'use strict'; // This example attempts to time out before the connection is established // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nodejs/UE0ZbfLt6t8 // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nodejs-dev/jR7-5UDqXkw // // TODO: how to do this without relying on the responses of specific sites? var common = require('../common'); var net = require('net'); var assert = require('assert'); var start = new Date(); var gotTimeout0 = false; var gotTimeout1 = false; var gotConnect0 = false; var gotConnect1 = false; var T = 100; // With DNS var socket0 = net.createConnection(9999, 'google.com'); socket0.setTimeout(T); socket0.on('timeout', function() { console.error('timeout'); gotTimeout0 = true; var now = new Date(); assert.ok(now - start < T + 500); socket0.destroy(); }); socket0.on('connect', function() { console.error('connect'); gotConnect0 = true; socket0.destroy(); }); // Without DNS var socket1 = net.createConnection(9999, ''); socket1.setTimeout(T); socket1.on('timeout', function() { console.error('timeout'); gotTimeout1 = true; var now = new Date(); assert.ok(now - start < T + 500); socket1.destroy(); }); socket1.on('connect', function() { console.error('connect'); gotConnect1 = true; socket1.destroy(); }); process.on('exit', function() { assert.ok(gotTimeout0); assert.ok(!gotConnect0); assert.ok(gotTimeout1); assert.ok(!gotConnect1); });