// A passthrough read/write stream that sets its properties
// based on a header, extendedHeader, and globalHeader
// Can be either a file system object of some sort, or
// a pax/ustar metadata entry.

module.exports = Entry

var TarHeader = require("./header.js")
  , tar = require("../tar")
  , assert = require("assert").ok
  , Stream = require("stream").Stream
  , inherits = require("inherits")
  , fstream = require("fstream").Abstract

function Entry (header, extended, global) {
  this.readable = true
  this.writable = true

  this._needDrain = false
  this._paused = false
  this._reading = false
  this._ending = false
  this._ended = false
  this._remaining = 0
  this._queue = []
  this._index = 0
  this._queueLen = 0

  this._read = this._read.bind(this)

  this.props = {}
  this._header = header
  this._extended = extended || {}

  // globals can change throughout the course of
  // a file parse operation.  Freeze it at its current state.
  this._global = {}
  var me = this
  Object.keys(global || {}).forEach(function (g) {
    me._global[g] = global[g]


inherits(Entry, Stream,
{ write: function (c) {
    if (this._ending) this.error("write() after end()", null, true)
    if (this._remaining === 0) {
      this.error("invalid bytes past eof")

    // often we'll get a bunch of \0 at the end of the last write,
    // since chunks will always be 512 bytes when reading a tarball.
    if (c.length > this._remaining) {
      c = c.slice(0, this._remaining)
    this._remaining -= c.length

    // put it on the stack.
    var ql = this._queueLen
    this._queueLen ++


    // either paused, or buffered
    if (this._paused || ql > 0) {
      this._needDrain = true
      return false

    return true

, end: function (c) {
    if (c) this.write(c)
    this._ending = true

, pause: function () {
    this._paused = true

, resume: function () {
    // console.error("    Tar Entry resume", this.path)
    this._paused = false
    return this._queueLen - this._index > 1

  // This is bound to the instance
, _read: function () {
    // console.error("    Tar Entry _read", this.path)

    if (this._paused || this._reading || this._ended) return

    // set this flag so that event handlers don't inadvertently
    // get multiple _read() calls running.
    this._reading = true

    // have any data to emit?
    if (this._index < this._queueLen) {
      var chunk = this._queue[this._index ++]
      this.emit("data", chunk)

    // check if we're drained
    if (this._index >= this._queueLen) {
      this._queue.length = this._queueLen = this._index = 0
      if (this._needDrain) {
        this._needDrain = false
      if (this._ending) {
        this._ended = true

    // if the queue gets too big, then pluck off whatever we can.
    // this should be fairly rare.
    var mql = this._maxQueueLen
    if (this._queueLen > mql && this._index > 0) {
      mql = Math.min(this._index, mql)
      this._index -= mql
      this._queueLen -= mql
      this._queue = this._queue.slice(mql)

    this._reading = false

, _setProps: function () {
    // props = extended->global->header->{}
    var header = this._header
      , extended = this._extended
      , global = this._global
      , props = this.props

    // first get the values from the normal header.
    var fields = tar.fields
    for (var f = 0; fields[f] !== null; f ++) {
      var field = fields[f]
        , val = header[field]
      if (typeof val !== "undefined") props[field] = val

    // next, the global header for this file.
    // numeric values, etc, will have already been parsed.
    ;[global, extended].forEach(function (p) {
      Object.keys(p).forEach(function (f) {
        if (typeof p[f] !== "undefined") props[f] = p[f]

    // no nulls allowed in path or linkpath
    ;["path", "linkpath"].forEach(function (p) {
      if (props.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
        props[p] = props[p].split("\0")[0]

    // set date fields to be a proper date
    ;["mtime", "ctime", "atime"].forEach(function (p) {
      if (props.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
        props[p] = new Date(props[p] * 1000)

    // set the type so that we know what kind of file to create
    var type
    switch (tar.types[props.type]) {
      case "OldFile":
      case "ContiguousFile":
        type = "File"

      case "GNUDumpDir":
        type = "Directory"

      case undefined:
        type = "Unknown"

      case "Link":
      case "SymbolicLink":
      case "CharacterDevice":
      case "BlockDevice":
      case "Directory":
      case "FIFO":
        type = tar.types[props.type]

    this.type = type
    this.path = props.path
    this.size = props.size

    // size is special, since it signals when the file needs to end.
    this._remaining = props.size
, warn: fstream.warn
, error: fstream.error