.TH NODE 1 2016 Node.js Node.js .\" This is a man page comment. .\" Man page syntax (actually roff syntax) is somewhat obscure, but the .\" important part is is that . specifies 's syntax for that .\" line, and \f specifies it for the characters that follow. .\" .B Bold line .\" .I Italic line (Rendered as underlined text in terminals) .\" .BI Alternating bold/italics without spaces between arguments. .\" Use `\ ` to include an "unpaddable" (literal) space in the output. .\" .RI Alternating roman/italic .\" See http://liw.fi/manpages/ for an overview, or http://www.troff.org/54.pdf .\" for detailed language reference. .\" Macro to display an underlined URL in bold .de ur .nr CF \\n(.f .ft 4 \\$1 .ft \\n(CF .. .SH NAME node \- Server-side JavaScript runtime .SH SYNOPSIS .B node .RI [ options ] .RI [ v8\ options ] .RI [ script.js \ | .B -e .RI \&" script \&"] .RI [ arguments ] .br .B node debug .RI [ script.js " | " .B \-e .RI \&" script \&"\ | .IR : ] .I ... .br .B node .RB [ \-\-v8-options ] Execute without arguments to start the REPL. .SH DESCRIPTION Node.js is a set of libraries for JavaScript which allows it to be used outside of the browser. It is primarily focused on creating simple, easy to build network clients and servers. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-v ", " \-\-version Print node's version. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Print node command line options. The output of this option is less detailed than this document. .TP .BR \-e ", " \-\-eval " " \fR"\fIscript\fR" Evaluate the following argument as JavaScript. .TP .BR \-p ", " \-\-print " " \fR"\fIscript\fR" Identical to \fB-e\fR but prints the result. .TP .BR \-c ", " \-\-check Syntax check the script without executing. .TP .BR \-i ", " \-\-interactive Open the REPL even if stdin does not appear to be a terminal. .TP .BR \-r ", " \-\-require " " \fImodule\fR Preload the specified module at startup. Follows `require()`'s module resolution rules. \fImodule\fR may be either a path to a file, or a node module name. .TP .BR \-\-no\-deprecation Silence deprecation warnings. .TP .BR \-\-trace\-deprecation Print stack traces for deprecations. .TP .BR \-\-throw\-deprecation Throw errors for deprecations. .TP .BR \-\-no\-warnings Silence all process warnings (including deprecations). .TP .BR \-\-trace\-warnings Print stack traces for process warnings (including deprecations). .TP .BR \-\-trace\-sync\-io Print a stack trace whenever synchronous I/O is detected after the first turn of the event loop. .TP .BR \-\-trace\-events\-enabled Enables the collection of trace event tracing information. .TP .BR \-\-trace\-event\-categories " " \fIcategories\fR A comma separated list of categories that should be traced when trace event tracing is enabled using \fB--trace-events-enabled\fR. .TP .BR \-\-zero\-fill\-buffers Automatically zero-fills all newly allocated Buffer and SlowBuffer instances. .TP .BR \-\-preserve\-symlinks Instructs the module loader to preserve symbolic links when resolving and caching modules. .TP .BR \-\-track\-heap-objects Track heap object allocations for heap snapshots. .TP .BR \-\-prof\-process Process v8 profiler output generated using the v8 option \fB\-\-prof\fR .TP .BR \-\-v8\-options Print v8 command line options. Note: v8 options allow words to be separated by both dashes (\fB-\fR) or underscores (\fB_\fR). For example, \fB\-\-stack\-trace\-limit\fR is equivalent to \fB\-\-stack\_trace\_limit\fR .TP .BR \-\-v8\-pool\-size =\fInum\fR Set v8's thread pool size which will be used to allocate background jobs. If set to 0 then v8 will choose an appropriate size of the thread pool based on the number of online processors. If the value provided is larger than v8's max then the largest value will be chosen. .TP .BR \-\-tls\-cipher\-list =\fIlist\fR Specify an alternative default TLS cipher list. (Requires Node.js to be built with crypto support. (Default)) .TP .BR \-\-enable\-fips Enable FIPS-compliant crypto at startup. (Requires Node.js to be built with \fB./configure \-\-openssl\-fips\fR) .TP .BR \-\-force\-fips Force FIPS-compliant crypto on startup. (Cannot be disabled from script code.) (Same requirements as \fB\-\-enable\-fips\fR) .TP .BR \-\-openssl\-config =\fIfile\fR Load an OpenSSL configuration file on startup. Among other uses, this can be used to enable FIPS-compliant crypto if Node.js is built with \fB./configure \-\-openssl\-fips\fR. .TP .BR \-\-use\-openssl\-ca,\-\-use\-bundled\-ca Use OpenSSL's default CA store or use bundled Mozilla CA store as supplied by current NodeJS version. The default store is selectable at build-time. Using OpenSSL store allows for external modifications of the store. For most Linux and BSD distributions, this store is maintained by the distribution maintainers and system administrators. OpenSSL CA store location is dependent on configuration of the OpenSSL library but this can be altered at runtime using environmental variables. The bundled CA store, as supplied by NodeJS, is a snapshot of Mozilla CA store that is fixed at release time. It is identical on all supported platforms. See \fBSSL_CERT_DIR\fR and \fBSSL_CERT_FILE\fR. .TP .BR \-\-icu\-data\-dir =\fIfile\fR Specify ICU data load path. (overrides \fBNODE_ICU_DATA\fR) .SH ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES .TP .BR NODE_DEBUG =\fImodule\fR[,\fI...\fR] \',\'\-separated list of core modules that should print debug information. .TP .BR NODE_DISABLE_COLORS =\fI1\fR When set to \fI1\fR, colors will not be used in the REPL. .TP .BR NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS =\fIfile\fR When set, the well known "root" CAs (like VeriSign) will be extended with the extra certificates in \fIfile\fR. The file should consist of one or more trusted certificates in PEM format. A message will be emitted (once) with \fBprocess.emitWarning()\fR if the file is missing or misformatted, but any errors are otherwise ignored. .TP .BR NODE_ICU_DATA =\fIfile\fR Data path for ICU (Intl object) data. Will extend linked-in data when compiled with small\-icu support. .TP .BR NODE_NO_WARNINGS =\fI1\fR When set to \fI1\fR, process warnings are silenced. .TP .BR NODE_PATH =\fIpath\fR[:\fI...\fR] \':\'\-separated list of directories prefixed to the module search path. .TP .BR NODE_REPL_HISTORY =\fIfile\fR Path to the file used to store the persistent REPL history. The default path is \fB~/.node_repl_history\fR, which is overridden by this variable. Setting the value to an empty string ("" or " ") disables persistent REPL history. .TP .BR NODE_TTY_UNSAFE_ASYNC =\fI1\fR When set to \fI1\fR, writes to stdout and stderr will be non-blocking and asynchronous when outputting to a TTY on platforms which support async stdio. Setting this will void any guarantee that stdio will not be interleaved or dropped at program exit. \fBAvoid use.\fR .TP .BR SSL_CERT_DIR = \fIdir\fR If \fB\-\-use\-openssl\-ca\fR is enabled, this overrides and sets OpenSSL's directory containing trusted certificates. .TP .BR SSL_CERT_FILE = \fIfile\fR If \fB\-\-use\-openssl\-ca\fR is enabled, this overrides and sets OpenSSL's file containing trusted certificates. .SH BUGS Bugs are tracked in GitHub Issues: .ur https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues .SH AUTHORS Written and maintained by 1000+ contributors: .ur https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/AUTHORS .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright Node.js contributors. Node.js is available under the MIT license. Node.js also includes external libraries that are available under a variety of licenses. See .ur https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text. .SH RESOURCES AND DOCUMENTATION Website: .ur https://nodejs.org/ Documentation: .ur https://nodejs.org/api/ GitHub repository & Issue Tracker: .ur https://github.com/nodejs/node Mailing list: .ur http://groups.google.com/group/nodejs IRC (general questions): .ur "chat.freenode.net #node.js" (unofficial) IRC (Node.js core development): .ur "chat.freenode.net #node-dev"