// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit // persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the // following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included // in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN // NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR // OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE // USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. var common = require('../common'); var assert = require('assert'); var a = require('assert'); function makeBlock(f) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return function() { return f.apply(this, args); }; } assert.ok(common.indirectInstanceOf(a.AssertionError.prototype, Error), 'a.AssertionError instanceof Error'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a, false), a.AssertionError, 'ok(false)'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a, true), a.AssertionError, 'ok(true)'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a, 'test', 'ok(\'test\')')); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.ok, false), a.AssertionError, 'ok(false)'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.ok, true), a.AssertionError, 'ok(true)'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.ok, 'test'), 'ok(\'test\')'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.equal, true, false), a.AssertionError, 'equal'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.equal, null, null), 'equal'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.equal, undefined, undefined), 'equal'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.equal, null, undefined), 'equal'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.equal, true, true), 'equal'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.equal, 2, '2'), 'equal'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.notEqual, true, false), 'notEqual'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.notEqual, true, true), a.AssertionError, 'notEqual'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.strictEqual, 2, '2'), a.AssertionError, 'strictEqual'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.strictEqual, null, undefined), a.AssertionError, 'strictEqual'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.notStrictEqual, 2, '2'), 'notStrictEqual'); // deepEquals joy! // 7.2 assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, new Date(2000, 3, 14), new Date(2000, 3, 14)), 'deepEqual date'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, new Date(), new Date(2000, 3, 14)), a.AssertionError, 'deepEqual date'); // 7.3 assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/, /a/)); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/g, /a/g)); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/i, /a/i)); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/m, /a/m)); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/igm, /a/igm)); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /ab/, /a/)); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/g, /a/)); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/i, /a/)); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/m, /a/)); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, /a/igm, /a/im)); var re1 = /a/; re1.lastIndex = 3; assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, re1, /a/)); // 7.4 assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, 4, '4'), 'deepEqual == check'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, true, 1), 'deepEqual == check'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, 4, '5'), a.AssertionError, 'deepEqual == check'); // 7.5 // having the same number of owned properties && the same set of keys assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, {a: 4}, {a: 4})); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, {a: 4, b: '2'}, {a: 4, b: '2'})); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, [4], ['4'])); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, {a: 4}, {a: 4, b: true}), a.AssertionError); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, ['a'], {0: 'a'})); //(although not necessarily the same order), assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, {a: 4, b: '1'}, {b: '1', a: 4})); var a1 = [1, 2, 3]; var a2 = [1, 2, 3]; a1.a = 'test'; a1.b = true; a2.b = true; a2.a = 'test'; assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, Object.keys(a1), Object.keys(a2)), a.AssertionError); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, a1, a2)); // having an identical prototype property var nbRoot = { toString: function() { return this.first + ' ' + this.last; } }; function nameBuilder(first, last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; return this; } nameBuilder.prototype = nbRoot; function nameBuilder2(first, last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; return this; } nameBuilder2.prototype = nbRoot; var nb1 = new nameBuilder('Ryan', 'Dahl'); var nb2 = new nameBuilder2('Ryan', 'Dahl'); assert.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, nb1, nb2)); nameBuilder2.prototype = Object; nb2 = new nameBuilder2('Ryan', 'Dahl'); assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, nb1, nb2), a.AssertionError); // String literal + object blew up my implementation... assert.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, 'a', {}), a.AssertionError); // Testing the throwing function thrower(errorConstructor) { throw new errorConstructor('test'); } var aethrow = makeBlock(thrower, a.AssertionError); aethrow = makeBlock(thrower, a.AssertionError); // the basic calls work assert.throws(makeBlock(thrower, a.AssertionError), a.AssertionError, 'message'); assert.throws(makeBlock(thrower, a.AssertionError), a.AssertionError); assert.throws(makeBlock(thrower, a.AssertionError)); // if not passing an error, catch all. assert.throws(makeBlock(thrower, TypeError)); // when passing a type, only catch errors of the appropriate type var threw = false; try { a.throws(makeBlock(thrower, TypeError), a.AssertionError); } catch (e) { threw = true; assert.ok(e instanceof TypeError, 'type'); } assert.equal(true, threw, 'a.throws with an explicit error is eating extra errors', a.AssertionError); threw = false; // doesNotThrow should pass through all errors try { a.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(thrower, TypeError), a.AssertionError); } catch (e) { threw = true; assert.ok(e instanceof TypeError); } assert.equal(true, threw, 'a.doesNotThrow with an explicit error is eating extra errors'); // key difference is that throwing our correct error makes an assertion error try { a.doesNotThrow(makeBlock(thrower, TypeError), TypeError); } catch (e) { threw = true; assert.ok(e instanceof a.AssertionError); } assert.equal(true, threw, 'a.doesNotThrow is not catching type matching errors'); assert.throws(function() {assert.ifError(new Error('test error'))}); assert.doesNotThrow(function() {assert.ifError(null)}); assert.doesNotThrow(function() {assert.ifError()}); // make sure that validating using constructor really works threw = false; try { assert.throws( function() { throw ({}); }, Array ); } catch (e) { threw = true; } assert.ok(threw, 'wrong constructor validation'); // use a RegExp to validate error message a.throws(makeBlock(thrower, TypeError), /test/); // use a fn to validate error object a.throws(makeBlock(thrower, TypeError), function(err) { if ((err instanceof TypeError) && /test/.test(err)) { return true; } }); // GH-207. Make sure deepEqual doesn't loop forever on circular refs var b = {}; b.b = b; var c = {}; c.b = c; var gotError = false; try { assert.deepEqual(b, c); } catch (e) { gotError = true; } // GH-7178. Ensure reflexivity of deepEqual with `arguments` objects. var args = (function() { return arguments; })(); a.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, [], args)); a.throws(makeBlock(a.deepEqual, args, [])); console.log('All OK'); assert.ok(gotError); var circular = {y: 1}; circular.x = circular; function testAssertionMessage(actual, expected) { try { assert.equal(actual, ''); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.toString(), ['AssertionError:', expected, '==', '\'\''].join(' ')); assert.ok(e.generatedMessage, "Message not marked as generated"); } } testAssertionMessage(undefined, 'undefined'); testAssertionMessage(null, 'null'); testAssertionMessage(true, 'true'); testAssertionMessage(false, 'false'); testAssertionMessage(0, '0'); testAssertionMessage(100, '100'); testAssertionMessage(NaN, 'NaN'); testAssertionMessage(Infinity, 'Infinity'); testAssertionMessage(-Infinity, '-Infinity'); testAssertionMessage('', '""'); testAssertionMessage('foo', '\'foo\''); testAssertionMessage([], '[]'); testAssertionMessage([1, 2, 3], '[ 1, 2, 3 ]'); testAssertionMessage(/a/, '/a/'); testAssertionMessage(/abc/gim, '/abc/gim'); testAssertionMessage(function f() {}, '[Function: f]'); testAssertionMessage(function () {}, '[Function]'); testAssertionMessage({}, '{}'); testAssertionMessage(circular, '{ y: 1, x: [Circular] }'); testAssertionMessage({a: undefined, b: null}, '{ a: undefined, b: null }'); testAssertionMessage({a: NaN, b: Infinity, c: -Infinity}, '{ a: NaN, b: Infinity, c: -Infinity }'); // #2893 try { assert.throws(function () { assert.ifError(null); }); } catch (e) { threw = true; assert.equal(e.message, 'Missing expected exception..'); } assert.ok(threw); // #5292 try { assert.equal(1, 2); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.toString().split('\n')[0], 'AssertionError: 1 == 2') assert.ok(e.generatedMessage, 'Message not marked as generated'); } try { assert.equal(1, 2, 'oh no'); } catch (e) { assert.equal(e.toString().split('\n')[0], 'AssertionError: oh no') assert.equal(e.generatedMessage, false, 'Message incorrectly marked as generated'); }