module.exports = exports = configure /** * Module dependencies. */ var fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , glob = require('glob') , semver = require('semver') , mkdirp = require('./util/mkdirp') , createHook = require('./util/hook') , asyncEmit = require('./util/asyncEmit') , win = process.platform == 'win32' exports.usage = 'Generates ' + (win ? 'MSVC project files' : 'a Makefile') + ' for the current module' function configure (gyp, argv, callback) { var python = gyp.opts.python || 'python' , buildDir = path.resolve('build') , configPath , emitter , versionStr , version // Very first step is to load up the user-defined 'gyp-configure.js' file if it // exists. We relay filecycle events using the eventemitter returned from this createHook('gyp-configure.js', function (err, _e) { if (err) return callback(err) emitter = _e getVersion() }) function getVersion () { if ( { // if --target was given, then ensure that version is installed versionStr = gyp.verbose('compiling against --target node version', versionStr) } else { // if no --target was specified then use the current host node version versionStr = process.version gyp.verbose('no --target version specified, falling back to host node version', versionStr) } version = semver.parse(versionStr) if (!version) { return callback(new Error('Invalid version number: ' + versionStr)) } version = version.slice(1, 4).join('.') gyp.opts.ensure = true gyp.commands.install([ version ], createBuildDir) } function createBuildDir (err) { if (err) return callback(err) gyp.verbose('attempting to create "build" dir', buildDir) mkdirp(buildDir, function (err, isNew) { if (err) return callback(err) gyp.verbose('"build" dir needed to be created?', isNew) createConfigFile() }) } function createConfigFile (err) { if (err) return callback(err) gyp.verbose('creating build/config.gypi file') var config = {} configPath = path.resolve(buildDir, 'config.gypi') config.target_defaults = { cflags: [] , default_configuration: gyp.opts.debug ? 'Debug' : 'Release' , defines: [] , include_dirs: [] , libraries: [] } config.variables = { target_arch: gyp.opts.arch || process.arch || 'ia32' } var prefix = '# Do not edit. File was generated by node-gyp\'s "configure" step' , json = JSON.stringify(config, null, 2) gyp.verbose('writing out config file', configPath) fs.writeFile(configPath, [prefix, json, ''].join('\n'), runGypAddon) } function runGypAddon (err) { if (err) return callback(err) var devDir = path.resolve(process.env.HOME, '.node-gyp', version) , gyp_addon = path.resolve(devDir, 'tools', 'gyp_addon') if (!win && !~argv.indexOf('-f') && !~argv.indexOf('--format')) { gyp.verbose('gyp format was not specified; forcing "make"') // force the 'make' target for non-Windows argv.push('-f', 'make') } // include the "config.gypi" file that was generated argv.unshift('-I' + configPath) // enforce use of the "binding.gyp" file argv.unshift('binding.gyp') // execute `gyp_addon` from the current target node version argv.unshift(gyp_addon) asyncEmit(emitter, 'before', function (err) { if (err) return callback(err) var cp = gyp.spawn(python, argv) cp.on('exit', onCpExit) }) } /** * Called when the `gyp_addon` child process exits. */ function onCpExit (code, signal) { asyncEmit(emitter, 'after', function (err) { if (err) { callback(err) } else if (code !== 0) { callback(new Error('`gyp_addon` failed with exit code: ' + code)) } else { // we're done callback() } }) } }