'use strict'; require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const repl = require('repl'); const stream = require('stream'); testSloppyMode(); testStrictMode(); testResetContext(); testMagicMode(); function testSloppyMode() { const r = initRepl(repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY); // cannot use `let` in sloppy mode r.write(`_; // initial value undefined var x = 10; // evaluates to undefined _; // still undefined y = 10; // evaluates to 10 _; // 10 from last eval _ = 20; // explicitly set to 20 _; // 20 from user input _ = 30; // make sure we can set it twice and no prompt _; // 30 from user input y = 40; // make sure eval doesn't change _ _; // remains 30 from user input `); assertOutput(r.output, [ 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', '10', '10', 'Expression assignment to _ now disabled.', '20', '20', '30', '30', '40', '30' ]); } function testStrictMode() { const r = initRepl(repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT); r.write(`_; // initial value undefined var x = 10; // evaluates to undefined _; // still undefined let _ = 20; // use 'let' only in strict mode - evals to undefined _; // 20 from user input _ = 30; // make sure we can set it twice and no prompt _; // 30 from user input var y = 40; // make sure eval doesn't change _ _; // remains 30 from user input function f() { let _ = 50; } // undefined f(); // undefined _; // remains 30 from user input `); assertOutput(r.output, [ 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', 'undefined', '20', '30', '30', 'undefined', '30', 'undefined', 'undefined', '30' ]); } function testMagicMode() { const r = initRepl(repl.REPL_MODE_MAGIC); r.write(`_; // initial value undefined x = 10; // _; // last eval - 10 let _ = 20; // undefined _; // 20 from user input _ = 30; // make sure we can set it twice and no prompt _; // 30 from user input var y = 40; // make sure eval doesn't change _ _; // remains 30 from user input function f() { let _ = 50; return _; } // undefined f(); // 50 _; // remains 30 from user input `); assertOutput(r.output, [ 'undefined', '10', '10', 'undefined', '20', '30', '30', 'undefined', '30', 'undefined', '50', '30' ]); } function testResetContext() { const r = initRepl(repl.REPL_MODE_SLOPPY); r.write(`_ = 10; // explicitly set to 10 _; // 10 from user input .clear // Clearing context... _; // remains 10 x = 20; // but behavior reverts to last eval _; // expect 20 `); assertOutput(r.output, [ 'Expression assignment to _ now disabled.', '10', '10', 'Clearing context...', '10', '20', '20' ]); } function initRepl(mode) { const inputStream = new stream.PassThrough(); const outputStream = new stream.PassThrough(); outputStream.accum = ''; outputStream.on('data', (data) => { outputStream.accum += data; }); return repl.start({ input: inputStream, output: outputStream, useColors: false, terminal: false, prompt: '', replMode: mode }); } function assertOutput(output, expected) { const lines = output.accum.trim().split('\n'); assert.deepStrictEqual(lines, expected); }