#!/usr/bin/python2.4 # Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """A JavaScript minifier. It is far from being a complete JS parser, so there are many valid JavaScript programs that will be ruined by it. Another strangeness is that it accepts $ and % as parts of identifiers. It doesn't merge lines or strip out blank lines in order to ease debugging. Variables at the top scope are properties of the global object so we can't rename them. It is assumed that you introduce variables with var as if JavaScript followed C++ scope rules around curly braces, so the declaration must be above the first use. Use as: import jsmin minifier = JavaScriptMinifier() program1 = minifier.JSMinify(program1) program2 = minifier.JSMinify(program2) """ import re class JavaScriptMinifier(object): """An object that you can feed code snippets to to get them minified.""" def __init__(self): # We prepopulate the list of identifiers that shouldn't be used. These # short language keywords could otherwise be used by the script as variable # names. self.seen_identifiers = {"do": True, "in": True} self.identifier_counter = 0 self.in_comment = False self.map = {} self.nesting = 0 def LookAtIdentifier(self, m): """Records identifiers or keywords that we see in use. (So we can avoid renaming variables to these strings.) Args: m: The match object returned by re.search. Returns: Nothing. """ identifier = m.group(1) self.seen_identifiers[identifier] = True def Push(self): """Called when we encounter a '{'.""" self.nesting += 1 def Pop(self): """Called when we encounter a '}'.""" self.nesting -= 1 # We treat each top-level opening brace as a single scope that can span # several sets of nested braces. if self.nesting == 0: self.map = {} self.identifier_counter = 0 def Declaration(self, m): """Rewrites bits of the program selected by a regexp. These can be curly braces, literal strings, function declarations and var declarations. (These last two must be on one line including the opening curly brace of the function for their variables to be renamed). Args: m: The match object returned by re.search. Returns: The string that should replace the match in the rewritten program. """ matched_text = m.group(0) if matched_text == "{": self.Push() return matched_text if matched_text == "}": self.Pop() return matched_text if re.match("[\"'/]", matched_text): return matched_text m = re.match(r"var ", matched_text) if m: var_names = matched_text[m.end():] var_names = re.split(r",", var_names) return "var " + ",".join(map(self.FindNewName, var_names)) m = re.match(r"(function\b[^(]*)\((.*)\)\{$", matched_text) if m: up_to_args = m.group(1) args = m.group(2) args = re.split(r",", args) self.Push() return up_to_args + "(" + ",".join(map(self.FindNewName, args)) + "){" if matched_text in self.map: return self.map[matched_text] return matched_text def CharFromNumber(self, number): """A single-digit base-52 encoding using a-zA-Z.""" if number < 26: return chr(number + 97) number -= 26 return chr(number + 65) def FindNewName(self, var_name): """Finds a new 1-character or 2-character name for a variable. Enters it into the mapping table for this scope. Args: var_name: The name of the variable before renaming. Returns: The new name of the variable. """ new_identifier = "" # Variable names that end in _ are member variables of the global object, # so they can be visible from code in a different scope. We leave them # alone. if var_name in self.map: return self.map[var_name] if self.nesting == 0: return var_name while True: identifier_first_char = self.identifier_counter % 52 identifier_second_char = self.identifier_counter / 52 new_identifier = self.CharFromNumber(identifier_first_char) if identifier_second_char != 0: new_identifier = ( self.CharFromNumber(identifier_second_char - 1) + new_identifier) self.identifier_counter += 1 if not new_identifier in self.seen_identifiers: break self.map[var_name] = new_identifier return new_identifier def RemoveSpaces(self, m): """Returns literal strings unchanged, replaces other inputs with group 2. Other inputs are replaced with the contents of capture 1. This is either a single space or an empty string. Args: m: The match object returned by re.search. Returns: The string that should be inserted instead of the matched text. """ entire_match = m.group(0) replacement = m.group(1) if re.match(r"'.*'$", entire_match): return entire_match if re.match(r'".*"$', entire_match): return entire_match if re.match(r"/.+/$", entire_match): return entire_match return replacement def JSMinify(self, text): """The main entry point. Takes a text and returns a compressed version. The compressed version hopefully does the same thing. Line breaks are preserved. Args: text: The text of the code snippet as a multiline string. Returns: The compressed text of the code snippet as a multiline string. """ new_lines = [] for line in re.split(r"\n", text): line = line.replace("\t", " ") if self.in_comment: m = re.search(r"\*/", line) if m: line = line[m.end():] self.in_comment = False else: new_lines.append("") continue if not self.in_comment: line = re.sub(r"/\*.*?\*/", " ", line) line = re.sub(r"//.*", "", line) m = re.search(r"/\*", line) if m: line = line[:m.start()] self.in_comment = True # Strip leading and trailing spaces. line = re.sub(r"^ +", "", line) line = re.sub(r" +$", "", line) # A regexp that matches a literal string surrounded by "double quotes". # This regexp can handle embedded backslash-escaped characters including # embedded backslash-escaped double quotes. double_quoted_string = r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"' # A regexp that matches a literal string surrounded by 'double quotes'. single_quoted_string = r"'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'" # A regexp that matches a regexp literal surrounded by /slashes/. slash_quoted_regexp = r"/(?:[^/\\]|\\.)+/" # Replace multiple spaces with a single space. line = re.sub("|".join([double_quoted_string, single_quoted_string, slash_quoted_regexp, "( )+"]), self.RemoveSpaces, line) # Strip single spaces unless they have an identifier character both before # and after the space. % and $ are counted as identifier characters. line = re.sub("|".join([double_quoted_string, single_quoted_string, slash_quoted_regexp, r"(?