'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const assert = require('assert'); const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; const path = require('path'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const FIPS_ENABLED = 1; const FIPS_DISABLED = 0; const FIPS_ERROR_STRING = 'Error: Cannot set FIPS mode'; const OPTION_ERROR_STRING = 'bad option'; const CNF_FIPS_ON = fixtures.path('openssl_fips_enabled.cnf'); const CNF_FIPS_OFF = fixtures.path('openssl_fips_disabled.cnf'); let num_children_ok = 0; function compiledWithFips() { return process.config.variables.openssl_fips ? true : false; } function sharedOpenSSL() { return process.config.variables.node_shared_openssl; } function addToEnv(newVar, value) { const envCopy = {}; for (const e in process.env) { envCopy[e] = process.env[e]; } envCopy[newVar] = value; return envCopy; } function testHelper(stream, args, expectedOutput, cmd, env) { const fullArgs = args.concat(['-e', `console.log(${cmd})`]); const child = spawnSync(process.execPath, fullArgs, { cwd: path.dirname(process.execPath), env: env }); console.error( `Spawned child [pid:${child.pid}] with cmd '${cmd}' expect %j with args '${ args}' OPENSSL_CONF=%j`, expectedOutput, env.OPENSSL_CONF); function childOk(child) { console.error(`Child #${++num_children_ok} [pid:${child.pid}] OK.`); } function responseHandler(buffer, expectedOutput) { const response = buffer.toString(); assert.notStrictEqual(response.length, 0); if (FIPS_ENABLED !== expectedOutput && FIPS_DISABLED !== expectedOutput) { // In the case of expected errors just look for a substring. assert.ok(response.includes(expectedOutput)); } else { // Normal path where we expect either FIPS enabled or disabled. assert.strictEqual(expectedOutput, Number(response)); } childOk(child); } responseHandler(child[stream], expectedOutput); } // By default FIPS should be off in both FIPS and non-FIPS builds. testHelper( 'stdout', [], FIPS_DISABLED, 'require("crypto").fips', addToEnv('OPENSSL_CONF', '')); // --enable-fips should turn FIPS mode on testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--enable-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips', process.env); //--force-fips should turn FIPS mode on testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--force-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips', process.env); // If Node was configured using --shared-openssl fips support might be // available depending on how OpenSSL was built. If fips support is // available the tests that toggle the fips_mode on/off using the config // file option will succeed and return 1 instead of 0. // // Note that this case is different from when calling the fips setter as the // configuration file is handled by OpenSSL, so it is not possible for us // to try to call the fips setter, to try to detect this situation, as // that would throw an error: // ("Error: Cannot set FIPS mode in a non-FIPS build."). // Due to this uncertanty the following tests are skipped when configured // with --shared-openssl. if (!sharedOpenSSL()) { // OpenSSL config file should be able to turn on FIPS mode testHelper( 'stdout', [`--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_ON}`], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : FIPS_DISABLED, 'require("crypto").fips', process.env); // OPENSSL_CONF should be able to turn on FIPS mode testHelper( 'stdout', [], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : FIPS_DISABLED, 'require("crypto").fips', addToEnv('OPENSSL_CONF', CNF_FIPS_ON)); // --openssl-config option should override OPENSSL_CONF testHelper( 'stdout', [`--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_ON}`], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : FIPS_DISABLED, 'require("crypto").fips', addToEnv('OPENSSL_CONF', CNF_FIPS_OFF)); } testHelper( 'stdout', [`--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_OFF}`], FIPS_DISABLED, 'require("crypto").fips', addToEnv('OPENSSL_CONF', CNF_FIPS_ON)); // --enable-fips should take precedence over OpenSSL config file testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--enable-fips', `--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_OFF}`], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips', process.env); // OPENSSL_CONF should _not_ make a difference to --enable-fips testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--enable-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips', addToEnv('OPENSSL_CONF', CNF_FIPS_OFF)); // --force-fips should take precedence over OpenSSL config file testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--force-fips', `--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_OFF}`], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips', process.env); // Using OPENSSL_CONF should not make a difference to --force-fips testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--force-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips', addToEnv('OPENSSL_CONF', CNF_FIPS_OFF)); // setFipsCrypto should be able to turn FIPS mode on testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', [], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : FIPS_ERROR_STRING, '(require("crypto").fips = true,' + 'require("crypto").fips)', process.env); // setFipsCrypto should be able to turn FIPS mode on and off testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', [], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_DISABLED : FIPS_ERROR_STRING, '(require("crypto").fips = true,' + 'require("crypto").fips = false,' + 'require("crypto").fips)', process.env); // setFipsCrypto takes precedence over OpenSSL config file, FIPS on testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', [`--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_OFF}`], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ENABLED : FIPS_ERROR_STRING, '(require("crypto").fips = true,' + 'require("crypto").fips)', process.env); // setFipsCrypto takes precedence over OpenSSL config file, FIPS off testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', [`--openssl-config=${CNF_FIPS_ON}`], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_DISABLED : FIPS_ERROR_STRING, '(require("crypto").fips = false,' + 'require("crypto").fips)', process.env); // --enable-fips does not prevent use of setFipsCrypto API testHelper( compiledWithFips() ? 'stdout' : 'stderr', ['--enable-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_DISABLED : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, '(require("crypto").fips = false,' + 'require("crypto").fips)', process.env); // --force-fips prevents use of setFipsCrypto API testHelper( 'stderr', ['--force-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ERROR_STRING : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips = false', process.env); // --force-fips and --enable-fips order does not matter testHelper( 'stderr', ['--force-fips', '--enable-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ERROR_STRING : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips = false', process.env); //--enable-fips and --force-fips order does not matter testHelper( 'stderr', ['--enable-fips', '--force-fips'], compiledWithFips() ? FIPS_ERROR_STRING : OPTION_ERROR_STRING, 'require("crypto").fips = false', process.env);