'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const cp = require('child_process'); // Verify that a shell is, in fact, executed const doesNotExist = cp.spawnSync('does-not-exist', {shell: true}); assert.notEqual(doesNotExist.file, 'does-not-exist'); assert.strictEqual(doesNotExist.error, undefined); assert.strictEqual(doesNotExist.signal, null); if (common.isWindows) assert.strictEqual(doesNotExist.status, 1); // Exit code of cmd.exe else assert.strictEqual(doesNotExist.status, 127); // Exit code of /bin/sh // Verify that passing arguments works const echo = cp.spawnSync('echo', ['foo'], {shell: true}); assert.strictEqual(echo.args[echo.args.length - 1].replace(/"/g, ''), 'echo foo'); assert.strictEqual(echo.stdout.toString().trim(), 'foo'); // Verify that shell features can be used const cmd = common.isWindows ? 'echo bar | more' : 'echo bar | cat'; const command = cp.spawnSync(cmd, {shell: true}); assert.strictEqual(command.stdout.toString().trim(), 'bar'); // Verify that the environment is properly inherited const env = cp.spawnSync(`"${process.execPath}" -pe process.env.BAZ`, { env: Object.assign({}, process.env, {BAZ: 'buzz'}), shell: true }); assert.strictEqual(env.stdout.toString().trim(), 'buzz'); // Verify that the shell internals work properly across platforms. { const originalComspec = process.env.comspec; // Enable monkey patching process.platform. const originalPlatform = process.platform; let platform = null; Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { get: () => platform }); function test(testPlatform, shell, shellOutput) { platform = testPlatform; const cmd = 'not_a_real_command'; const shellFlags = platform === 'win32' ? ['/d', '/s', '/c'] : ['-c']; const outputCmd = platform === 'win32' ? `"${cmd}"` : cmd; const windowsVerbatim = platform === 'win32' ? true : undefined; const result = cp.spawnSync(cmd, { shell }); assert.strictEqual(result.file, shellOutput); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.args, [shellOutput, ...shellFlags, outputCmd]); assert.strictEqual(result.options.shell, shell); assert.strictEqual(result.options.file, result.file); assert.deepStrictEqual(result.options.args, result.args); assert.strictEqual(result.options.windowsVerbatimArguments, windowsVerbatim); } // Test Unix platforms with the default shell. test('darwin', true, '/bin/sh'); // Test Unix platforms with a user specified shell. test('darwin', '/bin/csh', '/bin/csh'); // Test Android platforms. test('android', true, '/system/bin/sh'); // Test Windows platforms with a user specified shell. test('win32', 'powershell.exe', 'powershell.exe'); // Test Windows platforms with the default shell and no comspec. delete process.env.comspec; test('win32', true, 'cmd.exe'); // Test Windows platforms with the default shell and a comspec value. process.env.comspec = 'powershell.exe'; test('win32', true, process.env.comspec); // Restore the original value of process.platform. platform = originalPlatform; // Restore the original comspec environment variable if necessary. if (originalComspec) process.env.comspec = originalComspec; }