child.addListener('exit', exithandler); return child; }; function ChildProcess() { EventEmitter.call(this); var self = this; this.killed = false; var gotCHLD = false; var exitCode; var termSignal; var internal = this._internal = new InternalChildProcess(); var stdin = this.stdin = new Stream(); var stdout = this.stdout = new Stream(); var stderr = this.stderr = new Stream(); var stderrClosed = false; var stdoutClosed = false; stderr.addListener('close', function() { stderrClosed = true; if (gotCHLD && (!self.stdout || stdoutClosed)) { self.emit('exit', exitCode, termSignal); } }); stdout.addListener('close', function() { stdoutClosed = true; if (gotCHLD && (!self.stderr || stderrClosed)) { self.emit('exit', exitCode, termSignal); } }); internal.onexit = function(code, signal) { gotCHLD = true; exitCode = code; termSignal = signal; if (self.stdin) { self.stdin.end(); } if ((!self.stdout || !self.stdout.readable) && (!self.stderr || !self.stderr.readable)) { self.emit('exit', exitCode, termSignal); } }; this.__defineGetter__('pid', function() { return internal.pid; }); } util.inherits(ChildProcess, EventEmitter); ChildProcess.prototype.kill = function(sig) { if (!this.killed && !this.exited) { if (!constants) constants = process.binding('constants'); sig = sig || 'SIGTERM'; if (!constants[sig]) throw new Error('Unknown signal: ' + sig); this.killed = this._internal.kill(constants[sig]); } }; ChildProcess.prototype.spawn = function(path, args, options, customFds) { args = args || []; var cwd, env, setsid, uid, gid; if (!options || options.cwd === undefined && options.env === undefined && options.customFds === undefined && options.gid === undefined && options.uid === undefined) { // Deprecated API: (path, args, options, env, customFds) cwd = ''; env = options || process.env; customFds = customFds || [-1, -1, -1]; setsid = false; uid = -1; gid = -1; } else { // Recommended API: (path, args, options) cwd = options.cwd || ''; env = options.env || process.env; customFds = options.customFds || [-1, -1, -1]; setsid = options.setsid ? true : false; uid = options.hasOwnProperty('uid') ? options.uid : -1; gid = options.hasOwnProperty('gid') ? options.gid : -1; } var envPairs = []; var keys = Object.keys(env); for (var key in env) { envPairs.push(key + '=' + env[key]); } if (options && options.wantChannel) { // The FILLMEIN will be replaced in C land with an integer! // AWFUL! :D envPairs.push('NODE_CHANNEL_FD=FILLMEIN'); } var fds = this._internal.spawn(path, args, cwd, envPairs, customFds, setsid, uid, gid); this.fds = fds; if (customFds[0] === -1 || customFds[0] === undefined) { this.stdin.open(fds[0]); this.stdin.writable = true; this.stdin.readable = false; } else { this.stdin = null; } if (customFds[1] === -1 || customFds[1] === undefined) { this.stdout.open(fds[1]); this.stdout.writable = false; this.stdout.readable = true; this.stdout.resume(); } else { this.stdout = null; } if (customFds[2] === -1 || customFds[2] === undefined) { this.stderr.open(fds[2]); this.stderr.writable = false; this.stderr.readable = true; this.stderr.resume(); } else { this.stderr = null; } };