#!/usr/bin/env python import optparse import os import pprint import subprocess import sys root_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(root_dir, 'deps', 'v8', 'tools')) # parse our options parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="Also build debug build") parser.add_option("--prefix", action="store", dest="prefix", help="Select the install prefix (defaults to /usr/local)") parser.add_option("--without-npm", action="store_true", dest="without_npm", help="Don\'t install the bundled npm package manager") parser.add_option("--without-waf", action="store_true", dest="without_waf", help="Don\'t install node-waf") parser.add_option("--without-ssl", action="store_true", dest="without_ssl", help="Build without SSL") parser.add_option("--without-snapshot", action="store_true", dest="without_snapshot", help="Build without snapshotting V8 libraries. You might want to set" " this for cross-compiling. [Default: False]") parser.add_option("--shared-v8", action="store_true", dest="shared_v8", help="Link to a shared V8 DLL instead of static linking") parser.add_option("--shared-v8-includes", action="store", dest="shared_v8_includes", help="Directory containing V8 header files") parser.add_option("--shared-v8-libpath", action="store", dest="shared_v8_libpath", help="A directory to search for the shared V8 DLL") parser.add_option("--shared-v8-libname", action="store", dest="shared_v8_libname", help="Alternative lib name to link to (default: 'v8')") parser.add_option("--openssl-use-sys", action="store", dest="openssl_use_sys", help="Use the system OpenSSL instead of one included with Node") parser.add_option("--openssl-includes", action="store", dest="openssl_includes", help="A directory to search for the OpenSSL includes") parser.add_option("--openssl-libpath", action="store", dest="openssl_libpath", help="A directory to search for the OpenSSL libraries") parser.add_option("--no-ssl2", action="store_true", dest="no_ssl2", help="Disable OpenSSL v2") parser.add_option("--shared-cares", action="store_true", dest="shared_cares", help="Link to a shared C-Ares DLL instead of static linking") parser.add_option("--shared-cares-includes", action="store", dest="shared_cares_includes", help="Directory containing C-Ares header files") parser.add_option("--shared-cares-libpath", action="store", dest="shared_cares_libpath", help="A directory to search for the shared C-Ares DLL") parser.add_option("--with-dtrace", action="store_true", dest="with_dtrace", help="Build with DTrace (experimental)") # CHECKME does this still work with recent releases of V8? parser.add_option("--gdb", action="store_true", dest="gdb", help="add gdb support") parser.add_option("--dest-cpu", action="store", dest="dest_cpu", help="CPU architecture to build for. Valid values are: arm, ia32, x64") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() def b(value): """Returns the string 'true' if value is truthy, 'false' otherwise.""" if value: return 'true' else: return 'false' def pkg_config(pkg): cmd = os.popen('pkg-config --libs %s' % pkg, 'r') libs = cmd.readline().strip() ret = cmd.close() if (ret): return None cmd = os.popen('pkg-config --cflags %s' % pkg, 'r') cflags = cmd.readline().strip() ret = cmd.close() if (ret): return None return (libs, cflags) def host_arch(): """Host architecture. One of arm, ia32 or x64.""" # TODO better/configurable way of getting the proper 'cc' command? cc = [ 'cc' ] cmd = cc + [ '-dM', '-E', '-' ] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) p.stdin.write('\n') out = p.communicate()[0] out = str(out).split('\n') k = {} for line in out: import shlex lst = shlex.split(line) if len(lst) > 2: key = lst[1] val = lst[2] k[key] = val matchup = { '__x86_64__' : 'x64', '__i386__' : 'ia32', '__arm__' : 'arm', } rtn = 'ia32' # default for i in matchup: if i in k and k[i] != '0': rtn = matchup[i] break return rtn def target_arch(): return host_arch() def configure_node(o): # TODO add gdb o['variables']['node_prefix'] = options.prefix if options.prefix else '' o['variables']['node_use_dtrace'] = b(options.with_dtrace) o['variables']['node_install_npm'] = b(not options.without_npm) o['variables']['node_install_waf'] = b(not options.without_waf) o['variables']['host_arch'] = host_arch() o['variables']['target_arch'] = options.dest_cpu or target_arch() # TODO move to node.gyp if sys.platform == 'sunos5': o['variables']['visibility'] = '' # FIXME -fvisibility=hidden, should be a gcc check def configure_libz(o): o['libraries'] += ['-lz'] def configure_v8(o): o['variables']['v8_use_snapshot'] = b(not options.without_snapshot) o['variables']['node_shared_v8'] = b(options.shared_v8) # assume shared_v8 if one of these is set? if options.shared_v8_libpath: o['libraries'] += ['-L%s' % options.shared_v8_libpath] if options.shared_v8_libname: o['libraries'] += ['-l%s' % options.shared_v8_libname] if options.shared_v8_includes: o['include_dirs'] += [options.shared_v8_includes] def configure_cares(o): o['variables']['node_shared_cares'] = b(options.shared_cares) # assume shared_cares if one of these is set? if options.shared_cares_libpath: o['libraries'] += ['-L%s' % options.shared_cares_libpath] if options.shared_cares_includes: o['include_dirs'] += [options.shared_cares_includes] def configure_openssl(o): o['variables']['node_use_openssl'] = b(not options.without_ssl) if options.without_ssl: return if options.no_ssl2: o['defines'] += ['OPENSSL_NO_SSL2=1'] if not options.openssl_use_sys: o['variables']['node_use_system_openssl'] = b(False) else: out = pkg_config('openssl') (libs, cflags) = out if out else ('', '') if options.openssl_libpath: o['libraries'] += ['-L%s' % options.openssl_libpath, '-lssl', '-lcrypto'] else: o['libraries'] += libs.split() if options.openssl_includes: o['include_dirs'] += [options.openssl_includes] else: o['cflags'] += cflags.split() o['variables']['node_use_system_openssl'] = b( libs or cflags or options.openssl_libpath or options.openssl_includes) output = { 'variables': {}, 'include_dirs': [], 'libraries': [], 'defines': [], 'cflags': [], } configure_node(output) configure_libz(output) configure_v8(output) configure_cares(output) configure_openssl(output) # variables should be a root level element, # move everything else to target_defaults variables = output['variables'] del output['variables'] output = { 'variables': variables, 'target_defaults': output } pprint.pprint(output, indent=2) def write(filename, data): filename = os.path.join(root_dir, filename) print "creating ", filename with open(filename, 'w+') as f: f.write(data) write('config.gypi', "# Do not edit. Generated by the configure script.\n" + pprint.pformat(output, indent=2)) write('config.mk', "# Do not edit. Generated by the configure script.\n" + ("BUILDTYPE=%s\n" % ('Debug' if options.debug else 'Release'))) subprocess.call(['tools/gyp_node','-f', 'make'])