'use strict'; require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var PassThrough = require('_stream_passthrough'); var Transform = require('_stream_transform'); // tiny node-tap lookalike. var tests = []; var count = 0; function test(name, fn) { count++; tests.push([name, fn]); } function run() { var next = tests.shift(); if (!next) return console.error('ok'); var name = next[0]; var fn = next[1]; console.log('# %s', name); fn({ same: assert.deepEqual, equal: assert.equal, ok: assert, end: function() { count--; run(); } }); } // ensure all tests have run process.on('exit', function() { assert.equal(count, 0); }); process.nextTick(run); ///// test('writable side consumption', function(t) { var tx = new Transform({ highWaterMark: 10 }); var transformed = 0; tx._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { transformed += chunk.length; tx.push(chunk); cb(); }; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { tx.write(new Buffer(i)); } tx.end(); t.equal(tx._readableState.length, 10); t.equal(transformed, 10); t.equal(tx._transformState.writechunk.length, 5); t.same(tx._writableState.getBuffer().map(function(c) { return c.chunk.length; }), [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]); t.end(); }); test('passthrough', function(t) { var pt = new PassThrough(); pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); pt.end(); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'foogb'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'arkba'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'zykue'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'l'); t.end(); }); test('object passthrough', function(t) { var pt = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }); pt.write(1); pt.write(true); pt.write(false); pt.write(0); pt.write('foo'); pt.write(''); pt.write({ a: 'b'}); pt.end(); t.equal(pt.read(), 1); t.equal(pt.read(), true); t.equal(pt.read(), false); t.equal(pt.read(), 0); t.equal(pt.read(), 'foo'); t.equal(pt.read(), ''); t.same(pt.read(), { a: 'b'}); t.end(); }); test('simple transform', function(t) { var pt = new Transform(); pt._transform = function(c, e, cb) { var ret = new Buffer(c.length); ret.fill('x'); pt.push(ret); cb(); }; pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); pt.end(); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'xxxxx'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'xxxxx'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'xxxxx'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'x'); t.end(); }); test('simple object transform', function(t) { var pt = new Transform({ objectMode: true }); pt._transform = function(c, e, cb) { pt.push(JSON.stringify(c)); cb(); }; pt.write(1); pt.write(true); pt.write(false); pt.write(0); pt.write('foo'); pt.write(''); pt.write({ a: 'b'}); pt.end(); t.equal(pt.read(), '1'); t.equal(pt.read(), 'true'); t.equal(pt.read(), 'false'); t.equal(pt.read(), '0'); t.equal(pt.read(), '"foo"'); t.equal(pt.read(), '""'); t.equal(pt.read(), '{"a":"b"}'); t.end(); }); test('async passthrough', function(t) { var pt = new Transform(); pt._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { setTimeout(function() { pt.push(chunk); cb(); }, 10); }; pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); pt.end(); pt.on('finish', function() { t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'foogb'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'arkba'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'zykue'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'l'); t.end(); }); }); test('assymetric transform (expand)', function(t) { var pt = new Transform(); // emit each chunk 2 times. pt._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { setTimeout(function() { pt.push(chunk); setTimeout(function() { pt.push(chunk); cb(); }, 10); }, 10); }; pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); pt.end(); pt.on('finish', function() { t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'foogf'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'oogba'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'rkbar'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'kbazy'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'bazyk'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'uelku'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'el'); t.end(); }); }); test('assymetric transform (compress)', function(t) { var pt = new Transform(); // each output is the first char of 3 consecutive chunks, // or whatever's left. pt.state = ''; pt._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (!chunk) chunk = ''; var s = chunk.toString(); setTimeout(function() { this.state += s.charAt(0); if (this.state.length === 3) { pt.push(new Buffer(this.state)); this.state = ''; } cb(); }.bind(this), 10); }; pt._flush = function(cb) { // just output whatever we have. pt.push(new Buffer(this.state)); this.state = ''; cb(); }; pt.write(new Buffer('aaaa')); pt.write(new Buffer('bbbb')); pt.write(new Buffer('cccc')); pt.write(new Buffer('dddd')); pt.write(new Buffer('eeee')); pt.write(new Buffer('aaaa')); pt.write(new Buffer('bbbb')); pt.write(new Buffer('cccc')); pt.write(new Buffer('dddd')); pt.write(new Buffer('eeee')); pt.write(new Buffer('aaaa')); pt.write(new Buffer('bbbb')); pt.write(new Buffer('cccc')); pt.write(new Buffer('dddd')); pt.end(); // 'abcdeabcdeabcd' pt.on('finish', function() { t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'abcde'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'abcde'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'abcd'); t.end(); }); }); // this tests for a stall when data is written to a full stream // that has empty transforms. test('complex transform', function(t) { var count = 0; var saved = null; var pt = new Transform({highWaterMark:3}); pt._transform = function(c, e, cb) { if (count++ === 1) saved = c; else { if (saved) { pt.push(saved); saved = null; } pt.push(c); } cb(); }; pt.once('readable', function() { process.nextTick(function() { pt.write(new Buffer('d')); pt.write(new Buffer('ef'), function() { pt.end(); t.end(); }); t.equal(pt.read().toString(), 'abcdef'); t.equal(pt.read(), null); }); }); pt.write(new Buffer('abc')); }); test('passthrough event emission', function(t) { var pt = new PassThrough(); var emits = 0; pt.on('readable', function() { console.error('>>> emit readable %d', emits); emits++; }); pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); console.error('need emit 0'); pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); console.error('should have emitted readable now 1 === %d', emits); t.equal(emits, 1); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'foogb'); t.equal(pt.read(5) + '', 'null'); console.error('need emit 1'); pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); console.error('should have emitted, but not again'); pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); console.error('should have emitted readable now 2 === %d', emits); t.equal(emits, 2); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'arkba'); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'zykue'); t.equal(pt.read(5), null); console.error('need emit 2'); pt.end(); t.equal(emits, 3); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'l'); t.equal(pt.read(5), null); console.error('should not have emitted again'); t.equal(emits, 3); t.end(); }); test('passthrough event emission reordered', function(t) { var pt = new PassThrough(); var emits = 0; pt.on('readable', function() { console.error('emit readable', emits); emits++; }); pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); console.error('need emit 0'); pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); console.error('should have emitted readable now 1 === %d', emits); t.equal(emits, 1); t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'foogb'); t.equal(pt.read(5), null); console.error('need emit 1'); pt.once('readable', function() { t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'arkba'); t.equal(pt.read(5), null); console.error('need emit 2'); pt.once('readable', function() { t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'zykue'); t.equal(pt.read(5), null); pt.once('readable', function() { t.equal(pt.read(5).toString(), 'l'); t.equal(pt.read(5), null); t.equal(emits, 4); t.end(); }); pt.end(); }); pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); }); pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); }); test('passthrough facaded', function(t) { console.error('passthrough facaded'); var pt = new PassThrough(); var datas = []; pt.on('data', function(chunk) { datas.push(chunk.toString()); }); pt.on('end', function() { t.same(datas, ['foog', 'bark', 'bazy', 'kuel']); t.end(); }); pt.write(new Buffer('foog')); setTimeout(function() { pt.write(new Buffer('bark')); setTimeout(function() { pt.write(new Buffer('bazy')); setTimeout(function() { pt.write(new Buffer('kuel')); setTimeout(function() { pt.end(); }, 10); }, 10); }, 10); }, 10); }); test('object transform (json parse)', function(t) { console.error('json parse stream'); var jp = new Transform({ objectMode: true }); jp._transform = function(data, encoding, cb) { try { jp.push(JSON.parse(data)); cb(); } catch (er) { cb(er); } }; // anything except null/undefined is fine. // those are "magic" in the stream API, because they signal EOF. var objects = [ { foo: 'bar' }, 100, 'string', { nested: { things: [ { foo: 'bar' }, 100, 'string' ] } } ]; var ended = false; jp.on('end', function() { ended = true; }); objects.forEach(function(obj) { jp.write(JSON.stringify(obj)); var res = jp.read(); t.same(res, obj); }); jp.end(); // read one more time to get the 'end' event jp.read(); process.nextTick(function() { t.ok(ended); t.end(); }); }); test('object transform (json stringify)', function(t) { console.error('json parse stream'); var js = new Transform({ objectMode: true }); js._transform = function(data, encoding, cb) { try { js.push(JSON.stringify(data)); cb(); } catch (er) { cb(er); } }; // anything except null/undefined is fine. // those are "magic" in the stream API, because they signal EOF. var objects = [ { foo: 'bar' }, 100, 'string', { nested: { things: [ { foo: 'bar' }, 100, 'string' ] } } ]; var ended = false; js.on('end', function() { ended = true; }); objects.forEach(function(obj) { js.write(obj); var res = js.read(); t.equal(res, JSON.stringify(obj)); }); js.end(); // read one more time to get the 'end' event js.read(); process.nextTick(function() { t.ok(ended); t.end(); }); });