// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. InspectorTest = {}; InspectorTest._dispatchTable = new Map(); InspectorTest._requestId = 0; InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages = false; InspectorTest._eventHandler = {}; Protocol = new Proxy({}, { get: function(target, agentName, receiver) { return new Proxy({}, { get: function(target, methodName, receiver) { const eventPattern = /^on(ce)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+)/; var match = eventPattern.exec(methodName); if (!match) { return (args) => InspectorTest._sendCommandPromise(`${agentName}.${methodName}`, args || {}); } else { var eventName = match[2]; eventName = eventName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + eventName.slice(1); if (match[1]) return (args) => InspectorTest._waitForEventPromise(`${agentName}.${eventName}`, args || {}); else return (listener) => { InspectorTest._eventHandler[`${agentName}.${eventName}`] = listener }; } } }); } }); InspectorTest.log = print.bind(null); InspectorTest.logMessage = function(message) { if (message.id) message.id = ""; const nonStableFields = new Set(["objectId", "scriptId", "exceptionId", "timestamp", "executionContextId", "callFrameId"]); var objects = [ message ]; while (objects.length) { var object = objects.shift(); for (var key in object) { if (nonStableFields.has(key)) object[key] = `<${key}>`; else if (typeof object[key] === "object") objects.push(object[key]); } } InspectorTest.logObject(message); return message; } InspectorTest.logObject = function(object, title) { var lines = []; function dumpValue(value, prefix, prefixWithName) { if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) { if (value instanceof Array) dumpItems(value, prefix, prefixWithName); else dumpProperties(value, prefix, prefixWithName); } else { lines.push(prefixWithName + String(value).replace(/\n/g, " ")); } } function dumpProperties(object, prefix, firstLinePrefix) { prefix = prefix || ""; firstLinePrefix = firstLinePrefix || prefix; lines.push(firstLinePrefix + "{"); var propertyNames = Object.keys(object); propertyNames.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; ++i) { var name = propertyNames[i]; if (!object.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue; var prefixWithName = " " + prefix + name + " : "; dumpValue(object[name], " " + prefix, prefixWithName); } lines.push(prefix + "}"); } function dumpItems(object, prefix, firstLinePrefix) { prefix = prefix || ""; firstLinePrefix = firstLinePrefix || prefix; lines.push(firstLinePrefix + "["); for (var i = 0; i < object.length; ++i) dumpValue(object[i], " " + prefix, " " + prefix + "[" + i + "] : "); lines.push(prefix + "]"); } dumpValue(object, "", title); InspectorTest.log(lines.join("\n")); } InspectorTest.completeTest = quit.bind(null); InspectorTest.completeTestAfterPendingTimeouts = function() { Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: "new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0))", awaitPromise: true }).then(InspectorTest.completeTest); } InspectorTest.addScript = function(string) { return InspectorTest._sendCommandPromise("Runtime.evaluate", { "expression": string }).then(dumpErrorIfNeeded); function dumpErrorIfNeeded(message) { if (message.error) { InspectorTest.log("Error while executing '" + string + "': " + message.error.message); InspectorTest.completeTest(); } } }; InspectorTest.startDumpingProtocolMessages = function() { InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages = true; } InspectorTest.sendRawCommand = function(requestId, command, handler) { if (InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages) print("frontend: " + command); InspectorTest._dispatchTable.set(requestId, handler); sendMessageToBackend(command); } InspectorTest.checkExpectation = function(fail, name, messageObject) { if (fail === !!messageObject.error) { InspectorTest.log("PASS: " + name); return true; } InspectorTest.log("FAIL: " + name + ": " + JSON.stringify(messageObject)); InspectorTest.completeTest(); return false; } InspectorTest.expectedSuccess = InspectorTest.checkExpectation.bind(null, false); InspectorTest.expectedError = InspectorTest.checkExpectation.bind(null, true); InspectorTest.runTestSuite = function(testSuite) { function nextTest() { if (!testSuite.length) { InspectorTest.completeTest(); return; } var fun = testSuite.shift(); InspectorTest.log("\nRunning test: " + fun.name); fun(nextTest); } nextTest(); } InspectorTest._sendCommandPromise = function(method, params) { var requestId = ++InspectorTest._requestId; var messageObject = { "id": requestId, "method": method, "params": params }; var fulfillCallback; var promise = new Promise(fulfill => fulfillCallback = fulfill); InspectorTest.sendRawCommand(requestId, JSON.stringify(messageObject), fulfillCallback); return promise; } InspectorTest._waitForEventPromise = function(eventName) { return new Promise(fulfill => InspectorTest._eventHandler[eventName] = fullfillAndClearListener.bind(null, fulfill)); function fullfillAndClearListener(fulfill, result) { delete InspectorTest._eventHandler[eventName]; fulfill(result); } } InspectorTest._dispatchMessage = function(messageObject) { if (InspectorTest._dumpInspectorProtocolMessages) print("backend: " + JSON.stringify(messageObject)); try { var messageId = messageObject["id"]; if (typeof messageId === "number") { var handler = InspectorTest._dispatchTable.get(messageId); if (handler) { handler(messageObject); InspectorTest._dispatchTable.delete(messageId); } } else { var eventName = messageObject["method"]; var eventHandler = InspectorTest._eventHandler[eventName]; if (eventHandler) eventHandler(messageObject); } } catch (e) { InspectorTest.log("Exception when dispatching message: " + e + "\n" + e.stack + "\n message = " + JSON.stringify(messageObject, null, 2)); InspectorTest.completeTest(); } }